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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Beta carotene is one of the carotenoeids which can be found in plants as a photosynthesis pigments. It also acts as a powerful antioxidant and affects cell growth by inhibiting the cell cycle at the transition from G 1 to S phase. The effects of three doses of beta carotene (5,10 and 15 mg%) were studied on the germination, growth and development of Adianthum capillus - veneris spores and prothalli. In all doses germination of spores were delayed and the growth of protonematas and prothalli ill comparing with controls were slowed down.The groups which were treated with 5 and 10 mg% of beta carotene showed an increase in their vacuoles system and a decrease in their number of chloroplast and amount of chlorophyll. 5 mg% of beta carotene shows a little effect on vacuoles system, number of chloroplast and amount of chlorophyll, but he prothalli which are treated are very small and have numerous shallow sexual notch which make the prothalli look multi lobed.

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General factors such as catch, handing and confinement of broodstock that migrate for spawning, may cause stress in fishes. This investigation was perfomed on 84 female broodstock persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus). Blood samples were collected from 4 different locations estuarian part of rivers (Sefid Rud and Gorgan Rud), within Sefid Rud river and in Shahid Beheshti hatchery. Immunophysiology system of broodstocks were evaluated through the fluctuation of blood index such as leukocyte (Lymphocyte, neutrophil and eosinophil). The results revealed that the blood indice change in fish via acute changes in leukocytes including lymphocytopenia and neutrophilia phenomenons are significant, but eosinophil did not show a suitable stress index. The results have shown that fluctuations of Lymphocyte, neutrophil and eosinophil were observed from 5-88 percent, 8-95 percent and 0-24 percent, respectively. The results from these experiments suggest that the changes of Iymphocyte and neutrophil in persian sturgeon blood smear are important as an ecophysiological stress index.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this research the effects of plants growth regulator on the micropropagation of two ornamental flower Tulipa gesneriana and Lilium bulbiferum in a completely randomize block repeated three times. The common practice for wild and bread tulips is to plant the bulb and for Lilium to separate the green bulbs from the main. bulb. A variety of methods of micropropagation can be used to further reproduce these plants. In the first experiment conducted to plant the tulip seeds and to help callus formation, it was revealed that various 2,4-D concentrations significantly affect the rate of seed germination to the extent that a 10 milligram/Liter concentration of this hormone will produce maximal callus formation of germination in the dark, though it will not make a significant difference in the dark and in the light. To continue this experiment also conducted on tulip, to plant the pieces of the explanted tulip’s bulb scale using 10 mg/l 2,4-D hormone, it was revealed that the hormone signficantly affected the callus formation. Further, the effect of darkness and light was studies using this hormone, such that it was revealed that greatest callus formation occurs in the dark. In the second experiment where the pieces of the explanted Lilium bulb scale grew in the base culture medium with 5 mg/l benzyl-adenine BA, the surface of the planted pieces revealed shoot germination which on cold treatment and recuiture in a medium containing dimethyl sulphoxide DMSO, produced stems. To the continue research on the Lilium, the combined effect of Naphthalene acetic acid NAA and of benzyl adenine BA on the pieces of explanted bulb scale, revealed that a great quantity of callus was formed in the base medium containing 5 mg/lit of this hormone significantly affected the callus formation, where the individual effect of NAA and 2,4-D hormones studies, revealed that the varied concentrations of NAA in the culture medium, produced more callusd than for the control, such that the greatest callus formation occurred in the 2.5 milligram/Liter concentrations. On Further experimentation, the effects of 2, 4-D alone on the pieces of the Lilium explanted bulb scale revealed the greatest quantity of callus formation in a base medium containing 2.5 milligram/liter of 2.4-D. Further, on comparing 2, 4-D and NAA, it was revealed that NAA has a greater effects on callus formation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hyoscyamus niger from Solanaceae family is an important pharmacological plant which maintains tropane alkaloids. Presence of 8Tropane alkaloids in this plant is investigated by HPLC apparatus. Different parts of plant including root, stem, leaf, flower and seed in different phases of vegetative growth (tow leaves, five leaves, ten leaves), flowering, full flowering and fruiting have been prepared for this experiment. In root, the highest amount of hyoscyamine and scopolamine production are in vegetative phase, in which ten rosette leaves were formed and root from ontogenical regard has secondary structure. In stem, quantity of scopolamine is more in flowering stage in which the stem is green and flexible and from anatomical point structrure of pith is completed. The highest amount of hyoscyamine is in full flowering phase. In leaf, the highest quantity of scopolamine and hyoscyamine are in full flowering and flowering phases, repectively. In generative phase, flower has the most amount of hyoscyamine and scopolaminy. In fruiting phase, seed has the most quantity of scopolamine and hyoscyamine and immature seeds have more alkaloids than mature and brown seeds. Briefly, in vegetative phase; flower and in fruiting phase, seed have the most quantity of tropane alkaloids. In vitro culture of hyoscyamus niger plant was carrided out on B5 medium including 2mg/l NAA and 1mg/l 6-BAP. Explants were supplied from culturing of root, hypocotyl and leaf of sterile seed lings which were growing in B5 medium free hormone. In callus formation and organization, explants of leaf and hypocotyl had better response. Changing the quantity of nitrate, phosphate, calcium and sucrose in B5 medium was made in comparison with base medium, then regenerated roots in different media with various amount of mineral elements and sugar were investigated by HPLC apparatus. Augmentation of nitrate concentration as compared with base medium and the medium with lower nitrate concentration, causes increase of growth rate and differentiation of root, but increase of nitrate nihibits the alkaloid production. Decrease of nitrate concentration is the cause of increase of alkaloid concentration relative to base medium (optimum concentration, 10mm). In medium with more phosphate than base medium, formation and differentiation and growth rate of root is more accelerated than in base medium and medium with lower phosphate concentration. But decrease of phosphate concentration causes an increase in alkaloid production relative to base medium and augmentation of phosphate inhibits alkaloid production (optimum concentration for scopolamine and hyoscyamine, 0.5 mM and 1.1 mM, respectively). About sucrose effect, in must be mentioned that with increase of sucrose concentration, root differentiation accelerates and elongation and diameter of roots increase relative to base medium and medium with lower sucrose concentration. Also, with increase of sucrose, alkaloid biosynthesis augments and with diminution of sucrose. With regard to base medium, alkaloid production will be limited. Augmentation of calcium concentration, causes increase of scopolamine and hyoscyamine biosynthesis (optimum concentration, 2mM), also increase of calcium, increase of growth rate of root. Assessment of alkaloid production rate reveals in all phases Hyoscyamus niger produces more scopolamine than hyoscyamine.

