Recently, Environmental issues are noteworthy as one of the upcoming challenges for developed and industrialized countries and in order to obtaining financial goals, more market shares via decreasing of environmental risk impact, Green Supply Chain Management has been introduced as a new approaches in organizations. Regarding to identification and ranking of barriers and obstacles green supply chain deployment in Small and Medium Enterprises of Qazvin state, current research has been done. Descriptive –Exploratory from survey type has been utilized as research method and from point of goal, it contains in applied researches based on Structural Equation Modeling.Statistical Sample includes Elites, Experts and practitioners of SMEs supply chain in Qazvin State. In order to data gathering, questionnaire has been applied. Due to analyzing of the data, Conformity Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling via Softwares such as LISREL and SPSS has been used. identified barriers has been prioritized in order of importance.Research conclusion depicted first level barriers includes organizational, environmental and individual had first, second and third place in ranking. Second level barriers includes Managerial, governmental, technical, awareness, competitive, religious and economic are main identified barriers versus establishment and implementation of supply chain management in Qazvin state SMEs.