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هدف کلی از انجام این پژوهش توصیف علل حمایت نکردن اسپانسرها از ورزش حرفه ای بانوان شهر اصفهان می باشد. اهداف ویژه، توصیف تاثیر اسپانسرشیپ شرکت های اسپانسر ورزش حرفه ای بانوان در فروش کالاهای آنها، تغییر نگرش مردم نسبت به شرکت و رقابت با سایر شرکت ها است. این تحقیق مطالعه ای توصیفی ـ تحلیلی است که به شکل میدانی انجام شده است . آزمودنی های تحقیق را 50 شرکت تشکیل می دادند. اطلاعات به دست آمده از پرسشنامه با کمک برنامه رایانه ای SPSS و روش های آماری توصیفی و استنباطی مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد که شرکت ها در حمایت از ورزش بانوان به اهداف خود (افزایش فروش کالا و خدمات، ایجاد تصویر مناسب از شرکت در اذهان عمومی، رقابت با سایر شرکت ها و گسترش میزان فروش) نمی رسند و به نظر می رسد که دلیل حمایت نکردن اسپانسرها از ورزش بانوان هم به این علت باشد که شرکت ها به اهداف خود نمی رسند.

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Success in performing swimming skills, besides having proper physical features need knowledge of biomechanical factors such as propulsion, drag force and propulsion efficiency(1). This survey aims at investigating the effect of rotational movement of upper limbs on water dynamic behavior (direction and flow velocity) in front crawl swimming. 3 young elite swimmers participate in this study as a subject. Tow camera that moves with subjects velocity recorded movement direction of black woolen tufts were tied to forearm and hand of swimmer and tufts direction demonstrated flow direction. The pressure on different parts of limbs was measured by some sensors (FSR ). The pressure data filtered with thread degree polynomial in excel. Findings showed that rotational movement of upper limbs caused pressure gradient in the limbs length, at the end phase of in sweep and out sweep movement phase. The direction of this gradient is from shoulder toward arm. Existing gradient is opposite of movement velocity, and considering in swimmers, upper limbs the movement of arm is more than that of shoulder, where we have more velocity there is less pressure. And where movement velocity is less, there is more pressure. Findings showed that the same throughout upper limbs in water. Findings of this study question the hypotheses of measuring propulsion through movement analyzing method in a specific direction and its truthfulness.

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Back pain as a prevalent epidemic could be a consequence of various stresses on the spinal column caused by muscular weakness and structural deformities due to factors such as life style. level of activity obesity. Every one of these factors can cause anatomical deformities between the pevis spinal column and lower extremities and muscular imbalance between the flexors and extensors of the hip and back. The evidence shows that using the interval stretching against resistance (HR-PNF) method on shortened hamstrings can regain muscular balance between the hip flexor and extensor muscles resulting in a reduction in back pain. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of PNF-HR therapy on patients with chronic unilateral back pain and shortened hamstring muscles. Fifty six female patients with a one year history of low back pain were chosen. The patients were randomly categorized into an experimental group (age 34+5 years, height 161+4 cm, weight 69+12 kg) and a control group (age 33+5 years height 161+9 cm and weight 67+8 kg). Each subject received a total of twelve session of PNF-HR (three times per week) with each session lasting 90 minutes. The Universal Goniometer (UG) was used to measure hip range of motion in terms of hamstring limitation. Student T- test and X² with (P£ 0.05) was used to analyze the data .The results of this study showed that there is a significant difference in increments of hip range of motion (P£ 0.01). Therefore the results of this study conclude that PNF-HR could be used as an effective method to reduce back pain and increase hip range of motion.

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View 1044

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The purpose of this investigation was to study the relationship between the trunk muscles endurance and anthropometric characters with low back pain among athletes with lumbar lordosis. Selected sample were 30 of athlete students of Tarbiat Moallem University that they have experience in sport teams and all of them have lumbar lordosis. Subjects were divided to 3 groups according to the violence of low back pain by Oswestry questionnaire. In other to study the relationship between the trunk muscles endurance and anthropometric characters with low back pain, at first some of the individual characters same as age, height and BMI were determined by body composition analyzer system. For determining the endurance of back muscles the Sorensen test was used. And for determining the endurance of abdomen muscles the sit-up test was used. Some of the anthropometric characters of subjects were measured. The result showed that there was a significant relationship between variables of endurance of back and abdomen muscles and violence of low back pain (p<0.05). According to these result revealed that there is a negative relationship between endurance of trunk muscles and violence of low back pain. In addition there wasn't any significant relationship between some of anthropometric characters same as the length of upper and lower limb, hip width,  shoulder width ,sitting height and violence of low back pain, but there was only a significant relationship between lumbar range of motion and violence of low back pain(p<0.05).

