At the present time that our country is passing through a critical period, the role of the administrative, industrial and educational organizations is inevitable in the economic operation and development of the country. But the fact whether all of them have been successful in making an effort to obtain the given aims is really questionable, because some of them seem to have performed a lot better than the others. Viewing the success of some of these organizations, we can find out about some common and key factors which have played important roles in their efficient performance.An important factor is the existing powerful and overruling culture in which these organizations operate. Certainly, getting to know such factors and supporting them would be a useful step in leading these organizations to achieve their ideal goals successfully.In this Article, first a theoretical analysis of culture and organizational culture is presented, then labor productivity and finally the existing theories concerning the relationship between organizational culture and labor productivity are explained. Also, in this investigation, using variance test analysis, the rank of Management Colleges of such academic institutions like Higher Education Confederate of Ghom, Tehran University, Allameh - Tabatabaei University and Shahid Beheshti University have been determined on the basis of the impact of organizational culture on the rate of productivity. By applying the correlation coefficient of Spearman, the relation of organizational culture with productivity of colleges has been analyzed with regard to the criteria explained for productivity. Finally, using Friedman’s test the criteria and characteristics of organizational culture have been ranked.