Background: The situation of medicine and its inadequacy is the main problem of peoples. One of important cause of drug in sufficiency is unusual consumption of drugs and unsociable prescription. Therefore WHO has established guidelines to this guidelines can compare the pattern of using drugs in different regions and different times. This study is planned to survey the indices mentioned above. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study that analyzed the prescriptions in two steps (years 1374 and 1379), that referred to Rafsanjan pharmacies. Totally, 2791 prescriptions were analyzed in year 1374 and 4104 in year 1379. In these prescriptions, the average of prescribed items, precentage of antibiotic percentage inject able drugs and the precentage of drugs with generic name were evaluated.Results: The average items Prescribed by general physicians (GPS) and specialists were 4.26 and 3.2 respectively in year 1374 these item were 3.75 and 3.39 in year 1379. There were significant differences between GP,S prescriptions and speclatists. In year 1374, 80.7% of GP,S and 14.9% of specidists prescription contained at least one inject able item. The percentage of prescriptions contained inject able drugs, in yra 1379 was 46% and 16.93% respectively this item was significantly different between GPS and specialists in both years. In 1374, from GPS’ and specialist prescriptions, the medicines that were written in generic names was 96.8% and 96.7% respectively but in year 1379 this index was 91.85% and 87.4% respectively. The drugs written in generic names were significantly fewer in 1379 compare to 1374. In 1374, 70.8% of GPS’ prescriptions and 22.2% of specialists’ contained at least one antibiotic item that this difference was also significant. Conclusion: The results of this evaluation showed that the prescribed indices in both steps by specialists were better than GPS’ prescribed indices were improved in year 1379 compare to 1374 but it was not change by specialists.