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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: The purpose of this Study was to examine the effect of choline supplement and carbohydrate solution on endurance performance (2-h cycling on spin trainer, difficulty level=3, Rpm based on subject's ability) and metabolic fatigue (decrease in blood glucose, increase in blood lactate). Method: 15 trained cyclists. Participated in two exercise sessions with one week. elapse between them. The subjects were ingested placebo (200ml juice, first exercise) or supplement (3g choline bitartrate with 200 ml juice, second exercise) prior to exercise and carbohydrate solution (2L-2% glucose) was ingested during exercise. Results: After first protocol, data revealed: non-significant decrease in blood glucose significant increase in blood lactate and significant decrease in triglyceride. After second protocol, data showed: significant increase in blood choline, blood glucose, blood lactate and endurance performance; non-significant increase in triglyceride. After second protocol, blood lactate was significantly lower than first protocol. Conclusion: With respect to these findings, can conclude that, pre exercise choline supplement in combination with carbohydrate solution during activity affect the pathway of energy production of activity and lead to low metabolic fatigue and endurance performance improvement.  

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Purpose: Despite the relation among the hereditary aspects and fingerprints papillary. Ridge patterns, which have important role in different aspects. It also seems sport such as a segments, which that can be surveyed from fingerprints one of the hereditary appearances. The Purpose of this study was to determine dermatoglyphic characteristics in wrestling and Volleyball National team. Method: This investigation has been conducted in a survey research and casual- comparative study. Descriptive and inference statistics included means, chi-squared distribution, were used to determine differences between two independent variables. Statistical significance was set at P≤0.05. The subjects consisted of 65 Iranian elite wrestlers and 25 Iranian elite volleyball players. Results: The results of this research shows. That among volleyball players fingerprint, 56/8. And 40 percent print belongs to whorl and loop type print and just 3/2 percent of print to arch. The results of study also show, there were a 43/2 of whorl, 53/9 of loop and 2/9 of arch type among fingerprint in wrestlers. Results of the chi-squared test showed that volleyball players had a 112/736 distribution, although in the elite wrestlers which had a 281/486 at P<0.005. Study results also show there were a meaningful difference between papillary ridges of the wrestlers and volleyball players dermatoglyphic hands. The research shows that, based on the combining formula, the (W+L) group in volleyball had the greatest part, but the (L+W) group in wrestling had the greatest geometrical figures. Whatever is important, not only of the differing of combining formula in the two groups of athletes, but also there is a following of variation in both groups from one another. Looking at the results of combining formula, can see that the presence of meaningful difference in both athletes. Conclusion: According to these results, following of this two patterns from an arrangement or systematic model assisted that presence of talent for sport or common trait and trait in athletes. It also can to distinguish of athletes and nonathletes, will be survey in the other studies.    

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Purpose: The Purpose of this study was to identify a period of physical activity effect in warm and normal water on plasma electerolytes (Na+, k+) in middle aged men. Method: Experimental group (n=15, 36.2±4 yrs) and control group (n=10, 35.4±yrs) were sampled from healthy middle aged men. Experimental and control groups performed physical activity (walking, 30 min per session in 17 days sequently) in warm (41 c) and normal temperature (29c) water respectively. The blood samples collected four times (day 1, day 4, day 11, day 18) during study. Data was analysed using t-student and ANOVA with repeated measurement tests.Results: Plasma Na+ and k+ was unchanged in each groups during study (P>0.05). Conclusion: These data suggest that physical activity in warm and normal temperature water do not show any effects on Na+ , k+ values in middle aged men.  

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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to detem1ine relationship among anthropometric characteristics and sprint and endurance performance in Iranian elite male swimmers. Method: For this reason, 72 elite male swimmers (age: 12.75±4.4 years, height: 159.95±2.12 cm and weight: 52.9l±2.16 kg), were selected and their anthropometric characteristics and sprint and endurance swimming performance was tested. Results: Correlation results showed that there was no significant relationship among an- thropometric factors except for pelvic width with 200 meter swimming time and subscapularis skinfold measure with 200 and 50 meter swimming time.  

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Purpose: The purpose of this research was to compare and contrast the effect of internal and external attention on learning dynamic balance task on the stabilometer. Method: The participants (n=30, age range: 8 years) primary school pupils from district three of Isfahan were randomly chosen. They were equally divided into two groups. both groups worked with the stabilometer for one of them the internal attention method, and for the other, the external attention method Was implemented. On the first day. They performed eight 30-trials. duration with suitable rest intervals; and on the next day, They performed the same number of trials Each time. The participants performance in terms of their balance on the stabilometer, was recorded in seconds. The data was analyzed using SPSS software according to the ANOVA Test. Results: The results showed that there is a meaningful difference between the two learning methods used in the study. (P≤0/049) therefore.Conclusion: External attention method is superior to and more effective than, the internal attention learning method to maintain balance on the stabilometer.  