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Hand path (start angel & peak curvature) and trajectory (reaction time & movement time) indexes of right hand students (N=11) were studied to identify some characteristics of simple arm movements and their control process.Findings about invariant characteristics included: 1) straight hand path remained the same all around the space, 2) hand path was independent of practice, and 3) tangential velocity profile was bell-shape and had symmetrical property. Changes of movement time were also independent from target angular position and practice. However, increased angular separation was accompanied by increased reaction time and trail set repetition was accompanied by decreased reaction time. In general, the study revealed that planning and control of hand movements are based on Cartesian coordinates.

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The purpose of this study was to describe and compare the motor proficiency for 10 and 11 years old children of Urmia. 360 children (180 boys & 180 girls) were selected from 4th and 5th grade male and female elementary school by Randomly Cluster sampling method. For evaluating motor development, we conducted standardized assessment of motor function, Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP). BOTMP scale has 46 items that measure 8 subscales. Reliability and Validity of this scale has been reported to be satisfactory in many previous studies. To compare groups according to sex, age and their interaction data were analyzed with Tow way ANOVA and Independent Sample t-test. Results showed that boys are significantly better than girls in gross motor skills and girls are significantly better than boys in fine motor skills and motor proficiency, respectively (p<0.05). 11 years old had better function than 10 years old in motor proficiency and gross motor skills(p<0.05) but there was no significant difference between two ages in fine motor skills(p>0.05).

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of diurnal variation on 100m crawl swim records and selected physiological factors in junior swimmers. 13 number of swimmers who were exercised in Enghelab International Pool in Shiraz selected according to obtained of country medal. Body temperature, heart rate, diastolic and systolic pressures, and Shoulder flexibility in two movement of flexion and internal rotation measured in two phases of day ( 6 morning and 6 evening ), before and after of swim tests and compared whith dependent t - test. Result showed that swim times at evening (58.57s) was significantly lesser than 6 morning (59.17s) ( t= - 2.8, P <0.05). Also in resting phase, the mean of body temperature, heart rate, diastole and systolic pressure in 6 evening was more, but this differences was significant in the body temperature only ( t= 5.50 , P <0.05 ). After swim tests, the mean of the body temperature (t= 6.09, P <0.05) and heart rate (t= 2.33, P <0.05) was more in 6 evening and the differences was significant. No significant difference found for the diastole and systolic pressure between morning and evening (P >0.05). Also shoulder flexibility was more in 6 evening but this differences was significant only in internal rotation (t= 2.81, P <0.05). It can be concluded that maximal swimming trails are best scheduled for evening.

