In the research, Aerobic Octal Test (AOT) is designed and its psychometric properties including reliability, and logical, content, and construct (known groups) validities were examined. The Subjects included 71 pupils (7-11 years), 60 students (18-22 years), 36 healthy adults (42-73 years), and 18 cardiac patients (48-72 years) selected by purposeful cluster sampling. There were 9 sub-groups for the study including: 20 girls (7 years), 27 girls (9 years), 24 girls (11 years), 23 girl-students, 37 boy-students, 13 old women, 13 old men, 8 women (cardiac patients), and 10 men (cardiac patients).The students had to do three AOT tests during a week, but the other subjects just did one test. The information of students was used to calculate the reliability of AOT by infraclass correlation analysis. Records of the first AOT of students along with records of other sub-groups were used to calculate the known-groups validity of AOT by one-way ANOVA.Reasons for logical and content validity of AOT are presented expansively in the article. The subjects were tested in spite of age, gender, and health variability and they all could achieve AOT easily. The reliability of test in three times during a week was 0.98. Construct validity was approved as different sub-groups achieved AOT accordingly (p<0.0001), in the other hand, those of groups having a higher aerobic capacity, during the AOT, got the higher intensity. This study showed that AOT had an excellent practicality and reliability, as well as good construct, content, and logical validity. Therefore, it seems that AOT could be introduced as a good alternative for progressive aerobic tests such as 20-minuteShuttleRun, 6-MinuteWalk Test, and Chester Step Test.