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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Aim: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the most common compressive neuropathy and is a common cause of dysfunction of many patients. Electrodiagnosis (ED) is a reliable test for assessment of median nerve. This research was done to survey clinical presentation with electrodiagnostic findings in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study 70 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome who came to neurology clinic of Ghaem hospital and Electrodiagnostic clinic of lmam Reza hospital in Mashad were studied. In this research age, sex, clinical complains and positive physical signs and sense disorders were surveyed. The data were analyzed by statistical tests and chi-square. Results: 63 of the patients were male and 7 of them were females. The Mean age of them was 48.2±12.3.73% of female cases were housekeeper. 10% of cases had a positive family history for CTS and 15.8% had a predisposing factor. Diabetes melitus was the most common predisposing factor. Pain and paresthesia were the most common chief complaint. 51.5% of them had bilateral involvement, 37% right side and 11.5% left side involvement. Tinel and Phalen tests were positive in 97.1% and 92.9% of cases respectively. 7 patients had weakness and atrophy of thenar eminence. According to ED tests 21.4% had mild, 32.9% had moderate and 45.7% had severe degree of CTS. Conclusion: we concluded that ED tests can be used for early diagnosis of C.T.S even before there are any clinical presentations. We recommended in any suspected case ED tests should be used for preventing of disabling complications.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Since saffron is mostly and widely used in traditional and modern medicine based on scientific research, its combinations and efficacy has interested most of researchers from pharmaceutics companies and medical fields. Research being done to survey the impact of saffron on pregnant women abortion in Gonabad population lab people. Materials and Methods: This descriptive and analytical research was done in the harvest time of saffron (Azar month) the samples were all the pregnant women of the first to 20 week of pregnancy dividing in two case and control group in such a way to be the same from education, age, pregnancy week and job. The case group could take part in saffron harvest as usual and the control group was forbidden to do it. The necessary teaching were given to control group in one session like how to use a mask, premedical examinations were done for both groups by a gynecologist, the data were collected and analyzed by descriptive and analytical statistics. Results: The findings showed that in the group contacting the saffron in any way the abortion rate was 10.5 % and in the group which had not any contact with saffron any abortion was reported. using Kendal-b and considering P=0.035 there is a meaningful relationship between two groups, It means that the abortion rate was more in the group contacting saffron from the group that had no any contact. Conclusion: Considering the research findings and women and mothers who provide the family health, it is recommended not to let the pregnant women to have any contact with saffron in harvesting time to avoid the abortion. These conditions can be taught by mass medias and by health and pregnant centers or the pregnant women can be given and supported financially during the harvesting time of saffron or training can be done through high schools.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Meningioma is one of the most common brain tumors and its prevalence wasl-4% in children. This study was done to survey the tumor cases that were done by surgery. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective- descriptive survey the the patients under 17 years old and were operated for meningioma in Ghaem and Mehr hospitals of Mashhad in 1995-2003 were studied. Information was collected by examining case notes and pathology records; complete medical records are available for 9 cases and long term follow up was achieved for 8 patients. All the cases were diagnosed and treated after CT scan and MRI scanning. Results: The samples 9 patients consisted of 5 boys and 4 girls, the age rate at the time of diagnosis varied between 3 months and 17 years. 6 cases were between 7-17 years old, 1 case was 3 years old and one 20 months and 1 case was 3 months. The most common presenting symptoms in declining order of frequency were raised intracranial pressure (ICP) focal neurological deficits, skull deformity and epilepsy. There have been no surgical death and gross total excision was achieved in 7 cases. Tumor recurrence was observed during the follow up period in 1 case, the follow up period varied between 1 and 9 years. Conclusion: Based on this research data Meningioma in children and young adults have a good prognosis if the tumor can be removed radically however relapse can occur many years after the primary operation.

