Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Providing health not only is responsibility of governmental organizations but also is responsibility of Community Health Vounteers help to health staff in health centers and tries to promote people's knowledge and practice about their health. This study is conducted to determine knowledge and practice of the volunteers before and immediately after education and evaluated long – term education effects.Methods and Materials: This interventional (semi- experimental) study was carried out on 78 health communicators Arak with census method. In Arak axis education were included; check of vital signs and rescue method during disasters. Methods of education were lecture, smallgroup, problem solving, and practical training in Skin lab. Data were gathered with questionnaire and check list and were analyzed with Paired T-test and Pearson correletion coefficient. Data was analyzed using paired t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: There was a significant difference between mean of knowledge and practice scores before and immediately after training (p<0.001). But the relationship between scores immediately after training and one year later was not significant.Conclusion: It seems updated knowledge and practice of health volunteers change health behavior, promote knowledge and practice and decrease health care expenses.

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View 2131

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Background: Postoperative shivering is a common problem with multiple complications. This study was compared effect of low doses of Ketamine with Pethidine for controlling postoperative shivering.Methods and Materials: This clinical trial was done on 189 elective cesarean section with ASA class I or II who had postoperative shivering. Patients with grade 2 or higher were divided in three groups and were injected 0.3mg/kg Ketamine and 0.5mg/kg Pethidine intravenously. In 5th and 10th minutes after injection, they were investigated for shivering intensity.Results: After 5 minute of injection drugs rate and intensity of shivering in Pethedine group was less than ketamine group. Ketamine with 0.5 mg/kg was more effective than 0.3mg/kg dose of it and Ketamine (p=0.041). In group with 0.5mg/kg dose of Ketamine, rate and intensity of postoperative shivering was more reduce than group with 0.3mg/kg of it in recovery (p=0/007). In Pethedine group rate and intersity of shivering was more reduce then 0.5mg/kg dose of Ketamine (p<0/001). This demonstrated that Pethedine is more effective than Ketamine.Conclusion: Although 0.5mg/kg dose of Ketamine has considerable effect on control of shivering but Pethedine is still a better choice for this side effect.

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View 1069

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Background: In order to selected indigenous potential probiotic bacteria, we surveyed antagonistic activities of 22 strains of acid and bile tolerant Lactobacillus, isolated from traditional dairy products by biochemical and molecular methods.Methods and Materials: In a fundamental practical study assessment of antimicrobial activity of this strain with neutrallized and Dual layer two methods against bacterial pathogene such as E-coli, L.monocytogenes, S.auteus and Y.entercolitica was done. These strain were identified with two methods for determining of biochemical and sequence of 16Sr DNA. Results: Dual layer method based on the growth of zone diameter were estabilished in three groups of strains; inhibitors, semi inhibitors and non inhibitors. Neutralize method around well acidic extract containing strains C5i4, Y144, K213, C4i2, C612 and neutral extract C5i4 zone blight strains was observed. Based on the results, sequence area 16Sr DNA of four strains inclulde C4i2, C1d2, Y2c4, D3b1 indicator bacteria that revealed the highest percentage of inhibitor effect of bacterial indicators, were duplicate and sequency. So four strains L.Bacilus Pentosus, L.Bacillus Bervis and L. Bacillus Paraplantarum, were indentifed respectivey.Conclusion: It seems that indigenous lactobacillus from Iranian dairy products have potential as probiotics. So use of them as bio preservative prevent food bacterial contamination.

