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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Tuberc1usis is a chronic disease which can be seen in pulmonary and extrapulmonary forms. This disease can cause granolumatosis reaction and caseose necrosis. The common form of extrapulmonary form is cervical lymphadenitis that mostly occur in posterior neck trigle which can make dermal fisula dignosis is done by needle asprition, smear, culture and biopsy. This study was carried out for determining of incidence of granolumatosis lymphadenitis in head and neck and relation with the results of Zeihl-Nelson staining. Materials and Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study was done with referring to pathological ward in 5thAzar Medical Education hospital during six years. Lymphadenitis slides of head and neck were surveyed more carefully. Results: 156 cases were determined with lymphadenitis in head and neck area. In microscopic examination, positive granolumatosis reaction, caseose necrosis and positive acid fastreaction were seen in 35, 30 and 8 cases respectively. The most patients with neck lymphadenitis were in 11-20 years old group and the lowest rate was over 60 years old. The distribution of granolumotosis lymphadenitis was observed in 11-20, 31-40 and 41-50 age groups. Conclusion .: Since only 22% of the patients with granolumatosis lymphadenitis had positive acid fast reaction with Zeihl-Nelson staining and because of the high incidence of TB. We cannot rely only on results of staining. Therefore, we must start treatment patients with report of granolumatosis reaction in pathology and positive symptoms and signs.      

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Background and Aim: Diagnosis of malnutrition and some special diseases in children depend on knowledge about their growth pattern. When children weight and height compare to specific index, it will be possible to find their growth deficiency. Lack of some standard index for height and weight in Iran made us to conduct a study for this purpose. Materials and Methods: So we conducted a cross-sectional study on 1146 primary school children (7-11 years old) in May 2002 in zahedan with a multistage sampling. Measurement of height and weight was done without shoes and minimal dress. Data were recorded and analyzed by SPSS and EPI softwares and using t-test, and chi-square. Results: The mean of height in 8-10 year old girls and the mean of weight in 7-11year old girls of Zahedan were less than the boys in the same age. In every sex-age group, height and weight were significantly different with NCHS standards. The 50th percentile of weight in zahedanian girls was equivalent to 10th percentile of NCHS and 50thpercentile of zahedanian boys weight was between 10th and 20th percentile of NCHS in all age groups. 75thpercentile of zahedanian children height is equivalent to 50th percentile of NCHS.      

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View 1725

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Background and Aim: More than 85% of world population is infected with herpes simplex virus. From unique characteristics of this virus is disability of eradication of it after infection. Until now multiple methods have been examined for treatment and prevention of recurrent episodes and its complications, but finding of more effective, low cost and available way with few adverse reaction is considered by researchers. Materials and Methods: In these prospective clinical trial 40 patients with recurrent herpes simplex infection (more than three times episodes per year) treated with 0.05% zinc sulfate solution once daily for 5-10 minutes during episodes and then once per week until at least one month after recovery. Then patients followed up for six months later and in each follow up visit evaluated for characteristics such as frequency, duration of episodes and change in severity of lesions. Results: Evaluation of therapeutic response of the patients in three consecutive follow up visit in first, 3thand 6thmonth after ending of treatment showed significant effectiveness of this drug on reduction of frequency ( p=0.0002) , reduction of severity ( p=0.02) but no significant change on duration of recurrent herpes simplex episodes was showed. Conclusion: Zinc sulfate solution is an effective, available and low cost treatment but with delayed effects in prevention of recurrent herpes simplex episodes.    

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View 1106

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Background and Aim: Shin splint is an exercise - Induced pain in the anterior leg that is seen in many sportsmen. There are many articles about this injury in literature. In this study we evaluated prevalence and analyzed the risk factors for shin splint in sportmen. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was done in 430 students that were spending their sport course at Mashhad universities. All of the students were screened for shin splint, then patients were compared with a randomized group of healthy students for risk factors. Results: Altogether 19% of students (82 from 430) had shin splint and 95.1% of them were affected after running sports. There was strong correlation between hard, leather shoes without heel and shin splint also was correlation with number of exercise time in a week. (P Value < 0.05) there were an increased number of patients with weak anterior tibia in muscle. Conclusion: It was concluded that shin splint is a prevalent injury in sportsmen and attention to its risk factors is important. Use of suitable fit shoes and enough fitness before heavy exercises are effective ways to decrease shin splint.    

