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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to Design a Pattern for the improvement of the secondary school teachers based on the competency approach. It was a qualitative research with the grounded theory design. The research population consisted of four groups: the qualified teachers, the qualified students, parents and the education specialists. Using a purposeful sampling method, 11 qualified teachers, 15 qualified students, 10 parents and 8 specialists were selected as the sample and they were interviewed. The research tool was a semi-structured interview, and in order to get its hidden meaning and themes, Strauss-Corbin's deductive approach were used. The interview data was categorized through the open and axial coding, and the validity of the research was checked through member checking. Also, the reliability was checked through implementing the systematic recording, recording and writing of data in all the interviews. Based on the research findings, the dimensions and components of the model of improvement of the secondary school teachers include six dimensions: psychological (the components of the personality, the optimal interaction skill, the effective management of the collective environment), the interpersonal and collective communication (the components of the effective communication with the student, the effective communication with parents, the effective communication with colleagues, the effective social communication), pedagogical (the components of the effective learning management, effective teaching, effective classroom management, evaluation of the effective academic achievement), research (the components of the source research, being the researcher), the continuous individual reconstruction (the components of the continuous learning, the organizational adequacy) and being value-based (the components of being ethics-based, Jihadist morale, being citizen-based, being the pattern of practicality).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this study was to provide a conceptual framework for designing the physical space of the primary schools based on Vygotsky's collaborative learning theory. The research approach was the documentary research method and it was conducted using the content analysis technique. The research sample included the valid scientific documents, international standards and reports on the school's designation and case studies of the schools which were designed based on the social constructivism approach selected through purposeful sampling method. The research findings showed that the most important components of the collaborative learning Theory are: knowledge building, the active role of the learner, facilitating learning, variety of the learning materials and resources, the context and axial interactions that can provide a desirable representation of the physical space of the primary schools within the spatial (color, landscaping, and flexibility), psychological (informal social areas), physiological (temperature, ventilation, light and noise) and behavioral (U-shaped configuration, round tables, play areas, personal spaces, public learning space (street learning) dimensions. The results also showed that creating a collaborative learning environment in terms of the knowledge building, interaction, diversity in the resources and teaching materials, facilitating learning and making learner more active requires designing the physical space considering the color variability, flexibility in the space design, landscaping and also creating the informal social areas. In addition, attention to the characteristics of the space physiology could affect the learning speed, the quality of the teaching, and the promotion of the students' social behavior. Also, the behavioral characteristics facilitate the achievement of the educational goals, access to the diverse learning equipment and facilities, and the creation of a collaborative-centered learning environment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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shafiee bahnemiry Seyede Fateme | Mahrouzadeh Tayebeh | SATTARI ALI

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The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the philosophy for children curriculum on the cognitive skills of the students, concerning the components of the economic education of the Iranian education transformation document. It was a mixed methods study, and also it was an applied one. The quantitative section of the study was quasi-experimental with the pretest posttest design. The statistical population consisted of 60 first-grade high school female students from all Behnamir city high schools who were randomly assigned into control and experimental groups. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire and its validity was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha (0. 808). The treatment consisted of ten teaching sessions (each session was 70 minutes) in which there was reading and discussing Old Persian fables and its results were compared with the pretest data. The qualitative section of the research was carried out using the semi-structured interviews with 20 members of the experimental group. The data of the quantitative section of the research were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics (Kolmogorov-Smirnov and F-test for two independent groups and analysis of covariance). In the second section of the study, Mayring’ s qualitative content analysis (deductive categorization approach) was used to interpret the interview data. The quantitative and qualitative results demonstrated that the use of the philosophy for children curriculum has a positive and significant impact on the cognitive growth of the high school students in terms of the components of the economic education. Thus, the aforementioned curriculum could improve the cognitive skills of the students in the economic education respect.

