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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this research was to study existing programs and design talent identification parameters in athletics in Iran. Three researcher prepared valid and reliable questionnaires and divided them among National youth, Junior, and Senior and National Club coaches and elite athletes, from which 81 of first and 65 of second questionnaires filled by coaches and 112 of third questionnaire filled by elite athletes were used. In this study variables such as existing talent identification in the world and Iran, the necessity of talent identification model in Iran, methods, age and criterions for talent identification, the responsible organizations for talent detection, selection, development and perfection in athletic, andthe priority of different structural, physiological,socio psychological, technical and physical fitness parameters in different events in athletics were studied. Also, correlation between views of coaches and athletes regarding some variables and comparison of some structural and physiological parameters between data of Iranian elite athletes (N = 92) and international norms wereevaluated. Descriptive and inferential statistic at the significant level of a = 0.05 were used to analyze the data. The findings are as follows: 1. %76.3 of subjects stated that there is no talent Identification (T. I) model in Iran but %91 believed that T. I model and program is vital and necessary. 2. Reviewing literature showed that there is not a wide world model in T. I but some of powerful countries in athletics used T. I programs. 3. %82.5 of subjects stated that general tests and measurements of some structural and physiological parameters and specific tests should be used as T. I criterions; %68.8 suggested 10-14 yrs as T. I age. 4. %41.3 of subjects suggested that under the present conditions holding competitions are the most applicable methods for T. I age. 5. %87.5 of subject stated that the most important organization for T. I is Ministry of Education and %83.6 of subjects offered teachers and then experts in athletic federation as best source for T. I, whereas %82.5 stated that the most important organization for talent development and perfection is federation and then physical education sectors in educational system. 6. Priority of parameters for sprinting events are physical fitness, structural, physiological, technical, and socio-psychologicaI. Whereas for middle distance events are physiological, physical fitness, structural, technical and socio-psychological and for distance runners are physiological, physical fitness, socio-psychological, structural and technical. 7. Priority of parameters for hurdles (110-400m) are structural, physical fitness, technical, physiological and socio-psychological. Whereas for 3000 m steeplechase is physiological, physical fitness, structural, socio-psychological and technical. 8. These priority of parameters for throws are structural, physical fitness, technical, socio-psychological, and physiological whereas for Jumps are structural, technical, physical fitness, physiological and socio-psychological. 9. Priority of parameters for walking events are structural, technical, physical fitness, physiological and socio-psychological. Whereas for decathlonathletes are physicalfitness,structural,technical ,physiological, and socio-psychological. 10. There is a correlation between views of coaches and elite athletes regarding such variables as necessity of T. I model, the most important organizations for talent detection, selection, development and perfection and also the age for talent identification. 11. Comparing some of the structural and physiological parameters measured in our elite athletes with international norms showed that all of our national athletes almost in all of events have weaker values. However, findings of this study revealed that in order to have valuable talents and inputs for national level and in order to reach better and faster results, talent identification and following an acceptable model is necessary. But, under the present conditions the easiest and the most applicable method for talent identification are competitions, sport festivals for youth and simple field tests.

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Within intercollegiate athletic work environments, the Job Retention Factors (JRF) of physical Education & Sport Coaches continues to be an issue. In this study work balance and Conditions; Recognition and Collegial Support; and Inc1usivity were investigated. A 33 - item survey was administerated to randomly selected subjects (n = 193) to assess JRF on a 7 point likert scale. For statistical purpose, Indepdent t-test and pearson correlation were used at level of (P > 0.05). Findings revealed that regarding to "JRF" Coaches stay in moderate degree and the Recognition & collegial support was better than other Factors. In addition P.E majors and tranquil ones had high JRF.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the influencing factors on the safty management of the country"s soccer stadiums from the standpoint of the speclators, players and organizing directors of soccer stadiums. With regards to the increasing enthusiasm and interest in soccer in our country and the trend towards professionalism and its governing Philosophy, that is, "to win under any circumstances" in this sport. It is urgent to control and minimize harmful consequences and abnormal reactions of the spectators enhanced by dissatis factions. Safty management is defined as to control all the structural elements of the stadiums and managerial aspects of soccer game in order to minimize all the risks of public triot. The sampeling frame of this research included all spectators, players, and stadiums executive directors of soccer stadiums in which the soccer matches of the first group (Azadegan Cup) held. The samples consisted of 2 percent of all the spectators of the teams in the first group, about 50 percent of the players, and all of the executive gers. The instruments used in this research were three questionaires which has been developed and standardized by the researcher. Some of the findings of the present research are as following: - Most of the spectators were below 25 years of age, in other words most of them were young. Most of trouble - makers who produced abnormal rections were between 15 to 20 years of age. - The structure of the stadiums and their accommodations were evaluated unsuitable by all the participants in the study. The samples of the study also asserted that: - The managerial aspects such as keeping things in order suitable entrance, good treatment of control guards, etc. Were fairly satisfatory. - The unsuitable structural factors of the stadium were the most important sources of the spectators" dissatisfaction. - The priorities to prevent trial and disorder in the stadiums included refrees Justice and control the players who would investigate the spectators. - Producing unreal sensitivities by media and Journalists leads to riot before the start of the game. Finally, a theorretical model was developed to guide manager how to control the population and their security.

