Descripitions for the species of Linum pollen grains based on Scanning Electron Microscopic observations are presented. Apertnre types are tricolpate. Tectum ornamentations are flat-topped gemmae in the species of L. bienne and L. usitatissimum and clavate for the rest of species. Three shapes including ellipsoid, spheroid and subspheroid can be distinguished. The studied species belong to five sections and they are including: L. catharticum (Sect. Cathartolinum), L. strictum, L. corymbulosum and L. tenuifolium (Sect. Linastrum), L. album, L. persicum, L. mucronatum and L. nodiflorum (Sect Syllinum), L. densflorum (sect. Dasylinum) L. nervosum, L. bungei, L. glnucum, L. austriacum, L. peyronii, L. bienne L. and L. usitatissimum (Sect. Linum).