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View 892

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Background: Recognition of mortality-related factors in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) could increase efficiency and effectiveness of these units. This research determined the relationship between the physical structure, human resources and their relevance to mortality rate in Intensive Care Units. Methods and Materials: In this cross-sectional study, all ICUs of hospitals in Markazi province were considered. Data gathering tools were resource (human, physical and training) questionnaires and checklists which their reliability and validity were accepted by Monitoring and Validation Center of Ministry of Health. Mortality rate after 24 hours of admition was also determined in relation to hospital resources and activities. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Spearman and Kruskal-Wallis tests.Results: Total score of human, physical and training resources in hospitals of Markazi Province is 55 percent of the country standard score. Mortality ratio after 24 hours of admission, to all patients (released and deceased patients) was highest in Vali-e-Asr hospital (25%) and lowest in Saveh Shahid Chamran Hospital (5%). There wasn’t significant difference in this ratio among hospitals. There were no significant difference between obtained scores of each resource (human, physical and training) among University, Social Insurance and Qods (private) hospitals with respect to mortality rate 24 hours of admission.Conclusion: Human, physical and training resources have not direct effect on decreasing mortality rate after 24 hours of admission but can create necessary conditions for providing higher quality services.

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View 889

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Background: Skin Sympathetic Response (SSR) is an electrophysiological technique and a central polysynaptic process. In mood disorders there are some changes in the cortex, hypothalamus activity, limbic system and basalganglia. Therefore, we compare the SSR changes in the patients with depression, mania and healthy persons.Methods and Materials: The patients with depression and mania were chosen based on DSM IV criterion by the psychiatrist. In cross-sectional analytic study, control group was selected away healthy men and women. The SSR was written by physiograph. The stimulat electrod was fixed on the middle finger of the left hand and 5 sympathetic responses were recored for every sample. The mean of amplitude, duration and latency time were computed and compared among three groups.Results: The mean of latency in control, mania and depressed groups were not statistically difference (p=.8). There was no difference between mean of duration in latency time in three groups. The mean of amplitude were not significant in three groups. Conclusion: It seems hypothalamus has not direct effect balance of sympathy skin responses.

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View 795

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Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a auto-immune disease of central nervous system. The etiology of MS is unknown, but environmental factors such as viruses are involved in the development of MS. In this study, MS patients were assessed for antibodie titers against Human Herpes virus-6 (HHV-6) in Markazi Province.Methods and Materials: In this case-control study, 31 new cases of MS patients and 60 healthy subjects were selected with similar demographic criteria such as sex, age and location. Antibodies titer (IgM and IgG) against HHV-6 were examined by ELISA and Immunofluorescence methods. Data were analyzed using Logistic regression and Odds ratio. Results: Data indicates that 74.2% of case group and 34.2% of control group were identified as positive for IgM against HHV-6. The difference between the two groups in terms of IgM against HHV-6 was statistically significant (p=0.001). Incidence of IgM positivity against HHV-6 was increased more than five times in MS patients compared to control group. Also there was a statistically significant difference between case and control groups in IgG titer (p=0.019).Conclusion: Acute infection of HHV-6 is a risk factor for MS.

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View 1178

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Background: The most important determinant factor in elder’s quality of life is healthy. Since health can be declined by aging, in health promotion consider an effective model of care can be vey important. We surveyed the effect of Orem Self Care Model on quality of life (QOL) of elderly in Masjed Solaiman.Methods and Materials: This is a pre and post quasi-experimental study was carried out on 349 elderly clients which were selected from 11 health care centers in Masjed Solaiman in 2007-2008.Orem Self Care program was performed during a 3 months in days that the clients came to health care centers. Data were gathered by a short form questionnaire (SF36) before and after the intervention and was analyzed by descriptive statistics and paired t-test.Results: Results showed a significant increase in mean scores of different dominations of QOL including; health, physical performance, physical role- performance, emotional roleperformance, social performance, body pain, power and energy, general health perception, and overall mean of QOL. Paired t-test showed a significant difference (p<0.001) between all of dominations of the quality of life.Conclusion: Performing Orem Self Care educational program had a positive influence on improving QOL of elderly.