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The main varaiable studied in this preliminary study was attentional focus in a target shooting task. The question was whether better achievement in target shooting in related to higher attentional focus, before any training programme begins. Therefore, 48 volunteaer subjects, all students (aged = 19-22 years) participated in a target shooting training course, consisted of 15 sessions, 90 minutes each. Before training, attentional focus was measured, using an electronic laboratory attention tester. All the subjects participated in a target shooting retention test in session 16. No significant correlation was found between attentional focus and retention scores. This means achievement in target shooting was not necessarily correlated with having a high level of attentional focus preceding the practice. The related ideas are discussed and the future directions of the study are explored.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of aerobic training (running) with 60% to 70% maximal reserved heart rate on LDL particle size, apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I) and apolipoprotein B (apo B) as the most important cardiorascular Factors. To this end twenty three male staffs of tarbiat modarres University were selected and were devided in to two groups randomly, experimental group (n = 12, age average ± SD = 39.1.7 I 6.29) and control group (N = 11, age average ± SD = 41.58 ± 7.86). The training programme consisted of 8 weeks each 3 sessions and in each session they practised at least 30 min with 60% to 70% maximal reserved heart rate. Results: LDL particle size increased significantly in Experimental Group (Pre: 258.85 ± 2.75, Post: 264,05 ± 3.59 A) (P :5 0.001); But no changed in control group (Pre: 257.44 ± 4.33, Post: 257.17 ± 6.89 A) Pre - and Post - training mean apo A-I, was not changed significantly in the experimental group (Pre 165.46 ± 38.53, Post 175.50 ±31.73) (P :5 0.35). On the other hand, control group subjects had reduced apo A-I concentration but not significantly (Pre 172.1 ± 59.49, Post 145.61 :!: 23.8) (P :5 0.094). ApoB concentration was not reduced significantly in the both groups (Exp: Pre 91.72 ± 29.74, Post 84.7 :!: 21.6; Cotrol: Pre 104.21 ±17.84, Post± 13.71). Comparison of post test ApoB/ ApoA-1 results, showed significant deferences between two groups (Exp.: 0.55, CaNT: 0.72) (P :5 0.02). Conclusion: According to these results, ApoA-1 & ApoB concentra tion was not changed significantly, but 8 weeks aerobic training had benefical and significant effects on LDL size, AopB/ApoA-1, so that CHD reduced among Exp. subjects. Thus, Middle aged male can use such an exercise training program in order to prevention of cardiovascular diseas.

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Leadership and job satisfaction are determenant factors for productivity in organisations. The studies implies that: The job satisfaction affected leadership style (Dohrty and DanyIchuk 1998) and will cause of high performance (V room 1985, A grill 1985). This survey was undertaken to investigate the relationship between leadership and job satisfaction in physical Education Organisation, staffs of I.R. Iran. Leadership was measured by TLpl (Sashkin and etal 1996) and job satisfaction by the JFS2 (Wysocki and Kromm 1991). A sample of professionals employee from Physical Education Organisationof I.R. IRAN In Tehran (n=134) complited questionnaires. The result of statistical analysis revealed that: 1. There is a positive and significant correlation between leadership style and job satisfaction (p = 0/001). 2. There is a positive and significant correlation between transformational leadership style and job satisfaction (p = 0/001). 3. There is a positive and significant correlation between transactional leadership style and job satisfaction (p = 0/001). 4. Expreance and transformational leadership behaviors are best predictors for job satisfaction

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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect increasing exercise on the salivary concentration of testosterone (T), cortisol (C) and free testosterone to cortisol ratio (FfCR) Nine male college wrestlers (aged 22.4 years, height 170.22 cm, wight 66.6 kg, V02max 47 mtI. min-I. kg-I) performed exhausting incremental increasing exercise on treadmil under the Bruce test. Saliva samples were collected before and three times (for 90 min, every 30 min) after exercise. The T and C assays were performed using commercially available Enzyme Linked Immunosorbant assay (ELAISA). The kit for T and C obtained from RADlM, pomezia (ITALY) and DRG (GERMANY) respectively. Data were analyzed using repeated measures (ANOY A) and value of P < 0.05 were considered as significant. After one bout of exercise, concentration of salivary T was decreased (P > 0.05) and continued to decrease 90 min after exercise, but after 90 min recovery this decrease was significant (P < 0.001). The concentration of salivary C immediately and 30 min after exercise increased (P < 0.001) in comparison to pre exercise, but after 90 min of recovery period, concentration of C decreased and returned to the near of pre exercise values. The concentration of FTCR immediately after exercise incomparisn to resting values decreased (P < 0.001) and continued to decrease until 90 min after recovery. These results showed that one bout of incremental graded exercise to exhaustion caused remarkable changes in salivary T and C and these changes continued until 120 min after exercise. The low FTCR after exercise considered as a catabolic phase.

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The propose of this study was to investigate whether people practice sport at their leisure time or not and to find out the relationship between their leisure time and sport. Measuring was based on questionnaire prepared (r = 80/1) and the statistical pupulation included men and women aged between 20 to 65 years old. 0.08% of statistical pupulation (13480 persons) selected from states 27 provinees and 241 cities regarded as sample. The statistical procedure also was based on descriptive and inferential basis and included Chi square, analysis of variances, coefficient of correlation, and logistic regressions step by step. The results of this research showed that the average age of the participants were 34 years and 79.3% of them were married. Television was their first attempt in their leisure time and the second attempt was speaking with relatives and neighbors. Sport is the first intensive activity of the people at their leisure time and 60% of them peform physical activity. The research also showed that there was significant relationship between the leisure time and the satisfaction of doing sport.

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