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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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    (TOME 36)
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The article aims at a comparative study of Islamic and Current administration. To make the subject and its aims accessible, two research questions have been put forward:Question one: How can the assumptions, pre-requisites and the essentials of Islamic administration be distinguished from Current administration?Question Two: How can Islamic administration be distinguished from Current administration? Type of Research: Fundamental and Library oriented.Methodology: Descriptive - Analytic.In attempting to answer the first question a brief study concerning an understanding of human nature based on the view of Islam and the other religions was carried out prior to the comparative study of Islamic administration and Current administration.In attempting to answer the second question the following issues have been examined in the comparative study of Islamic administration and current administration:a- Comparison of the concepts of administration and current leadership with Islamic administration concept.b- Comparison of current administration aims with Islamic administration aims.c- Comparison of current administration essence Islamic administration essence d-  Comparison of current administration Prenciples and Islamic administration. e-  Brief comparison between Islamic administration and Current administration.

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    (TOME 36)
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At the present time that our country is passing through a critical period, the role of the administrative, industrial and educational organizations is inevitable in the economic operation and development of the country. But the fact whether all of them have been successful in making an effort to obtain the given aims is really questionable, because some of them seem to have performed a lot better than the others. Viewing the success of some of these organizations, we can find out about some common and key factors which have played important roles in their efficient performance.An important factor is the existing powerful and overruling culture in which these organizations operate. Certainly, getting to know such factors and supporting them would be a useful step in leading these organizations to achieve their ideal goals successfully.In this Article, first a theoretical analysis of culture and organizational culture is presented, then labor productivity and finally the existing theories concerning the relationship between organizational culture and labor productivity are explained. Also, in this investigation, using variance test analysis, the rank of Management Colleges of such academic institutions like Higher Education Confederate of Ghom, Tehran University, Allameh - Tabatabaei University and Shahid Beheshti University have been determined on the basis of the impact of organizational culture on the rate of  productivity. By applying the correlation coefficient of Spearman, the relation of organizational culture with productivity of colleges has been analyzed with regard to the criteria explained for productivity. Finally, using Friedman’s test the criteria and characteristics of organizational culture have been ranked.

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  • Volume: 

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    (TOME 36)
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One of the most important factors which alter job creation to a  necessitate is non-oil export capabilities development. The countrys foreign exchange income will be increased through paying attention to worth industrial activities Fields. Iran, with huge resource of raw materials, origins and Labor forces have a considerable potential to be developed through industrial activities channel. In other word, industrial sections are not only able to affect commercial development but also may create new opportunities. So, in order to facilitate commercial development, increasing efficiency and productivity, raising production power and job creation in industry recognition and introducing of worth industrial activities must be noticed. In this research, understanding more about different worth industrial activities in order to increase job creation was studied. Priority of job creation in Iran industrial sections is determined by using seniority of important index (Compatible with ISIC codes) and numerical taxonomy method. According to this study priority of different industries considering job creation aim are as below: 1- Textile industry                                                        6- Print and paper industry 2- Mineral industry                                                      7- Miscellaneous industry 3- Wood industry                                                        8- Basic metals industry 4- Machinery industry                                                9- Chemical  industry 5- Food  industry

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

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    (TOME 36)
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Strategic planning is presently considered as a key managerial process. Despite the abundance of literature on strategic planning, few research projects have focused on the measuring of strategic planning.This paper offers a diagnostic toll and twenty key features for measuring strategic planning effectiveness based on Hoshin Kanri. The model was tested in a large sample of state-owned company in Iran and the results are put to the fore by the author.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    (TOME 36)
  • Pages: 

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One of the most important difficulties with existing companies ranking models is their emphasis on just one critical index, such as income or sale. In other word, they rank companies in terms of their activity size not their performance, excellence and advantages. The aim of this paper is to remove this difficulty by designing a general comprehensive raking model based on companies performance, excellence and advantages. The proposed model is an extension to Balanced Score Card (BSC) model.It conists of 6 major components named financial, internal process, customer, development and innovation, human resources and finally management. It also includes 422 indices, and applies MADM technique for weighting indices and final ranking. The model is also practically tested to rank 8 major Iranian automobile makers based on 40 existing data in Tehran Stock Exchange. The results of ranking provided at the ending section of the paper.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    (TOME 36)
  • Pages: 

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"Selecting right Person for the right job" in the organizations seems to be the most important managerial issue. Traditionally, this is realized through a "simple Job- Person Match", which is an "Individual view". This methodology, by some trends and paradigm shift in human resource management (i.e. Team Working), should be evolved to a "Group viwe". In this study, "interpersonal interactions" is added to the traditional one.First, the suggested model for personnel selection and placement is formulated into a Quadratic mathematical form and then a Hopfield neural network has been used to solve it by using Matlab software, a well known and validated software for neural nets. The results show, there is a significant difference between the mean of solutions by traditional view (based on individual level) and the mean of solutions by the new suggensted one (based on group level): t(19) = - 10.966, P-Value=0.000.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    (TOME 36)
  • Pages: 

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This paper focuses on the economic, social, and psychological impactcs of retirement on the faculty members of Tehran university. This is an important issue. On one hand, the population of retired people in many sociteies is getting larger, and larger. On the other hand, the employed people feel a kind of jop insecurity, If these people do not have an acceptable social, economic and psycological situation the people who are working now, also would not work with assurance and their productivity would be decreased.This paper is based on a survey method. The results of this survey show that the fuculty members of Tehran University besides having economic and social problems, have psychological problems such as stress, uncertainty, absurdity and uselessness. Finally this paper is supporting the idea of "step by step retirement" instead of "complete retirement".

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    (TOME 36)
  • Pages: 

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This paper discusses a comparative study between ISO 900:2000 standards and two groups of total quality management approaches, one proposed by different intelligents such as, Crosby, Deming, etc. and the other by two widely used quality awards namely EFQM and MBNQA.Based on this study seven criteria and their subـcriteria were identified which determines the differences and communalities between ISO 9000:2000 standards and also indicate that these standards comply with a total quality approach. Based on the comparative analysis conducted, two similar instruments in questionnaire with alike content were developed to measure the level of implemention of TQM in the organizations implementing TQM and to collect the views of quality experts respectively. Through statistical tests, reliability and validity including construct validity of the mentioned above instruments were approved by factor analysis. Finally by analyzing the data collected from the two instruments a gap analysis aimed at identifying the differences between what is really done in the organizations and what quality experts believe that should be done was performed. The results of this research can help the organizations of the country in their efforts on implementing TQM.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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