The purpose of the present study is to investigate the creer pathologies and problems of Isfahan municipality personnel. The statistical population of this study was composed of the personnel of Isfahan municipality in 2005-2006. For this purpose, 166 persons were selected though random sampling. They were evaluated by vocational pathology questionnaire. The questions for this study were: 1- what are the intrapersonal problems, of The municipality personnel? 2- what are the interpersonal problems, of the municipality personnel? 3- what are the meta personal problems, of the municipality personnel?Result showed that ...... In intrapersonal problems, the municipality personnel suffer from emotional problems and boring environments.... In interpersonal problems, the municipality personnel suffer from communication with the clients in areas regarding different educational and cultural levels, being in hurry, and being non familiar with the administrative rules.... and in meta personal problems, the municipality personnel had some-problems in organization, lack of acceptance of their personnel's suggestions, criticizesm of the personnel in a wrong way, and problems in all items relating the salary and job security, in vocational roles, they had problem in naive persons for the job, and in job's effects upon the individual's diseases, and in of ratio one or more physical disease, they showed serious problems.