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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (پی در پی 25) (ویژه نامه)
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زمینه و هدف: یکی از نکات مهم و حایز اهمیت در دستورات اسلامی، حفظ و ارتقا سلامت و تاکید بر تقدم "پیشگیری بر درمان" می باشد. پیامبر اعظم (ص) زندگی بدون سلامتی و تندرستی را، حیات بدون خیر و برکت دانسته و می فرماید : "لاخیر فی الحیاه الا مع الصحه ". آنچه که امروزه سازمان های بهداشتی با عنوان "انسان سالم، محور توسعه پایدار" بیان می کنند، دقیقا مضمون همین گفته پیامبر (ص) است. یکی از جنبه های مهم در دستورات بهداشتی اسلام، توجه به بهداشت دهان و دندان و مسواک زدن می باشد.مواد و روش ها: این پژوهش، نوعی مطالعه مروری است که با بررسی منابع معتبر اسلامی، سیره و آموزه های پیامبر اسلام (ص) در مورد بهداشت دهان و دندان استخراج شده است.یافته ها: با مروری بر منابع معتبر اسلامی ازقبیل طب النبی، نهج الفصاحه، طب الائمه، مکارم الاخلاق، وسایل الشیعه و دیگر منابع که در خصوص بهداشت و پیشگیری از بیماری ها، نکات مهمی را ارایه کرده اند، علاوه بر مضرات عدم رعایت بهداشت دهان و دندان، مطالب مهمی پیرامون فواید و آثار مسواک زدن و خلال کردن، شیوه و اوقات مسواک زدن، بیان گردیده است. پیامبر اسلام (ص) در ارتباط با اهمیت مسواک زدن می فرمایند :"آنقدر جبرئیل مرا به مسواک زدن سفارش کرد که گمان بردم به زودی مسواک زدن از واجبات دینی خواهد بود". ضمن این که در آموزه های پیامبر اسلام (ص) و ائمه هدی به تمام آموزه های بهداشتی، وجهه عبادی نیز داده شده، به طوری که پیامبر اسلام (ص) دو رکعت نماز با مسواک را برتر از هفتاد رکعت نماز بدون مسواک، دانسته و حتی تهیه خلال دندان برای میهمان را، یکی از حقوق میهمان بر شمرده اند.نتیجه گیری: با توجه به تاکید آموزه های دینی پیامبر اکرم (ص) در مورد بهداشت دهان و دندان، پای بندی و رعایت این سنت اسلامی، می تواند تا حد زیادی در حفظ سلامت فردی و در نتیجه سلامت جامعه اسلامی، موثر بوده و الگویی برای دیگران باشد.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: In islam, there are several objectives for fasting which include spiritual, psychological, social and physiological health promotion. However fasting is prohibited for women with special physiological status, patients, children and elderly people. This study has reviewed the effects of fasting on metabolic control of diabetic patients, published in literature.Materials and Methods: In this study pubmed, sciruse, findarticles, irandoc, Sir base & Google search engines have been searched for publication on the related subject. We used key words of Ramadan, Moslem, metabolic control and diabetes mellitus to search these database.Results: The outcome of our search showed great diversity among the results reported by different authors. Some reported that Fasting reduces some of the biochemical index and increased HDL cholestol. Other surveys concluded that fasting causes hypoglycaemia. Based on the results of many studies, Fasting did not change FBS, Insulin, C-peptide, TG, HbA1c, fructosamine, but it could lead to Hypoglycemia and reduction of body weight.Conclusion: According to many studies, fasting is prohibited for IDDM patients and it is needed for NIDDM patients to be evaluated before fasting. Patients must be aware of the effect of diet, drugs regimen and physical activity. We also suggest both studies in national and international scales.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: One of the most significant and important points in Islamic rules and orders is to keep and develop health and it’s emphasize on prevention rather than treatment .The great prophet (pbuh) accounted the life without health and safety as a fruitless and unhealthy life. Since he declare that “ a life without health and safety is not a good life “ . What today health organizations call as: “healthy man is the base of continuous development” is the same as our prophet (Pbuh) said.One of the most important aspect of Islam regulations is considering oral hygiene and toothbrush. Good dental health is more than the absence of disease or tooth decay in mouth.Materials and Methods: The research is a review article that surveys is based on important and standard Islamic resource and the prophet (pbuh) Manner and Instructions.Results: Reviewing Islamic information sources such as: Teboalnabi, Nahjolfasahe,Tebbolaemme, Makaremol akhlagh, Vasaelo–shiate and some other sources show important  issues on health and illness prevention , beside the danger of lack of mouth and dental health and its benefits, too. The said sources of Islam Speak and determine the time of brushing, its method, benefits and tooth. Prophet Mohammad said, "Were it not that I might overburden believers, I would have ordered them to use the miswak at every prayer". The Islam prophet said about tooth brushing significance from Gabriel angel that ordered him much for tooth brushing that he said I though it will be a legal order soon. Beside these benefits the Islam order and regulations about health and sanitation are holy too ,this is why two prayers for a Moslem with  brushed tooth is more  valuable than seventy prayers with non- brushed tooth. The prophet(Pbuh) also indicated that providing a thoot pick is one of the guest right.Conclusion: Considering  all the Islamic and prophet orders and deeds on mouth and dental hygiene, its emphasis and following them can somehow retain the body health and finally have a significant role on Islamic society and be a positive model for other societies too.