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Background and Aim: Nowadays it is known that H.pylori, NSAIDs & acid are the most important factors in peptic ulcer formation. The rate of H.pylori infection, is increasing according to the increasing but in developing countries its more in children. This study was done to certify serologic assessment of Helicobacter pylori infection in Golestan medical students. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study after providing a questionnaire having demographic information. Blood samples were send to a certain laboratory and IgG anti- H.pylori titers was measured with ELISA. Demographic questionnaires were completed. Data was analyzed with X2 test. Results: 16 cases were sero-positive (4.2%) and 340 cases were sero-negative (88.3%). others were equivocal. There were no meaningful relationship between seropositiveness and other variables, Although a meaningful relationship were observed between history of GI disorder in person and seropositivity in him/her. Conclusion: Sero-positivity of H.pylori in our University is in lower level (4.2% versus 10%), but more extreme screening studies are needed

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Background and Aim: Breast feeding is significantly important in mothers and infants health and finan -cially beneficial for the country. This research was done to evaluate the impact of using "shirafza drop" by nursing mothers on weight gain (WG) of 0-6 months exclusively breastfed. Materials and Methods: The study was done by clinical trial of prespectively in two groups included of 158 breast fed mothers referring to health centers having problems in their infants weight gain received Shirafza Drop for 4 weeks (30 drops in 3 separate dose). This drug was prepared of six increasing milk plants: Foeniculum Volgare, Pimpinella Anisum, Cuminum Cyminum, Nigella Sativa, Anetom Gravolen and Petroselinum Crispum. The control received placebo (solution of chlorophyl in alcohol). The data were gathered by a questionnaire and follow up forms in five stages and infants were weighted in each stage. The data calculation was made by the chi- square test, analysis variance and analysis of co-variance and Hest. Results: The mean of total WG of infants at all stages in the case group (471.1± 222.9 g) and the control group (554.7± 321.1)werent statistically significant. (P=0.5) and there was not any significant relationship in the rate of mothers milk emotionally, the least WG in the first 3month (26 g/daily) and in the second 3 month (17 g/daily) then, the comparison of the two groups showed that the infants more than 3 months gained the least weight. Conclusion: According to this research data using Shirafza Drop by nursing mothers dont have any effect on 0-6 month infants weight gain

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Background and Aim: The variable and polymorphic manifestations of conversion disorders also called hysteria, have occupied physicians for some 1500 years. This study was to evaluate the clinical patterns of these manifestations in patients with such disorders in Azarbaijan culture and to followup themin a one- yearperiod. Material and Methods: In this prospective descriptive- experimental study, we approached 100 patients with conversion disorders. After preliminary evaluations, general medical had problems and hysteria - like psychiatric disorder been diagnosed on the basis of the creteria introduced in DSM-IV resulting in the previous exclusion of their cases from the study. All of the 100 patients selected to be studied were thoroughly examined medically, neurologically and psychiatrically. Results: The most common pattern observed in these patients was drop attack, accounting for 31% of all cases, followed by pareses and plegias in the second rank (29%) and then by pseudo seizures were observed in 26% of the cases. Familial stress was the most common predisposing factor, observed in 38 cases (38%), followed by occupational stress (20%), loss stress (16%) and problems related to sexuality and infertility. Personality disorders (37%) particularly histrionic personality, were the most prevalent disorders observed in patients with conversion disorders during preliminary regulations General medical comdilion (GMC) with conversion disorder was 10% and neurologIcal disorders with conversion disorder was 2.4%. Conclusion: Based on the Findings of this study and Considering the fact that about one-third of hysteria, patients are subsequently diagnosed as cases of organic disease such as epilepsy, sudden paralysis myasthenia gravis, thyroid myopathy, and polymosis it will be prudent to avoid hastliness and fanatic attitudes in dealing with this psycho pattoloical entity.

