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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to compare anterior knee shear force in pronated and supinated foot in single leg drop landing. 30 student (15 male and 15 female) from department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences of Tarbiat Moallem University with the mean and standard deviation of age (22 ± 1.73 years), weight (73.32 ± 7.24 kg) and height (175.08 ± 5.34 cm) participated in this study. Subjects divided into 3 groups (normal, pronated and supinated foot) in each one of gender based on navicular drop test. Subjects land on the center of force plate from a box with the height of 30 cm that placed at the 15 cm from the edge of force plate. Ground reaction forces data normalized by weight of subject and then filtered. Maximum posterior ground reaction force (PGRF) assumed to be equivalent with maximum tibia proximal anterior shear force. One-way ANOVA tests results showed significant difference between female pronated and normal groups for maximum PGRF (p£0.05). Female pronated foot group showed higher maximum PGRF compared to other groups. Due to result of this study, females with pronated foot are at higher risk to have anterior cruciate ligament injury compared to others groups.

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The purpose of this study was the comparison between pronated and supinated foot with dynamic stability in jump-landing task. Twenty-seven male students of Tarbiat moallem University (23.9±1.65yr, 70.17±7.77kg) that none had lower extremities and head injuries, participated in this study. By navicular drop test, subjects were assigned to 1 of 3 groups: (pronated (³10mm), neutral (5-9mm), or supinated (£4mm)). Dynamic stability of subjects obtained via Time To Stabilization (TTS) method, that evaluates athlete stability after jump-landing task. The TTS calculated by means of force plate data. Subject’s TTS calculated in medial-lateral and anterior-posterior directions. Data analyzed by statically methods of MANOVA and ANOVA. The results showed that TTS means was difference in three foot type groups. This difference was significant only in medial-lateral direct. TTS means difference was significant between pronated with supinated groups in medial-lateral direction. Decreased stability in supinated group can be result of foot structure (foot biomechanics) and also disorder in joint proprioceptors and muscle strategies. Diminished stability in supinated group may increase the risk of knee and ankle injuries such as ankle sprain.

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View 1303

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Proper planning during childhood particularly during preschool period can make dramatic changes in individual's development. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of pre-school teaching on basic motor skills in 5 – 6 year old boys in Sanandaj and its comparison with present norm. To this end statistical sample including 140 individuals were chosen randomly and divided to separate groups as educated (those who at preschool centers) and uneducated (those who were at home) (70 peoples).The design was casual comparative and for data collecting has been used individual characteristics and basic motor abilities test (BMAT). The data collected from questioner was analyzed through independent t test at 0/05 level of significance. The result showed that there is not significant difference between the tow male group's interns of development of basic skills. Also subjects between 5 – 6 years were weaker in subtests of jumping, mixed movement, push up, flexibility and static balance with respect to present norms. But no significant difference was recorded considering the present norms. Besides, the first group (those who at pre – school centers) in fine skills and second group (those who were at home) in gross skill showed better performance. It seems that, on the other hand, lack of particular physical education and sport program and compelling children to mental and cognitive activities have led to the obtained results.

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View 2419

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In the boxing blow occasion to the head, is unavoidable rule and for this base the evaluation on the neuropsychological function of memory in amateur boxers is investigated. Statistical social contain three groups .The first group were 20 person of 63 Qom city amateur boxers (practical group), that at least for four years has been presented to the head blows and second group was 20 person of 75 soccer players of Qom city second level league that indirectly for four years has been presented to the head blows and third group was 20 non athletes. Second and third groups as the same as control groups has been selected by the randomized method .To understand brain disorder interview by medicine method has been used, then, Bonardele, Kim karad visual memory and wechler memory scale(Alef type) tests has been performed .The homogeneity of between group variances was gained by the statistical method. One way ANOVA don’t presented significant differences between wight, high, age and education of groups, in the other words, the three groups has been selected the same.One way ANOVA test wasn’t showed significant difference among memory neuropsychological aspect of research groups in wechler memory scale and Bonardele tests(p>0.05).But in visual recalling sub test of wechler memory scale the lowest score has been gained in boxers that in comparison with soccer players and non athletes was showed significant difference(p<0.05). In Kim karad visual memory test significant difference in short term visual memory wasn’t gained (p>0.05) but at the mild and long term visual memory, significant differences between three groups was observed (p<0.05) that least score has been belonged to the boxers. Generally, one bout of four years amateur boxing sport can effect dominantly on mild and long term visual memory deficit in amateur boxers.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of endurance exercise and a detraining period, on lipid peroxidation (MDA) and response of antioxidant system (FRAP, uric acid, bilirubin and total protein). For this reason 35 male rats divided randomly in two groups: Endurance group (experimental, n=20) and Control group (n=15, without any program training). Experimental group trained for 12 weeks, 3 times per week, with given intensities (five trained rats, experienced the detraining, so that the effects of detraining studies, from 8th to 12th week). During our experiments, animals were individually housed in a climate-controlled (temperature and humidity) laboratory animal, and were had 12:12 h light-dark cycle, and standard rat chow. Measurement of MDA and FRAP performed manually, while other measurement accomplished by kit.Data analyzing by using Two Way Repeated ANOVA showed: There were no significant difference between two groups about any of variables, but in the endurance group, there was significant difference through various assessment about uric acid (p=0.000) and bilirubin (p=0.000). Generally, this study showed that endurance exercise training don’t cause oxidative stress (lipid peroxidation), however some adaptation in antioxidant system established.