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The scientific investigation on the role of religion on the suicide rates has begun by the end of the nineteenth century. Nevertheless, these studies have been focused on the comparison of suicide rates between Protestants and Catholics. Given the enormous diminishing effect of Islam on suicide rates within Islamic communities, the history of scientific studies on this issue dates back only to recent decades. Therefore, this review article has been attempted to provide a clear picture of the effect of Islam on suicide. Based on the results of this study, since Islam officially have prohibited suicide, the overall suicide rates are low within the Islamic countries. However, the rather high suicide rates for young women within Islamic societies compared with other age-sex groups and the higher use of violent methods such as hanging and self-immolation by them, requires more research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Despite rapid progresses in field of proflactive and treatment measures as well as controlling disease, and their positive effects on human societies, human are still suffering from many crisis due to lack of following prophet's teaching and morality. These crisises has profound effects on human health and spirit.The main factor to avoid such critical condition. is to return to the teachings of prophets and mainly islam. The present article tries to describe the effects of so called "encouragement of good behavious and discouragement of bad or immoral behavious" on providing healthy and happy environments for the society.Materials and Methods: The research method in this study is descriptive and is based on historical and religious sources with priority to Quran and divine tradition. It also analyzes effects of this prophet teaching at the certain period of Islamic history in which prople and the government had practiced it.Results: One significant factor in providing the healthy spirit and physique in a society, is to pay attention to the basic principle of practicing good behavious and avoiding immoral acts at individual and governmental dimensions. The proof to this claim is supervisory institution "Hesbah"; the governmental section of this rule and the great effect in stabilization of Islamic civilization in the context of social and sanitational Health.Conclusion: To be protected from the critical physical and spiritual diseases derived from materialistic civilization of present age, there is no other way than to restore to the moral teachings of Divine prophets and healthy human relationships. One of the most important teachings in this contexts is the Divine rule of encouragement of good behaviouse and discouragement of immoral behavious which Quran has expressed it with certain conventions and has considered them as the basic principle of social security and health in every aspects of human society.

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Background and Objective: The Greatest Prophet said that "during visiting the sick, in order to make the patient more relaxed, it is better to touch him/her forehead and hands simultaneously with questioning him/her conditions". This study has been done to determine the importance of this advice and its application in modern medicine.Materials and Methods: This study was one and researchers tried to collect the necessary information about the importance of touch and its effects on recovery of the patients by searching the library resources and internet.Results: Some semi-experimental studies have proved that this action not only establishes a better communication but also helps patient to be recovered in shorter time. Two clinical-trial studies in critical care units showed that observable behavioral actions (such as face ,eyes and body movements) tendency of conversation and also decrease of pulse rate and diastolic blood pressure in test group(which experienced both verbal communication and touch), were observed more than control group(which had only verbal communication). Various researches on elderly people showed an increase in tranquility, self-consent, self-esteem and well-being of this group, even touch and holding hands of the dying people was a proper way to stimulate the recovery.Conclusion: Regarding the content of this research it seems that if touch is done based on honesty, philanthropy and the patient sense and in its proper time will play an effective role in activation and improvement the physical and mental condition of patients.