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View 2328

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Background: Since of the importance of publishing medical articles in evaluation of faculty members’ activity and ranking of universities, this study was designed investigate faculty members’ opinion about intendancy in writing Persian and non Persian articles. Methods and Materials: This cross-sectional analytical study is carried out by census method. Data were gathered by a questionnaire which its validity and reliability were confirmed. Data was analyzed by ANOVA, T-test, Chi square and correlation coefficient.Results: The most important barriers in academic members' intendancy to articles were too busy in education or clinical treatment with the mean of 4.28±1.06, lack of experienced persons for writing non Persian articles as counselor with the mean of 3.98±1.00 , lack of research teams with the mean of 3.95±0.98, long time in proposal approval with the mean of 3.96±1.02, lack of journal editorial board supporting in accepting of descriptive articles with the mean of 3.95±1.02 and long time from receiving articles until their approval and publishing with the mean of 3.95±1.07.Conclusion: By decreasing education hours, shortening the process of proposal approval, introducing expert persons in writing non Persian articles as counselor, shortening the process of evaluating and publishing or rejecting articles can increase academic members’ tendency in writing articles.

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Background: Skin cancer is one of the most important cancers in the world. This cancer is more common in men than women. We survey chromosomal changes in DMBA-induced skin cancer in SD rat strains. Methods and Materials: In this fundamental study, 20 SD rat strains were randomly divided into case and contal group. DMBA (2.5 mg) was injected to SD rat strains subcutaneously; therefore skin cancer model for studies was created. Tumors became subjects for cell culture and metaphase chromosomal was prepared. Finally G-banding was stained. We have also transmitted genomic information from rat to human using suitable databases and Gene was determined.Results: Data showed numerical and frequent structural changes in different number of chromosomes. For example; gain in chromosomes number 1, 15, 17 and loss in 1, 7, 15, and also structural changes like deletion was seen in chromosomes number 1, 4, 8, 10, 15, 17, and addition in chromosome number 15.Discussion: It is predicted that CST6, PRKCDBP, PTCH1, DKK3, BRMS1, CDKN1C, CD81, DMP1 CDKN2B, EEF1A1, HRAS, CASP2, KLF4 probably cause skin cancer.

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Background: Muscle mass is known to be a significant predictor of bone mineral density (BMD), and myostatin is a negative regulator of muscle growth. The aim of present study was investigate the effects of resistance training on bone mineral density and serum myostatin in healthy young men.Methods and Materials: In this clinical trial thirty young men were assigned to resistance training (n=15) and control (n=15) groups. The training group participated in 6 mounths of progressive whole-body resistance training. Total body fat, lean body mass, total body BMD, femoral neck BMD and L2-L4 spine BMD were determined by Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) before and after 6 mounths of resistance training. Serum level myostatin measured by enzyme immnoassay.Results: Resistance training caused significant increases in chest press (52.36±6.36 vs 62.20±8.96 kg), leg press (135.24±13.77 vs 146.91±17.66 kg), lean body mass (61.00±0.96 vs 62.58±2.08 kg) and femoral neck BMD (1.115±0.078 vs 1.131±0.088 g/cm2), whereas myostatin were decreased (102.91±10.18 vs 94.03±13.93 ng/ml) (P<0.05). Total body BMD and L2-L4 spine BMD did not change with 6 months resistance training.Conclusion: A 6 month resistance training program increases muscle mass, power and improves BMD of the femoral neck in young men, and myostatin inhibition may play an important role in increasing BMD which is induced by resistance training.

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Background: The respiratory symptoms in welding workers have been appeare by increasing use of welding various poisoning gases and fumes in machine industry. It is necessary to evaluating of frequency of respiratory symptoms with scientific methods.Methods and Materials: In this historical cohort study, 60 non-smoker welding workers with history of at least 6 months work in welding, and 60 non-smoker office workers who were not expoused to respiratory pollution were selected from machine industry factories of Arak. Data was gathered by questionnaire. Occupationalist performed physical exams and spirometery. Data was statistically analyzed.Results: There was a significant relationship between sore throat (p=0.02), cough (p=0.04), spectrum (p=0.01), and dyspnea (p=0.007) with working in welding. But in symptoms such as rinite, hoarsening, nasal congestion, epistaxis, respiratory assessment and spirometery results difference was not significant.Conclusion: Symptoms of upper respiratory tract stimulation in welding workers were significantly more than non-expoused workers.

