The purpose of this research was to study existing programs and design
talent identification parameters in athletics in Iran. Three researcher
prepared valid and reliable questionnaires and divided them among
National youth, Junior, and Senior and National Club coaches and elite
athletes, from which 81 of first and 65 of second questionnaires filled by
coaches and 112 of third questionnaire filled by elite athletes were used.
In this study variables such as existing talent identification in the world
and Iran, the necessity of talent identification model in Iran, methods,
age and criterions for talent identification, the responsible organizations
for talent detection, selection, development and perfection in athletic,
andthe priority of different structural, physiological,socio
psychological, technical and physical fitness parameters in different
events in athletics were studied. Also, correlation between views of
coaches and athletes regarding some variables and comparison of some
structural and physiological parameters between data of Iranian elite
athletes (N = 92) and international norms wereevaluated. Descriptive
and inferential statistic at the significant level of a = 0.05 were used to
analyze the data. The findings are as follows:
1. %76.3 of subjects stated that there is no talent Identification (T. I)
model in Iran but %91 believed that T. I model and program is vital
and necessary.
2. Reviewing literature showed that there is not a wide world model in
T. I but some of powerful countries in athletics used T. I programs.
3. %82.5 of subjects stated that general tests and measurements of
some structural and physiological parameters and specific tests
should be used as T. I criterions; %68.8 suggested 10-14 yrs as T. I
4. %41.3 of subjects suggested that under the present conditions
holding competitions are the most applicable methods for T. I age.
5. %87.5 of subject stated that the most important organization for T. I
is Ministry of Education and %83.6 of subjects offered teachers and
then experts in athletic federation as best source for T. I, whereas
%82.5 stated that the most important organization for talent
development and perfection is federation and then physical
education sectors in educational system.
6. Priority of parameters for sprinting events are physical fitness,
structural, physiological, technical, and socio-psychologicaI. Whereas
for middle distance events are physiological, physical fitness,
structural, technical and socio-psychological
and for distance
runners are physiological, physical fitness, socio-psychological,
structural and technical.
7. Priority of parameters for hurdles (110-400m) are structural,
physical fitness, technical, physiological and socio-psychological.
Whereas for 3000 m steeplechase is physiological, physical fitness,
structural, socio-psychological and technical.
8. These priority of parameters for throws are structural, physical
fitness, technical, socio-psychological, and physiological whereas for
Jumps are structural, technical, physical fitness, physiological and
9. Priority of parameters for walking events are structural, technical,
physical fitness, physiological and socio-psychological. Whereas for
decathlonathletes are physicalfitness,structural,technical ,physiological, and socio-psychological.
10. There is a correlation between views of coaches and elite athletes
regarding such variables as necessity of T. I model, the most
important organizations for talent detection, selection, development
and perfection and also the age for talent identification.
11. Comparing some of the structural and physiological parameters
measured in our elite athletes with international norms showed that
all of our national athletes almost in all of events have weaker
However, findings of this study revealed that in order to have
valuable talents and inputs for national level and in order to reach better
and faster results, talent identification and following an acceptable
model is necessary. But, under the present conditions the easiest and the
most applicable method for talent identification are competitions, sport
festivals for youth and simple field tests.