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Background and Objectives: This Study is investigating effects of the speech and prophetic behavior in providing health and physical education. It also analyzes great attentions of religious education that can fulfill the spivitual and material needs of human. The aim of this study is to understand importance of culture building with simple language and religius literature along with prophets way of life, in providing health for the society.Materials and Methods: Some of the verses of Koran (Qoran) and religious sayings in the field of health and cleanness are sources of study and research in this article that have been done by documentation of samples and principles in religious sources and prophetic manners.Results: Contrary to the the teachings of some religions and shallow understanding of religion that considersthe spirituality to be an obstacle in front of physical education,  and health, the Islamic educational system and prophetic teachings have paid great attentions to human spiritual and material needs.Conclusion: Suitable educational goals with of Islamic values can gained a proper order. The exaltation and purification of the soul with the development of the body in the Islamic educational system has a fundamental place (position).

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The great prophet says:” do not eat unless you before hungry and your stomach is empty”. Hunger causes the appetite for food and the proper nutrition prepares enough energy for body. Proper diets in moslem community are influenced by culture, econmy, history, and mainly the religious believes.Complete diet has great influence on quality of health and life, and must include balanced amout of protein, carbohydrate, fat vitamins, minerals and water. There are many advices offered by God, its prophet (pbuh) and Immams for diet and eating habits.On the other hand there are many medical advices in various books for human being to follow some rules to be healthy and have a painless life. These rules are gained from a number of scientific investigations during a long time.Since Islamic teaching is universal and encompasses various subjectes, therefore this study inquires the correlation of scientific facts with the Islamic diet rules. We hope that our result can shed light on understanding the proplet's lifestyle. Our result revealed strong correlation between Islamic dieting and scientific facts and hence following the Islamic diet can have profound influence on human health.

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Background and Objective: Salat is offered by muslem whorshippers, and the second pillar of the Islamic faith. The various aspects of the prayer ritual including standing, bowing,sajda (prostration) and sitting. Although obligatory prayer  is a spiritual act involving total obedience and submission to allah but it is being increasingly recognized that it has therapeutic values, physical exercise of the musculoskeletal system as well as increasing cerebral blood flow.The aim of current study is to determine the effects of prostration on velocity of cerebral blood flow by means of transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (TCD).Materials and Methods: We studied 42 (22 males, 20 females) healthy volunteers among medical student in alzahra hospital affiliated by isfahan university of medical sciences .All of volunteers  were insonated through suboccipital window in sitting and prostration position aim to measure basilar flow velocity.Results: Basilar artery mean velocities were 39.25±11cm/s and 50±10.5 cm/s in sitting and prostration position, respectively (23% increase velocity, p<0.05). No significant difference were  found between males and females, p=0.25.The results indicated that cerebral vasoconstriction resistance did not has not occurred to prevent brain over perfusion during prostration.Conclusion: our study indicate that prostration increase cerebral blood flow in healthy subjects and may be benefficial in elderly and stroke patients.

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The wise God, has created the environment based on the set goals logic and purposes. God has ercated eveything quantitatively and qualitatively in a proper manar. God has declared in the Quran: "Verily, all things have we created by measure" and/or in another verse he says: "And the earth, we have spread it out, creating firm standing mountains, and grown in it every thing in balance". This study aims to search  the verses of Quran and hadith about protection of living environment and its role in human health. In this review article, Islamic resources on environmental protection were reviewed. In the universe there is enormous diversity and variety of living forms and functions. The universe and its various elements fulfil human welfare and are evidence of the Creator's greatness.  Thus, in Islam the utilization of these resources is the right and privilege of all people and all species.The Islamic ideology emphasizes in the fact that all Moslems must protect and appreciate the God's creations including the living environment.Conclusion: it can be inferred that Moslems must use all the legal and moral tools to protect the living environment and to prevent its destruction.

