The present study is a comparative and content analysis investigation on counseling's code of ethics in some selected countries. The main purpose is familiarization with ethical principles, guidelines and the applicability at the code in counseling profession.
For this reason, five counseling code of ethics from different counseling associations of American, Canadian, British, New Zealand and Irish were compared.
The comparative study of the counseling code of ethics indicates that the similarities are more than differences. The differences are mostly related to structural and cultural dimensions. Some differences are related to structural and cultural dimensions. Some differences are related to the classification of the ethical counseling subject matters and qualification and some how quantification of the content of counseling process.
The onset as well as the duration of establishing of the association and preparing the code of ethics in each country could affect on promoting quality and quantity of professional subject matters. The basic similarities between codes of ethics are that all have been prepared by counseling association with the purpose of presenting professional principles and values in counseling. Some important similar subject materials in these code of ethics are confidentiality, client's rights, counseling relationships and avoiding personal and dual relationships, counselor's competency and responsibility, counselor's education, supervision on counselor's performance and so on.