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Cooperation is a kind of multifaceted, constructive, and beneficial link between the individuals in which the principle of the human equality is taken into consideration. Cooperation in various fields, especially in the field of education is of great importance and necessity, so that the main axis of any country's development is based on the cooperation in education. Based on the existing research, trans-sectional cooperation in the student sport, despite lots of benefits and necessities is not satisfactory and it has been faced with many barriers. Therefore, the present study aimed to prioritize the barriers of the trans-sectional cooperation in student sport using the Delphi qualitative method, the fuzzy screening and the quantitative method of interpretive structural modeling. The present research is applied in terms of the research purpose, and it is descriptive with survey design in terms of the data collection procedure. To conduct the research, first, a list of the barriers to trans-sectional cooperation in student sport (14 categories) were identified using the Delphi qualitative method through analyzing the content of the existing literature and 15 interviews with experts. Using fuzzy screening method, the barriers approved by the experts were extracted (12 categories). Then, using interpretive structural modeling, the relationship between the barriers of cooperation was determined and they were analyzed integratively. Finally, MICMAC method was used to cluster them. Since this method is based on the opinion of the experts, the views of 8 student sport authorities, experienced physical education teachers and the academic professors were used. The results showed that the upstream documents and not being aware of the penetration power of 12 and the dependency power of 6 were the most influential barriers to trans-sectional cooperation in student sport. Therefore, many barriers to the cooperation can be removed by modifying the upstream documents and raising the level of the community awareness through the capacity of the media, clerics and celebrities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The present study aims to identify the position of the habit and agency in human education. The method of this study was the conceptual analysis, focusing on defining clearly the meaning of the concept by explaining accurately its relationships with the other concepts. The habit is a human state which is created by the repeated actions and it gradually eases the difficulties of doing the action. The agency is based on the concepts like the freedom of action, accepting the responsibility, and accountability in revealing an action and it stems from the desire, epistemological, and voluntary basis in the human existence. The most important findings of this research include the necessity of nurturing the agency in the process of training and postponing it temporarily, eliminating the responsibility of the learner when divesting the agency, negating the absoluteness in the development of the agency due to the possibility of mistake in the basis of the action, the dependence of the self-control in agency to the faith maturity and the value knowledge of the agent, the double value of the conscious habits due to forming in the context of the agency, the value of the unconscious habits during the agency weakness, the effective role of the unconscious habits in strengthening the basis of the action, the limitations of the conscious habits in the dependence on the basis of the action, and preventing the decline of the habits through linking with the value and the emotional stimuli. The results showed that the conscious habits are formed in the context of the agency and they do not contradict it. The unconscious habits, in the position of the desired end, are in conflict with nurturing the agency, and as the facilitator complement the agency development. Also, nurturing "the agency" and "the conscious habits" act as "the mediating goals" and nurturing "the unconscious habits" act as "the instrumental goals" in the educational system.

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The purpose of this research was to identify the errors of students in solving the mathematical literacy problems based on PISA studies' framework. This research was carried out with a qualitative approach and the task-based interview. The research sample included nine students at the beginning of the 10th grade who participated voluntarily in the academic year 1397-98. Data was gathered through interview with the participants, based on the 4 tasks derived from the mathematical literacy test which was developed by Mohsenpour et al. (1394). After interviewing the participants and transcribing the spoken text, data analysis was done through systematically reducing the text based on the meaningfulness and meaninglessness of the information obtained from the students’ answers. The findings indicated that the most common errors were: 1-carelessness in reading the math questions, 2-the dominance of the students’ mental frameworks during reading the questions, 3-inability in applying a mathematical model to the real life model, 4-inability in recognizing the features of the geometric shapes, 5-lack of understanding the mathematical meaning of the words that have an informal language usage, 6-making mistakes in the concepts of the perimeter and area, 7-lack of attention to the concept of the units of measurement and conversion of the units, 8-inability in interpreting the mathematical numbers in the real world and 9-difficulty in working with the decimal numbers. Based on these findings, the researchers concluded that the root causes of these errors is due to an emphasis on the rote learning and less attention to the conceptual learning, lack of opportunity for trial and error as a useful strategy for the math problem solving, and formal and unreal usage of the applied math problems in the curriculum and the math course classes.

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The present study was aimed to determine the effectiveness of metacognitive self-regulation strategies’ training packageon the educational procrastination with the moderating role of the academic self-concept among the secondary school students in Tabriz. A quasi-experimental research with pre-test and post– test control group design was used. The research sample included 60 students who were selected through multi-stage cluster sampling method after screening the students with high and low self-concepts. Then, they were assigned to four groups of 15 in two experimental groups and two control groups, randomly. Solomon and Rothblum academic procrastination questionnaire (1984) and Liu and Wang academic self-concept questionnaire (2005) were used for the data collection. In general, the results of multivariate and multi-factor covariance analysis showed that the metacognitive self-regulation strategies’ training reduced the components of academic procrastination Also, the academic self-concept had a moderating role in the relationship between the metacognitive self-regulation strategies and the academic procrastination (p≤ 0/01). The results revealed the importance of using the metacognitive self-regulation strategies and considering the students' academic self-concept as the important fundamental and intervening sources for providing the background of effective education and improving the components of the academic procrastination. Therefore, through the metacognitive self-regulation strategies’ training, as well as considering the modulating role of the academic self-concept, students’ academic procrastination could be reduced.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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