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Background and Objectives: The Islamic teachings and practices are based on providing healthy environments. The present study discusses the effective health mission approaches narrated by the Holy Prophet's (PBUH) and the Infallible Imams'(PBUT) Ravayats (Narrations).Materials and Methods: The present study has followed a descriptive method of study in which library sources including texts and books as well as internet sources on health Ravayats, were searched to determine how Islamic health instructions have been followed by Muslim nations for centuries. All the findings were then analyzed..Results: This investigation shows that useful health care instructions narrated by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) can shed a light on the reasons lying behind the scientific factors and hygiene rules and regulations in Five Branches. A- Identification of factors destroying individual's health under the satanic acts. B- Paying attention to personal hygiene as a basic step before worship and praying to attract the Almighty and blessings and to obtain Devine reward. C- Introducing health as a factor for acquiring wealth and removing poverty. D- Providing health massages and warnings based on the sayings, behaviors, and traditions of the Holy Prophet(PBUH)and the Infallible Imams' (PBUT) Sonnah (Traditions). E- Outstanding explanations of the reasons and philosophy of the health care instructions to health care receivers.Conclusion: The main suggestion of the present article is that the Islamic Missionaries, along with propagating the Islamic ideology and Sharia, should include health care Ravayats (Narrations) in their preaches with the hope that through these instructions the human attitude and lifestyle will move towards more welfare and healthiness.

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Nowday with the development of different sciences, it has become clear that Islam's instructions and Prophet Mohammad's teaching (PBUH) have been based on reason and wisdom; and with the scientific studies, the philosophy behind many of these instructions and teachings has been settled in the mind. The great Prophet and the pious Imams have recommended the use of many herbs and vegetables as sources of food and medicine. In this study we only mentioned the medical qualities of four types of them, i.e. mushroom, garlic, squash and vinegar, and we have also mentioned a few recommendations of Islam's nutrition rules.The consumption of mushroom in Islam's instructions can be seen in a number of religious narratives; whereas it has been mentioned as a hygienic vegetable. Eating garlic has been an emphatic advice by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to his followers; and in case of considering social concerns its consumption is repeatedly suggested. Also using garlic as a victual for gaining good behavior and mental health is again Islam's recommendation.Vinegar preperation from different vegetables as a food seasoning or taste exists in the Islamic narratives; and the therapeutic effects of these vegetables have been proved in numerous scientific studies.Finally, we conclude that the holy religion of Islam which is the last and most complete divine religion has paid great attention to the physical and psychical health of human as much as it does to religion and spirituality and in the Prophet's (PBUH) teachings, sanitation, individual and social health have been as a must and religious duty; and man is prohibited from anything that is harmful to the human body. Considering a balance in the use of vegetable and carnivorous food is one of the serious recommendations of the religion of Islam; and this matter has been confirmed in researches and experimental studies.

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Background and Objectives: Mental disorders are one of the common worldwide problems and it has been reported that they have an increasing growth in Iran. Many studies have been reported the beneficial somatic and mental effects of Ramadan fasting on human.Material and Methods: This research was a natural experience study which was carried out to determine the effect of Ramadan fasting on mental health of 115 students of Jiroft nursing school. Data were collected by a demographic questionnaire and a 12-item mental health scale. The questioner and scale were completed by students in one week before and after the Ramadan month, respectively. The data of mental health scores were reported as Mean±SEM and analyzed by Paired and group t-test.Results: The results showed that mental health of students were increased after fasting compared with before Ramadan month (p<0/000). Furthermore, mental health of male students were more than female students in both before (p<0.001) and after (p<0.01) Ramadan fasting.Conclusion: Based on the results, Ramadan fasting may improve mental health of students. Further investigations such as case-control studies are needed to determine the exact effects of Ramadan fasting on mental health.