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Purpose: The purpose of the research was to study the equipments used by junior, high school students (bench and desk and height of blackboard) from ergonomical standards points and their relationship to anthropometrical dimensions of their users. Method: 203 junior male H.S. students with mean age of 13.6 ± 1.9 yrs. were selected as subjects and their anthropometrical measurements were taken. The equipments used by these students in their classes and the characteristics of the subjects' classes were also evaluated. The following measurements were taken from the subjects; standing and sitting height, leg length, shoulder width, arm length, sitting width, and visual line. The ergonomical characteristics of the bench, tables, including height width, slope, sitting height and blackboard height were also collected. The correlation between the data was computed by using "relative-standard" method and referenced anthropometrical formulas through t – Students test. (P ≤ 0.05). Results: The results of this study indicated that: tables' height (73.6 cm) is higher than the suitable height of user's body characteristics (54.25cm). The height of the benches and their body characteristics of users also showed significant relationships. However, the sitting width didn't show significant relation (P ≤0.05). Also, the top of the tables and benches' sitting were without standard slopes degree. The blackboards were placed lower than the standards of the visual line of the subject (139.5) which called in ergonomy, as "easy visual line". So, it also indicated significant relation (p < 0.05). The information provided in the  questionnaire forms also indicated that 49/3% of the users were dissatisfied and felt some sorts of tiredness. The tiring condition they complained from with regard to ergonomic disposi6on of the furniture which were considered included 41/9%in the knee, 24.1% in the leg 51.2% in the back, 47.8% in the neck, and 24.6% from the high blackboard. Conclusion: The present study indicated that the equipments used in schools lacked standard ergonomics, and suitability with the students' characteristics. Importantly lack of the attention to this point may cause, postural deformities, fatigue, pain, and deficiency of students.    

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Purpose: Objective of this study was assessment of total performance, necessity and special manner of utilization of foreign coaches in national and club Soccer of Iran.Method: We applied two methods, questionnaire and interview, for data collection. The Reliability and validity of question are approved by test of Cronbach Alpha and in consultation with specialist persons, respectively. 310 subjects including coaches, players, directors, teachers of faculty, and soccer referees participated (using questionnaire and interview) in this study. Statistical methods including descriptive methods (frequency, mean, percent) and Chi-Square test were used for data analysis. Results: Results showed that total performance of foreign coaches was better in club teams than to national teams. Study of coaches performance in national teams showed that their existence for Olympic and senior national teams were more useful than other teams (young & youth). Furthermore, we understood that the least foreign coaches were served in the national young and youth teams of Iran and thus we obtained the least efficiency about them. Results about necessity of foreign coaches for Iran soccer teams showed that young, youth, club, Olympic and senior teams was preferred, respectively. In addition, we found that the best criterions for selection of foreign coaches are coaching antecedent, nationality, culture and customs, earn, athletic antecedent and main language, respectively. Participants believed that nationality of foreign coaches is very important as well and coaches of Yugoslavia, England, Brazilian, Germany and Croatia declared better than other coaches, respectively. About special manner of utilization of foreign coaches, our results showed that utilization of foreign coachers as instructors or trainer, theorisian, advisor in the programming, conditioner and head coach will be more effective for Iran soccer respectively. Conclusion: Generally, utilization of efficient and powed1-ll foreign coaches is inevitable for improvement of Iran soccer now. However, it seems that there arc special aspects in our soccer, and thus it will be very necessary that we use from regional coach experiences in the national teams, spccia1ly in the senior teams of Iran.  

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Purpose: Human being always encounter with challenges, situations and different conditions that need to take right decision making. It is necessary that correct and legal encountering with this issues would ask a creative and dynamic thoughts. One of the methods is philosophical method. Smith, named it philosophical mindedness. He believed that philosophical mindedness is a pattern of thinking that has three dimensions such as comprehensiveness, penetration (deep thinking) and flexibility. The main objective of this survey is to study and analyze the conditions of philosophical mindedness of managers, different sport team coaches, team supervisors in Iran universities and higher education institutes. Method: The method of this research is descriptive and co relational. Data have been collected via valid and standardized questionnaires named philosophical mindedness that had sixty items with likert scale. These questionnaire have been conducted and performed by Iraj Soltani and M. Zaki has been conducted it for managers of four organizations. To detern1ine the validity of questionnaire, It has been given the suggestions and view points of professors and the reliability of test has been estimated according to crounbach alpha coefficient, that is equal to 92%. The subjects of this research are managers, coaches, supervisors of different sport teams in all over universities. They have been randomly selected, and statistical samples were executors, agents with 250 members. 94% of questionnaires have been returned. Results: Results show that all samples were average based on philosophical mindedness however, comparison between groups show that managers were better than other groups. On the hand, comparison between three dimensions of philosophical mindedness in whole samples, penetration, comprehensiveness and flexibility were better to others, respectively.  

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