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Obesity is a complex disorder characterized by the accumulation of excess adipose tissue. Discovery of the hormone leptin in 1994 catalyzed the field of obesity research by demonstrating the existence of an afferent hormonal signal from adipose tissue to the central nervous system. Leptin the product of the ob gene is a proteohormone with a molecular mass of 16 kDa that is thought to play a key role in the regulation of body weight. Leptin increases energy expenditure by enhancing sympathic nervous activity and lypolysis. It also suppresses appetite by acting on the hypothalamus. In recent years the potential participation of leptin has been reported to increase arterial pressure and heart rate by peripherally or centrally mediated mechanisms. The finding that leptin is linked to heart disease risk, strongly suggests that fat may be important in heart disease risk. Leptin deficiency and resistance to the effects of leptin are each associated with weight gain. Leptin resistance is much more common than leptin deficiency in human obesity. There are receptors for leptin on the endothelium and on vascular smooth muscle cells. Accordingly, leptin can exert receptor mediated influence on vessel tone and growth. In cell culture, leptin stimulates vascular smooth muscle proliferation. vascular calcification is also accelerate by leptin in experimental models.Additionally, leptin induces oxidative stress in endothelial cells. Accordingly, it is possible that the high level of leptin observed in obesity could contribute to its adverse effects on cardiovascular health. Diet and exercise has been shown to reduce leptin levels regardless of weight loss. Exercise training induced reduction in leptin levels have been attributed to alterations in energy balance, improvements in insulin sensitivity alterations in lipid metabolism, and unknown factors. This article considers leptin function and the impact that exercise has on blood leptin concentrations.

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The needs assessment is one of the basic issues in various areas which are dealing with necessary planning and predicting in order to achieve the determined goals and objectives. Studies have shown that needs assessment has an important position in demonstrating social and health services. Physical education as a branch of education tends science to present different training services to the society and individual which is completely related to the study on the needs. The countries which have been successful in sport for all and developing recreational physical activities among their people have been able to present sport services to the whole society based on the people manifested needs. Since people needs alter due to changes in social, cultural, economical and political transitions in the course of time continuously it is necessary to change and adapt the programs with the new needs.As mentioned above the main objective in the research is to find physical activity needs among female personnel in Alzahra University through accomplishing needs assessment programs which should inform the researcher of their satisfaction degree of the current sport programs situation in addition to helping the researcher understand. Their physical needs for preventing or therapy of physical weakness. In this study 230 female employees have participated voluntarily (91 faculty member and 139 staff). Faculty member were from 8 faculties, and the staff were from different official departments. Their ages were between 20 and 60. The researcher has made a questionnaire considering the study issues. It was based on the pilot population (30 female) and modify after pilot study and consulting with experts in this area.After bringing out and analyzing if resulted information the researcher preset practical strategies regarding two dimensions:1. Establishing a health and sport committee to hold and supervise the organized affairs in sport activities for all females who are working in Alzahra University.2. Planning a practical program based on the study population expresses and interests according current contingencies and facilities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of the study was to determine the influential factors in the development and propagation of Team Handball in the universities of IR. Iran. Tow Likert type questionnaires were developed and validated by specialists reviews. Data were collected from 145 participating coaches, officials, and players in the 1383 1st. National division University Handball tournament in Tehran. Statistical analysis showed that 69% of the coaches had lower levels of education than their athletes and that 72% possessed only 3rd level coaching certificate or had no coaching certificate at all. Eighty nine percent of the participating coaches worked under short term contracts till the end of the competitions. Independent t tests, at 0.05 level of significance, showed agreement between athletes and coaches/officials on the insufficiency of the coaches’ technical qualifications, lack of athletes’ motivation, deficiency of university budget and investment for handball, inadequacy of planning and time scheduling for handball practice and games. On the other hand, the participating populations disagreed on the sufficiency of the university handball facilities and equipments, as well as, the university managements’ inclination to gaining pride and titles from the games. Hindering factors for advancement of Handball within the universities, from the athletes stand point, were found to be the deficiency of publicity and introductory activities among the students (20%) and the low priority of this sport among the other university athletic activities (22%), and from the coaches and officials’ point of were the low technical knowledge of the students about Handball (36%) and insufficiency of budget (23%). To improve the overall conditions of Handball at the higher education institutions, the participants believed more inter and intramural competitions, better facilities, more qualified coaches, higher budgets, and more efficient motivational factors were needed.

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