According to Islam, health is a great blessing and gift to human beings from God. After monotheism, heath is one of the greatest blessings from God according to the revealed religions. In Islam, human beings have always been encouraged to protect and keep their health to live better and grow up. One who is in higher level of intelligence, skill and perfection is more able to use his/ her health, power and abilities and is more helpful for his/her family, society and organization.As one of the requirements of human being, physical activity shall be done by all moslem individuals, whether man, woman, child or adult. In fact, one of the main factor of development and growth of Islamic countries is that Islamic communities pay special attention to physical activity and its application to different levels. Physical and extracurricular activities is said to enrich leisure time and provide more happiness, joy and comfort. As one of daily works of each moslem, doing appropriate and regular physical activities can affect on the health of a society and social duties. In other words, successful people are those who have more physical activities.This paper has reveiwed the effect of regular physical on physical, mental, social and belief health of families.Based on said factors and other scientific and belief reasons, it can be said that regular physical activities can provide families with physical, mental and social fitness.In addition, health, joy and happiness, that is high quality of life in social, cultural, mental and physical aspects has special effect in the health of families.