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View 1059

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a single bout of incremental endurance running and weight training on HSP72 response in active young females. In this regard 19 female physical education students of Mazandaran University selected with following conditions such as: refrain from physical activity for 48 hour before sampling, having the most Vo2max, dormitory residence and studental diet adherence, lake of damage and any history of diseases, refrain from caffeine and antioxidant supplements, and randomly divided into two groups; endurance running (ERG) and weight training (WTG). Training protocol in ERG included incremental running to exhaustion that performed at 65-75 % Vo2max on treadmill with 0% grade by karvonen method. Also WTG performed 4 sets of eccentric contractions of elbow flexors ;two sets with 50% and two others with 60% 1RM. Blood sampling was done in  baseline level, midtest and 30 min post exercise in same conditions and after a 12-14 hours overnight fast. In each stage 7 cc blood were obtained from antecubital vein. The samples were sent immediately to laboratory, centrifuged and serum used for analyzing of control and main variances. A sanndwich Elisa for determine of HSP72 values and enzymatic assay for CK used. The data analyzed with repeated measures and independent T test and LSD post hoc at p<0.05. The results showed HSP72 level alterations in mid and post tests was only significant in ERG comparison to baseline level(p=0.007, p=0.03 respectively). In addition, HSP72  level alterations within ERG and WTG was only significant during midtest. Also ck levels insignificantly increased and decreased in ERG and WTG respectively. The ck alterations in mid and post testswas insignificant between groups. Thus these results suggest that eccentric weight training induces further increase in HSP72 levels.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between professional physical and technical tests of young and adult Iranian basketball national teams. The sample groups were comprised of fifty athletes who were selected from among young (age: 16/8± 0/37 years, height: 193/71 ±9/726 cm and weight: 84/97± 11/022 kg) and adult (age: 24/5± 4/65 years, height: 194/38 ±9/292 cm and weight: 92/67± 13/929 kg) players invited to the national team camp in 1386 (2007). Further they include some club members who according the experts, were competent enough to join Iranian national teams (the sample size was considered as same as the population size). Both groups attended in an special physical tests of basketball such as simo, line drill, push up, bench press, hands alteration, 300 yard run, 30 yard sprit and 20 yard shuttling. The technical tests which the groups attended were also eiferd dribble (with hands exchange), pass and also left and right three-step jump. The descriptive statistics was used to describe the profile of players and independent t-test was used to examine inter-group difference and the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient was used to compute the correlation between physical and technical tests of both age groups. The reliability coefficient of technical tests was also computed through ICC test.The technical tests of Iranian national team members of both age groups enjoyed a high reliability coefficient and there was a significant difference between young and adult groups in relative amount of bench press, hands alteration, eiferd dribble and left and right three-step jump tests. Further, there was a significant correlation between technical test of eiferd dribble and physical test of 30 yard sprit, left and right three-step jump and line drill, pass and relative amount of bench press in the young sample group but there was no significant relation in adult players. Finding indicated that the young elite players tend to rely highly on their own physical capabilities performing basic technical movement while it seemed that the adult players perform technical skills with reliance on their experience in games. So it seems that special basketball tests have not high validity in determining skill level, especially in young basketball players.

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The research provides a comparative survey of physical education curriculum at pre- primary school, junior school and high school levels between Iran, usa and Canada Among comparative study methods, Gorge Brady’s suggested method includes four process: Description, Interpretation, Juxtaposition and comparison is used here. The research aims at studying the curriculum of the U.S.A in the states of Arizona, west Virginia, south Carolina and New Mexico as well as British Colombia and Ontario in Canada. The importance of the paper lies firstly in the interests and attitudes (conceptual fields) of physical education; and secondly, educational goals and physical education standards in pre – primary school and primary school levels are discussed. In the next part, educational goals and physical education standards at junior school and high school levels have been expressed. Then, educational strategies, facilities, resources, scheduling and implementation of physical education curriculum are considerations. And then, the evaluation strategies of physical education in mentioned countries have been elaborated. Finally, the achieved results from different curriculum are compared with each other.

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The main object of this study was to describe the condition of Price element among Marketing Mix elements (4P’s) in the Pro League of Iran’s football. To achieved to developed countries in sport Marketing and filling this gap between our country and the world is through increasing sport Price to sending to external and eternal markets. One of questions that all clubs managers are going to ask themselves is how they can develop football marketing? And what factors can help them? For this reason, this research is done by using Marketing Mix elements which in necessary for researching in marketing in any fields (these factors are: Product, Place, Promotion and Price). But in this research we only consider Price factor in Pro-League of Iran and comparing in which South Korea & Japan. The sample was all of the Iranian, Korean & Japanese directing managers in football Pro-League clubs who were 48 persons and all fill the related questionnaires. The result of this study shows that the most items are not in optimal situation by the club’s football manager’s point of view. And Japan has a better situation rather than Iran and South Korea.

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The main objective of the study has been to identify and to analyze the effect of sport activities on delinquency. The method of this study was survey and the study took place in 2007. Last class of high school (3 rd) were been population of present study. The randomly selected 384 students from Sari city were chosen by non-proportional classified random sampling method. The students answering the questionnaire self- administers method. Hirschi’s social bond and self esteem theories were been the theoretical framework of this study. Independent variables of this study are: sports involvement, educational commitment, attachment, belief and self- esteem. The result of multiple regression analysis shows that variables like attachment, belief and self- esteem have related inverted and meaningful with delinquency while with increase in sports involvement, delinquency has increased and with decrease, it has showed decrease. Educational attachment and delinquency, were not shown related meaningful too. Also comparison between team sports and singular sport were shown that team sports and delinquency didn’t have related meaningful while with so amusing in singular sports, delinquency has increased.

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