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Background and Aim: Increasing regular exercise and physical activity in adult is an important target for preventive medicine. Health behaviors such as exercise are reducing health risk factors but self-efficacy is increasingly used as a predictor of health behavior. This study was examined to survey correlation between self-efficacy, exercise and health risk factors in exercisers and non-exerciser. Materials and Methods: This investigation utilized a descriptive correlative design in order to examine the relationship between self-efficacy, exercise and health risk factors in exercisers and non-exercisers. Data was collected by Exercise self-efficacy Scale, General self-efficacy Scale, Health Risk Factors questionnaire and Para clinic tests, measuring BP & BMI from 120 persons who were selected randomly and included 2 groups. The groupl (exercisers) (n = 60) were exercising in morning for 30 minutes in day three times per week and group2 (n=60) less than them. Results: Result of this study revealed a positive relationship between exercise, self-efficacy and exercise training (p=0.01) but between general self-efficacy and exercise, self-efficacy and health risk factors weren't correlated.(p=0.08). Conclusion: According to Findings of this study, managers of education and exercise with appropriate-plans can help to develop exercise and physical activity in the society. Nurses according to findings of this study can help the patients for improving exercise and physical activity as a preventive care way.      

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Background and Aim: Today drug abuse is one of the most basic of the factors causing destruction of one's personality, destroys the household and society With regard that the increase of awareness and change of Attitude in different groups of people especially high risk groups in connection with dangers and damages of drug abuse is one of very important factors in primary prevention program in addiction, we are to do a research for planning of the futuristic educational programs. Materials and methods: This research is a cross-sectional study. The society of study there are all prisoners and immediate supervisors of those household were selected a random sample from those with sampling methods .The instrument was a questionnaire that was developed in three sections: demographic features, measure of awareness and attitude assessment and it was used after taking reliability and validity with experts views. Results: The Results shows that the average of awareness scores in the prisoners in connection with preventive programs of drug abuse with 95% of assurance is between 41.34 and 55.74 and the average of that attitude number is between 43.61 and 56.34. On the other hand the average of the awareness score in the family of the prisoners in connection with preventive programs of drug abuse with 95% assurance is between 25.85 and 44.56 and the average of that attitude number is between 22.31 and 31.77 that it indicates a significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion: According to the findings even though the awareness of the prisoners, especially, those attitude relative to prevention of drug abuse in the ratio of those family is rearly more suitable but still the rate of those awareness and attitude for confronting to drug abuse is not enough and suitable and it is essential to develop the educational programs and education in man relationship and life skills for prisoners and those family.    

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 799

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Background and Aim: Infertility is a main stressor affecting both men and women. Treatment of infertility usually takes a long time. This is to survey effect of length of treatment on psychological index and Relation between psychological status of infertile female and length of treatment in shariati hospital in Mashad. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 142 infertile women visited gynecology clinical in Shariati Hospital during 4 months. The forms filled for each patient which were a demographic questionnaire and SCL 90 test and semi - structural in this study that was analyzed by Chi square and ANOVA test. Results: The average score for aggressive in first three years of treatment was higher than other groups under treatment (P<0.001) and for depression and anxiety in second three years of treatment was significantly higher in comparison with the other part of treatment duration. Conclusion: It is not possible to prepare a typical infertility for both men and women. Psychological consultation type method depends on the stress frequency and its type in infertile female.      

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Background and Aim: Mental health means mind health that shows mental health and to reach it affects human and social development. One of the mental health principles is to know yourself and this makes you aware of your condition and environment that cause the behavior types. This research then was done to determine the relation of girls self concept in Gonabad high schools with mental health. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study being done on high school girls. All of case sample shaving 14 - 16 years (middle adolescence).The samples were 711. The data were collected by a demographic questionnaire, GHQ28 and Rogers self-concept scales and were analyzed by proper software's. Results: The findings showed that 73.3% were weak but 26.7% were good in having self- concept. There was a meaningful relation between self-concept and family economy condition. Also findings showed that 62% were weak but 38% were good in having mental health. There was a meaningful relation between self-concept Score with mental health of the students. Conclusion: Many of students had a weak self concept and mental health and meaningful relation between self concept and mental health mostly with considering middle age of adolescence. Therefore one way is to help them to know themselves more positively. Way of thinking should be changed, because they are able to change internally in this age.    

