The present research aims to study the relationship between emotional intelligence and time management whit high school teachers job stress. To access this goal 206 high school teachers selected randomly in yazd (128 male and 78 female). Measurement tools consisted of job stress questionnaire, Cyberia Shrink emotional intelligence questionnaire and finally time management questionnaire. The analysis of stepwise regression showed that emotional intelligence and time management significantly can predicate teachers job stress. Altogether those two variables explained %57 of job stress variance. Also the result indicated that emotional intelligence components, especially self-control, empathy and self-awareness have significant role in job stress prediction. Necessary to add that those components along with time management assigned %78 of job stress variance to themselves. Among these
components, self-control has the most important role in explaining of
job stress, and explaining %57 of job stress variance. After this factor, empathy has %13 of this variance and final roles devoted to self-awareness and time management which their significant effect in anticipating job stress is 2 and 3 percent.