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Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is one the most important oilseed crops in the world and also in Iran. Phosphorus application on tolerance of sunflower to salinity was investigated. Experiments were carried out in environment. A 3×3 factorial experiment in completely randomized design with 3 replications was used. The first factor consisted of 3 levels NaCl (0, 50, 100 mM) and the second factores consisted of 3 levels phosphorus (0, 1 and 5 mM P). One germinated seed of sunflower transferred to culture jars and treatments were applied at 2-leaf stage of the plants. After three weeks, the plants were harvested. The growth parameters including shoot fresh and dry weights, leaf number were determined. Leaf area was determined with leaf area meter (Delta T MK2 model). One gram fresh leaf was hemogenized in 80% aceton and filtered. B-carotene and xanthophyll were extracted with diethyl ether and petrolium ether. Soluble and non soluble sugars were determined by the Phenol-acid sulfuric method. Protein measurment was done with the foline reagent. All of the extraction were read with spectrophotometer (Shimadzo UV-120-02) at appropriate spectrums. The results indicates that growth parameters, chlorophyll a and B- carotene of sunflower cv. Record were increased at moderate salinity level (50 mM NaCl) in comparison with control. Salinity effect on chlorophyll b and xanthophyll was not significant. Increasing salt concentration, increased soluble sugar and protein, but had no significant effect on non soluble sugar. At 100 mM NaCl, application of phosphorus (specially at 1 mM) increased the growth parameters, soluble and non soluble sugars and protein. Phosphorus had little effect on the chlorophyll and carotenoids. According to the results of this study, sunflower cv. Record is a moderately salt tolerant crop and it is likely to show better performance under moderate salinity status than non-saline conditions and phosphorus application can moderate the adverse effects of salinity on sunflower.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Metabolic alkalosis is among the commonest acid / base body fluids disorders; whose first symptom is increase of Hco-3 / PC02 ratio and body fluid pH. There are also namerous diseases, following metabolic alkalosis, chief among which are Bartter’s syndrome, Gitelman’s syndrome, chronic/acute renal failure, chronic alcoholism and hyperaldostronism, This present research has studied the offects of metabolic alkalosis on the function of pituitary - adrenal axis and pituitary - gonad axis in intact and adrenalectomized adult male rats. The rats divides into 8 groups, each having 12 members as follows; main controle group, moderate sham, severe sham, moderate metabolic alkalosis, severe metabolic alkalosis, controle of adrenalectomy, adrenalectomy and adrenalectomy+ alkalosis. After the specific assigned for each groups (20 or 40 days), blood samples were taken to measure the pH and ACTH, Cortisol, LH, FSH and Testosterone concentration, using RIA method. The results show that pH level in blood of moderate and severe metabolic alkalosis and andrenalectomy + alkalosis groups was significantly higher than that of the controle group. (p≤0.001) The concentration level of ACTH and cortisol was significantly higher in moderate and severe metabolic alkalosis, and adrenalectomy + alkalosis.(P≤0.001).This result indicate higher activity of P A axis in this groups. The LH and testosterone concentration level was significantly lower in moderate and severe metabolic alkalosis than that of the control group; which indicate a decrease in the function of PG axis following alkalosis. In adrenalectomy + alkalosis group, the concentration of LH and testosterone was also lower than that of the control group, which proves the direct effects of alkalocis on PG axis. The findings indicate that alkalosis causes deficiency in reproduction of adult male rats through stimulating PA axis or the direct effect on PG axis.

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Effects of deferent concentrations of N, P and K on micropropagation of jojoba were investigated. The apical and lateral buds of jojoba were aseptically grown on Ms medium for 30 days under controlled environment., conditious in 18 hours day length and 25°C temperature. Then, they were transferred to the treatment media and left in the mentioned controlled environment 30 and 45 days after transplanting. Shoot numbers, bud numbers, chlorophyll content of leaves. Fresh and dry weights of plants were determined. 30 days after transplanting, the highest relative growth rate was observed in plants that were grown on media containing concentrations of 0.8A N and P, LOA and 1.2A, K compared to MS medium (as 1.0). 45 days after transplanting, the highest relative growth rate was observed in plants grown on media containing concentrations of 0.6 A, N and 1.2 for K and P compared to MS medium. Data were analyzed with MSTAT-C computer program and the means of growth parameters were compared with the least significant difference (LSD) test at the 5% level.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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