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View 808

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Background: Cervical cancer is a preventable disease and we can determine preventive methods by discovering ethiology of disease. There are no appropriate research about the relation between coitus during menstruation and cervical cancer in Iran. This study is done to investigate the relationship between coitus during menstruation and cervical cancer in women referring to health care centers of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in 2007-2008.Methods and Materials: This case-control study was carried out on 100 patients with cervical cancer (case) and 100 healthy women (control). All participates were Moslem with Iranian nationality and habitant in Iran. They had no previous history of frequent pelvic radiotherapy and alcohol consumption. Two groups were matched with; age, age of first coitus, age of first vaginal delivery, parity and type of delivery. Data was collected through structured interview and analyzed using Chisquare and logistic-regression.Result: The study showed that 40% of case group and 10% of control group had coitus during menstruation. Coitus during menstruation in case group was 6 times more than control group (p<0.0001, odds ratio =6.0, CI= 2.7-12.9). Discussion: Coitus during menstruation may increase the risk of cervical cancer. A research is recommended to find out the best educational method which to prevent this disease.  

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View 1081

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Background: REM sleep has a role in memory processing. The period of post-learning, that REM sleep is higher than normal level and deprivation of REM sleep impairs memory, is called paradoxical sleep windows (PSW).Methods and Materials: In this experimental study, male N.M.RI rats were trained in a two-way shuttle avoidance task (100 trials/one sessions) then memory retention was tested in next week. In electrophysiology section, different sleep-memory factors were recorded in basal level and 1-4 hours after training. In behavioral section, animals that reached 70% learning criterion (learner group) were deprived of PS in the two periods of 1-4 hours and 5-8 hours after learning by Maze water technique. Results: The amount of REM sleep in group which gained 70% learning after 1-4 hours training, and group without it. In v.s of basic level, significantly increase (p<0.01). Other factors were showed no significant difference between two groups before of training. In behavioral section those animals were deprived in 1-4 hr post-learning show significant memory impairment (p<0.05).Conclusion: Paradoxical increased REM sleep is effective in memory consolidation after 1-4 hours training. This period can be consider as paradoxical sleep window.

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View 1077

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Background: Researches showed that there is a relationship among alopecia areata, psychological factors and prevalence of psychological disorders. In addition alopecia areata has a great effect on the quality of life of these patients. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral stress management therapy on female patients`s the quality of life with alopecia areata.Methods and Materials: This is a case-control study with pre and post-test exam which is carried out in Isfahan Skin Disease and Leishmaniasis Research Centre. The participants consisted of 20 alopecia areata patients diagnosed by specialists. The questionnaire was Skindex-16 which was completed by patients before and after the intervention. Cognitive-behavioral stress management therapy was done on the case group in eight sessions over a period of two months. Data was analyzed with covariance (ANOVA).Results: The mean of quality of life scores in experimental group in v.s control group significantly decreased (P<0.05).Conclusion: It seems, cognitive-behavioral stress management therapy couses in quality of life improvement in patients with alopecia areata.

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Introduction: Cecal Volvulus is an acute surgical emergency. In this condition cecum, terminal ileum and ascending colon on its mesenteric anticlock wise direction from 180 to 360 degrees. The cecal volvulus is caused by a congenital lack of fixation of cecum to retroperitoneum. The usual presentation consists of severe colicky abdominal pain with asymmetric abdominal distension. In this article two cases of cecal volvulus are defined.Cases: The first case was a 74 year-old female with sudden abdominal pain and severe abdominal distension subsequent 3 days patient often referes with sever colicky pain and asymmetric abdominal distention. After plain abdominal x-ray and abdominal CT scan, right hemicolectomy was performed. The second case was a 70 year-old female who subsequent 4 days withont defecation was affected abdominal pain and distension. Supine and erect abdominal x-ray showed colon hyperairation and air-fluid levels. The gangrenous colon was resected etiology of bowel.Conclusion: Despite of other of obstruction or sigmoid volvulus that sometimes can be treated medically; the treatment of cecal volvolus is always surgery and consisted of cecum and ascending colon resection.

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