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Background and Aim: Breast cancer is the most common cancer that is influenced life of many women. Although the causes of breast cancer are unknown, identification of risk factors can be helped to find preventive strategies to reduce involvement of this disease. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between some of personal, social characteristics and life style with breast cancer. Materials and Methods: This case-control study was performed in center of radiation and chemotherapy of shahid Rajai of Babolsar. We did simple sampling to include 72 patients who involved breast cancer and 85 healthy women who were matched with case group regarding to age, and place of life. To analyze of data, x2 and T-test were applied. Results: Results of this relationship between breast cancer and some personal, social characteristics and life' style such as, socio economic level, age of menarche, familial history of breast or other cancers among first or second degree relatives, history of breast trauma, smoking cigarettes or passive smoking, chronic medical diseases, low exercise, stressful life and high body mass index (p<0/05).There were not significant relationship between breast cancer and these variables; parity, age of first pregnancy, number of abortion, nursing, consumption of oral contraceptive pills, history of benign breast diseases, biopsy of breast and age of menopause. Conclusion: This study support that familial history of breast cancer, stressful life, chronic medical diseases, obesity, low education of women and low socio-economic level are the main risk factors for breast cancer. Also, this project proposes that improvement of life style such as, giving up of smoking, regular exercise and doing screening tests to identify of cancer in early stages are main protective factors to prevent from breast cancer.      

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Background and Aim: An appropriate dietary has been and will be one of the simplest ways of providing health for preventing disorders of human beings. Cardiovascular diseases-one of the most prevalent causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide-are in particular related to diet. Atherosclerosis, the most common pathogenic process of cardiovascular disease, is closely connected with food ingredients, specifically with the type of fat. Many experimental and clinical studies have shown the helpful effects of unsaturated vegetable oils, especially poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) on serum lipids and lipoproteins. Walnut is a rich source of PUFA. The hypothesis in this research is that walnut ingestion could reduce the level of unfavorable serum lipids. Materials and Methods: To determine the effect of walnut on serum lipids and lipoproteins, we carried the research out on 48 girl students having a mean age of 20.04, mean weight of 52.85 with no previously detected symptoms of any specific disease, they were all divided into two groups, a case group of 25 and control group of 23. Before administering walnut, age, weight, serum lipids and diets of the population were thoroughly and analytically studied which illustrated no significant difference or variation. For 28 days, the case group ingested 40 grams of walnut a day alongside with their regular diet, and at the same time their serum levels of cholestrol, Td, LDL and HDL measured. Results: The serum level of T.O and LDL was measured, the result showed a statistically, significant drop (P<0.05) in the serum parameters, however level of HDL showed an infinitesimal rise and the level of total cholestrol was of minimal fall, statistically insignificant. Conclusion: The results supported the hypothesis, adding walnut into dietary regime could decrease harmful serum lipids.          

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Background and Aim: Delivery is potentially with stress. Increasing of stressor factors can have undesirable effects on psychologic health of the mother and society. The purpose of this study was determination and grading stressor factors of delivery unit from the view of primigravida women in 22 -Bahman hospital of Gonabad. Materials and Methods: This research is an analytic descriptive study that in delivery unit, 110 primigravida women that had inclusion criteria were selected by purposive sampling method. Data were gathered in recovery room by a questionnaire contains: Personal characteristic, environmental stressor factors and practical stressor factors. Each factor was graded form none, low, moderate and high and each of them were scored from 0 to 3. Results: Data analysis indicated that the most environmental stressor factors from the view of women Loneliness, alone of the mother (mean=2.29) and unfamiliar environment (M=2.16) and the least stressor factors were the color of the walls (M= 1.01) and dirtiness of delivery unit (M=1.05). Also the most practical stressor factors were vaginal examination (M=2.76) and pressure on the abdomen (M=2.29) and incision of perinea (M=2.29) and the least stressor factors-were midwifery behavior (M=1.25) and difference between private patients and non privated (M=1.40). The total score of practical stressor factors were higher from environmental stressor factors (23.91 Vs 16.07) and there was a significant difference between them (P=0.017). Conclusion: According to the results unfamiliar environment, mother loneliness and practical procedures without relation with age and education are stressor, since these stresses can have undesirable effects on process of labour, outcome of delivery and relationship between mother and baby ,therefore recognition of the stressor factors and deletion of them is suggested for mothers welfare and rest.    

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Impaired cell – mediated immunity and its complications is very common in addicts including IV -drug abusers. Therefore various infections such as cellulites and gangrene has been reported, This article is about a patient in whom cellulitis and ulceration of venopunctum was due to gram -negative bacillas, enterocoecus. So, in similar conditions that there is swelling (or ulceration) in an IV - drug abuser or addict, the first step is smear and culture from the exudates of the ulcer.    