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Background and Aim: One of the most today world problems in TB treatment is dmg resistance because of its expensive expenditures, high mortality rate and hard controling of the disease. This research is to determine TB patients dmg resistant (such as Isoniazid, Rifampin). Materials and Methods: In the research the patients referring to Gorgan mral and urbon health centers during two years that their smear was positive not striken before or treated. The patients were treated TB Antidmgs adviced by WHO. In the case of positive smear after 4 months, The second Anti biogram was done by proportional standard method after the culture. Results: From 260 patients, 31 after the fourth months had positive smear treatment that after (cat 11) only two were positive and only one was found to have dmg resistance to Isoniazid and Rifarnpin (MDR). Conclusion: The prevalence and drug resistance rate mycobacterium strainis showed that drug resistance is not so serious here so far; however necessary control and consideration must be prevented.

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Background and Aim: The fresh milk and its products are the cause of some nutritional diseases due to their perfection and the ease of being infected. This study was carried out to examine the quality of traditional ice cream being consumed. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study 100 samples of traditional ice cream were randomly selected from different area of Mashhad city and test for bacterial contamination. The data were analyzed according to season and area. Results: The result shows, that %91 of the samples were contaminated higher than standard level (5x105 cpu/gr).84% of the samples were contaminated higher than standard level (>102 cpu/gr) with Entrobacteriacea. 67% the samples contained more than 102/gr of staphylococcus aurous. Escheria coli were isolated from 11% of the samples. No salmonella was isolated from samples. Conclusion: A high percentage of the traditional ice cream was not accordance with the current standards regarding the hygienic quality. It seems that pasteurizing the primary mixture of ice cream through sufficient temperature in order to control the primary infection helps to increase the quality of this product.

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Background and Aim: Leishmeniosis is one of the Zoonoses to which humans have been exposed since 650 years before the birth of Christ. It seems that each year two million people are afflicted with this disease. Usually the diagnostic method of skin Leishmaniosis is taking samples from the lesions and evaluating the slides in the laboratory. This study was done to camper the value of leishmania skin lesions through observation and culture. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study the patients with suspicious skin lesions who referred to Shahid Faghihi hospital were asked questions on age, sex, accupction, the affected part and the place of living. A separate sample was taken from each lesion and then we evaluated the slides and the cultures. All the samples were evaluated by the same technician and method and then the data were analyzed, using SPSS and statistical package. Results: The results of 252 patients, 50.8% males and 49% female, most of them were students (29.4%) and the least teachers or staffs (4.8%). The most of lesions were in upper organs, 42.9% of the lesions positive and 57% were negative the survey of lesion culture indicates that 57.5% were positive and 42.5% were negatives. Conclusion: If the provided slides from the lesions were surveyed completely and half hour, the presence and lack of the parasite will be cleared and no more information will be gained for more exact diagnosis of leishmania to slide direct survey.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: The survey of demographic and psychological factors such as stress has basic importance in smoking as the most common and the cheapest addiction on early adults who are constructive and active persons of the society. So this study has been done to determine the stressful events on smoked and non-smoked adult people based on Pakles life events questionnaire. Materials and Methods: This study is a survey study, which it has been done as a cross- sectional and descriptive - analytic study. The samples are 365 people that have been selected as the randomic cluster sampling. The data were analyzed by SPSS soft ware and Kendlls t/aub. Results: 5.9 percent of the people were smokers. Men (12.9%) were smoking significantly more than women (1.7%) (P=0).The greatest and the smallest rate of smoking people were seen at the age group of 25 to 30 (47.6%) and the least were in the age of 20 to 25 respectively. Also brothers and sisters of smoking people were smoking more than nonsmoker (28.6% against 3.3%)(P=0).The results also determined that there were no significant differences between the frequency and the mean of stressful event on smoked and non-smoked people. The most prevalent stressful events were determined the events:" heavy financial problems", "insufficient income and salary" "a moderate financial problems" and" transient unemployment" among the smokers and" to appear moderate physical disease"," being away from intimate person"," hospitalization of family members" and "to take part in an important exam" among non-smoked people. Conclusion: According to the most prevalent stressful events, it seems that special stressors (financial and economic stressors) may be related to smoking that can be analyzed according to individual assessments of stress, the importance of working, salary, and income in early adulthood..

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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