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Background and Objective: Islam is a religion which guides its followers in every aspect of their lives. It is a way of life. Our prophet (Pbuh) has indicated that both, working to provide goods for family as well as working in the house, are considered ok holy war. The aim of this study is to reveal the importance of work and works with or without income with the regard to the teaching of prophet (Pbuh).Materials and Methods: This is an experimental library investigation, which study the original texts of Islam as like as Holy Qoran, ancient Islamic traditional books and history books. It is also attempted to inquire the concept of work in terms of prophet(Pbuh) teaching.Results: the results showed that Work is very important in Islam, and it is a necessity of human being. Islam focuses on the importance of work and its positive impacts on people energy, attitudes, behavior, sins, and self esteems. Islamic Ethics and rule are the best ways for saving mental health.Conclusion: The pattern of life of the greatest Prophet (PBUH) and the instruction of Islam is the best way for mental health.

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According to Islam, health is a great blessing and gift to human beings from God. After monotheism, heath is one of the greatest blessings from God according to the revealed religions. In Islam, human beings have always been encouraged to protect and keep their health to live better and grow up. One who is in higher level of intelligence, skill and perfection is more able to use his/ her health, power and abilities and is more helpful for his/her family, society and organization.As one of the requirements of human being, physical activity shall be done by all moslem individuals, whether man, woman, child or adult. In fact, one of the main factor of development and growth of Islamic countries is that Islamic communities pay special attention to physical activity and its application to different levels. Physical and extracurricular activities is said to enrich leisure time and provide more happiness, joy and comfort. As one of daily works of each moslem, doing appropriate and regular physical activities can affect on the health of a society and social duties. In other words, successful people are those who have more physical activities.This paper has reveiwed the effect of regular physical on physical, mental, social and belief health of families.Based on said factors and other scientific and belief reasons, it can be said that regular physical activities can provide families with physical, mental and social fitness.In addition, health, joy and happiness, that is high quality of life in social, cultural, mental and physical aspects has special effect in the health of families.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: A healthy life and lifestyle along with prevention and prediction of accident are basic requirements for mental health. Our moral-behavioral values must be based on virtue, love, and good relations with others. The Islamic marriage, therefore, must be founded on acceptance of man management in house, sexual satisfaction, and providing goods and services for the house. These factors are very important in mental health of the marriage.Materials and Methods: This is an experimental library investigation (review article), which study the original texts of Islam like Holy Qoran, and ancient Islamic traditional books and history books. We have tried to a gain information about marriage life style with regard to prophet teaching.Results: The results showed that the prophet (pbuh) have indicated that marriage can complete the faith, raise the spiritual elements, extent and increase generosity and create prosperity.Conclusion: The pattern of life of the greatest Prophet (PBUH) and the instruction of Islam about moral behavior of a couple is the best way for mental health. the health of men, women and family.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Islam is a live and constructive religion which with a good life calls its followers for development in the all aspects of life. Holy prophet is architect of this stable structure which has been pioneer in sciences and ethics for centuries. The Holy prophet has always been emphasizing on the importance of public health. The goal is surveying the holy prophet teachings for environmental health indices.Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive and documented study. Data collected based on verses and interpretation of the Holy Quran, hadith books and related software's according to the nature of the text.Results: This study focouses on Holy verses، Hadith and narrations related to environmental health in such different categories as water, waste water, disposal، home, public,  places and environmental protection. Truly, Allah loves those who make themselves clean and pure .and sent down upon you water from the cloud that. It might thereby purify you، and take away from you the uncleanness of the Satan، and sends down rain from the sky: and by it (grows) the vegetation on which to feed your cattle. Eat the legal foods which Allah has made legal and do the righteous deeds.  Remember we made the House, a place of safety; that you should purify my house for those who visit it and stand to pray, and lower your voice. And do not pollute the land after its reform; this is better for you if you are believers. Allah(Sot) does not like anyone who have mischief and destroys trees, plants and animals.Conclusion: The Holy Prophet has said: "Islam revolves around good health". It’s a holy duty of all faithfull Moslems to be clean and pay attention to protection of environment. Nevertheless, any harm or pollution to the environment considered to be a great sin. Violation of the people's rights is prohibited in Islam and is considered as an illegal act. Health recommendations reflected in the Holy Prophet teachings can play paramount role in promoting the culture of health and health conditions in the society.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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