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Background and Aim: Health of the milk and dairy products are highly important for the consumers. Raw contaminated milk and dairy products are one of the most important means of transmission of brucellosis to consumers. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the intensity of contamination of the raw milk to the Brucella spp. in the raw milk collection centers and distributed area in Mashhad and suberbs. Materials and Methods: Totally 265 raw milk samples were collected in a six month period from these centers and examined by Milk Ring Test (MRT) and other microbiological tests. Results: six samples (2.26%) were positive by MRT. From two of these (0.75%) Brucella abortus were isolated and confirmed by microbiological culture and biochemical tests. No Brucella melitenosis were isolated from the samples. Conclusion: Results of the experiment show the seriousness of the Brucellosis transmission to Human consumers with raw milk and dairy products.      

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Background and Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of gingival and periodontal disease among congenital heart disease (cyanotic) children under 6 and over the age of six within Khorasan province of Iran. Materials and Methods: Twenty seven cyanotic congenital heart disease subjects took part in this study. Eight subjects were over 6 years and 19 subjects were under 6 years of age. 16 healthy children under 6 and 11healthy children over 6 yrs, were also selected as control group.Before examination, prophylactic therapy was accomplished upon consolation with a pediatric cardiologist specialist. Periodontal parameters included: Calculus Index, Debris Index, and OHI-s. In addition for children older than 6, Periodontal Index and for children younger than 6 yrs. Gingival Index were also measured. The same parameters were also measured for control subjects. Results: In children older than 6 cyanotic patient had greater values for debris index, calculus index, and OHI-S index these differences were not statistically significant. Among children under; 6 yrs. OHI-S index was significantly greater among cyanotic patient, although no statistical differences existed in term of calculus and debris indices. However, clinically there was greater amount of calculus and debris in this group. In terms of gingival index, greater levels of gingival inflammation were observed among cyanotic patients than control group although this was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Based on the findings of present study, it is concluded that gingival and periodontal disease are more prevalent among cyanotic congenital heart disease. Children at both over and under 6 years of age than systemically healthy children This could be weaker oral hygiene habits among cyanotic patients, although the role of cyanotic congenital heart disease itself could not be ruled out. This issue should be further investigated in future research.    

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Background and Aim: Most of internet users have a big question in their mind today that how to search the informations they need or which of the search engines is the best to help them to do the Job. This study is to determine the capability of five significant search engines in Gonabad site. Materials and methods: This descriptive and analytical study was done by searching, gathering and medical information survey using five significant search engines with the help of Boolean operators(And, Or, Not) ,Math operators ( + ,- ) and one space and non-space between. Result: The results showed that all five engines (YAHOO, GOOGLE, ALTAVISTA EXCITE, LOOKSMART) try to search the given keywords or phrases and all use Boolean and Math operators, and Yahoo search engine is the first from quantitive point of view. Conclusion: Considering the most searched web pages by Yahoo and the least for Altavista, but there is not any significant difference between them and for subjective search LOOKSMART seems more useful than EXCITE.    

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Background and Aim: This qualitative research (phenomol patient research) was conducted to study life experiences of diabetic patients. Materials and Methods: Data were collected by semistructured interview and the voice of patients was recorded with their permission by the researcher. 14 diabetic patients participated in this study. Data were analyzed after listening to statements of the patients. Results: Results showed that facts such as psychological, physical, social, economical and disease and treatment can affect patients life. The findings also showed that thinking about disease, anger, anxiety and in capacious are the most psychological problems. Also cost of medicine/treatment and diabetic food are facts that cause economic problem. Conclusion: Therefore, the results of this study showed that diabetic patients have different problems. Thus to improve quality of life of diabetic patients, need more study and suitable planning.      

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aim: Mental health is one of the most important factors of health, since women are one of the vital factors of health and their health makes family health, these problems in the said population can damage economical and scientific power, then the researchers did the research to certify mental health status of women in Gonabad city. Materials and Methods: In this research that was done to survey the mental health of Gonabad were evaluated by the use of Sc1- 90 -R. test were used for analyzing. The descriptive- analytic study was performed on 265 randomly selected young and adolescence women of Gonabad city. Results: 33/6% of women had psychiatric symptoms. The highest prevalent symptoms were obsessive compulsive disorder (23%) , paranoid ideas (21/5%) , sensitivity to interpersonal. Relationships (%19/2), depression (%19/2), anxiety (%12.5), aggression (%9.8), phobia (%7.2) and psychoticim (%4.2) and somatization (%11.3). There was a statistical relationship between social support, age, occupation, Marital status, education degree. Social support was related to mental health and 9-mode of SCL-90-R. Occupation was related to psychaticism (P=%37) and aggression (P=%12), Marital status was related to aggression (P<0/0001) and somatization (P=0/04l) and was related to depression (P=0/048). Conclusion: According to the high rate the symptoms of mental disorders in women, special concern is needed toward the issue and preparation of several consultation centers in Gonabad.    

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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