Purpose: Objective of this study was assessment of total performance, necessity and special manner of utilization of foreign coaches in national and club Soccer of Iran.Method: We applied two methods, questionnaire and interview, for data collection. The Reliability and validity of question are approved by test of Cronbach Alpha and in consultation with specialist persons, respectively. 310 subjects including coaches, players, directors, teachers of faculty, and soccer referees participated (using questionnaire and interview) in this study. Statistical methods including descriptive methods (frequency, mean, percent) and Chi-Square test were used for data analysis. Results: Results showed that total performance of foreign coaches was better in club teams than to national teams. Study of coaches performance in national teams showed that their existence for Olympic and senior national teams were more useful than other teams (young & youth). Furthermore, we understood that the least foreign coaches were served in the national young and youth teams of Iran and thus we obtained the least efficiency about them. Results about necessity of foreign coaches for Iran soccer teams showed that young, youth, club, Olympic and senior teams was preferred, respectively. In addition, we found that the best criterions for selection of foreign coaches are coaching antecedent, nationality, culture and customs, earn, athletic antecedent and main language, respectively. Participants believed that nationality of foreign coaches is very important as well and coaches of Yugoslavia, England, Brazilian, Germany and Croatia declared better than other coaches, respectively. About special manner of utilization of foreign coaches, our results showed that utilization of foreign coachers as instructors or trainer, theorisian, advisor in the programming, conditioner and head coach will be more effective for Iran soccer respectively.
Conclusion: Generally, utilization of efficient and powed1-ll foreign coaches is inevitable for improvement of Iran soccer now. However, it seems that there arc special aspects in our soccer, and thus it will be very necessary that we use from regional coach experiences in the national teams, spccia1ly in the senior teams of Iran.