Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (مسلسل 30)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (Serial number 30)
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Introduction: Embryoid bodies (EBs) are primitive embryonic structures derived from differentiating embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Many techniques have been used to obtain EBs, the improvement of the technique of EBs formation can help in achieving better results in ESCs differentiation into neurons, myocardiocytes, hemopoietic cells and others. In this investigation Sigmacote was used as a hydrophobic substrate to improve EBs formation.Material and Methods: Petri dishes` floor was been siliconized by a three-step procedure and with sigmacote. Then CCE and p19 cell line were used to obtain EBs in these siliconized petri dishes. These cells were transmitted to petri dishes, the concentration of them was 1´105 cells/ml, after 48 hours embryoid bodies were counted. Control group was bacteriologic petri dishes with same conditions. Results: The results of EBs calculation showed that siliconized petri dishes in comparison with bacteriological petri dishes can be produced EBs with high efficiency and statistically it was significant (p<0.05).Conclusion: Results of this research indicated that sigmacote as a hydrophobic substrate can improve EBs formation by an easy and reproducible method. Therefore it is suggested to increase EBs formation and differentiation of ESCs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 948

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    2 (Serial number 30)
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Introduction: Colonic pseudo-obstruction (ogilvies syndrome) is a rare post surgical complication that can be associated with cesarean delivery. Its pathophysiology remains poorly understood and patients are still treated inappropriately. This syndrome characterized by acute colonic dilatation without mechanical obstruction if undiagnosed and treated in appropriately, it may cause colonic perforation with mortality rate as high as 50 percent. we report a case after cesarean.Case report: A 30 years old woman, prime gravid, undergone elective cesarean section. On first day postoperative, she developed abdominal distention. She had intermittent flatus and stool. X ray showed some colonic dilatation. She was given bisacodyl suppository and had some improvement. On fifth day, she becomes ill with severe distention and pneumo-peritoneum on X-ray. At the operation that soon followed, small perforation was found in the cecum with generalized peritonitis. Tubocecostomy and irrigation was performed. Post operative she was well and discharged after 7 days. Conclusion: Surgeons should consider ogilvies syndrome in the patient whose abdomen becomes distended post operation. Delay in treatment cause ischemia, necrosis and perforation with high mortality. Early recognition and appropriate treatment decrease mortality and morbidity rate.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 4047

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    2 (Serial number 30)
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Introduction: Brucellosis is one of the most important Zoonotic diseases. In this research human and animal cases of brucellosis in Kurdistan province since 1997-2001 were studied. Material and Methods: In this descriptive study, human and animal cases of brucellosis, which has been documented by standard definition, were investigated. Results: There were 1591 human cases, of which 51.5% were male and 48.5% female. Mean Incidence of brucellosis was 23.48/100000, of which ¼ of patients were from Bijar (27.8%) and another 40% from Ghorveh, Sanandaj and Divandarreh. The most common age group was 15-19 and about half of the patients were between 10-29 years old. Disease was more common among housewives (40%), students (20%) and farmers (16.5%). Seventy eight percent of patients were rural and 22% were urban. Human disease was more common during the first six months of year (66.5%). The most common transmission route of disease was direct contact with infected animals with concomitant use of infected animal products (48%). There were 1791 infected animals during these 5 years, of which 261 were cattle and 1530 were sheep and goats. Conclusion: In order to control this zoonotic disease, close cooperation of health and veterinary organizations is necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1739

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    2 (Serial number 30)
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Introduction: The efficacy of subarachnoid sufentanil-bupivacaine for pain relief has been found. These drugs may affect not only labor pain but also duration of labor, delivery way (vaginal, instrumental or cesarean) and mother and fetus systems. The object of this study is definition of subarachnoid sufentanil-bupivacaine efficacy on labor analgesia and cesarean rate.Material and Methods: 41 parturient who requesting labor analgesia (interaction group= I) compared with 41 parturient who did not requesting analgesia (comparison group=C). We did not do any procedure on C group. Patients in group I received intrathecal sufentanil 7.5 mg and bupivacaine 2.5 mg via 27G spinal needle guided by 18G needle. Visual analogue scores (VAS) for pain, vital signs (BP, HR, and RR), neonatal apgar and duration of labor measured and recorded for two groups. Incidence of nausea, vomiting, pruritus, hypotension, motor block and post dural puncture headache also were recorded for patients in group I. Results: There were no significant differences between two groups in relation to age and parity. VAS in cervical dilatation of 4 cm at the zero point and  40, 80, 120, and 160 minutes after that was 3.3, 3.7, 4.2, 4.7, and 5.5 for C group  and 4.4 , 0.1, 0.1, 1.5 and 3.1 for I group respectively (P<0.05). VAS was 2.2 for I group versus 6.5 in C group in stage II of labor (P<0.05). The duration of labor from zero point was 173 min in C group versus 127 min in I group (P<0.05). Cesarean section was performed in 5 (12.2%) cases of C group and 2(4.9%) cases of I group. Vacuum extraction was done in 3 (7.3%) cases of C group and 4 (9.8%) cases of I group, apgar scores in two groups were high and there were no apgar under 7. The incidence of pruritus was 39.2%. One of patients (2.4%) experienced nausea and postural puncture headache developed in two of patients (4.9%). Non of the patients developed hypotension or motor block.Conclusion: Intrathecal sufentanil 7.5 mg combined with bupivacaine 2.5mg is a very effective analgesic in stage I of labor and decreases the pain of stage II of labor also this accelerated labor process and did not affect cesarean rate and instrumental delivery.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 773

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

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    2 (Serial number 30)
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Introduction: Evaluation the quality of food proteins has a great importance in biological and economical view. However, biological, microbiological, chemical and combined methods have been used and introduced for determining quality of proteins. Among existed methods, NPR, RNPR and PER have been suggested as appropriate methods for determining quality of proteins. This study has been conducted to determine the quality of soya protein by using the mentioned methods on a soya product in 2003. Material and Methods: This study with experimental method has been made on 24 male wistar rats, aged 21 days, under 3 food diets in 8 groups: Soya (10% protein), Casein+Methionine (10% protein) and control (non protein). Period of study for NPR was 14 days. Protein intake and rat weight gain were determined for calculating NPR. Period of study for PER was 28 days. Protein intake and weight gain of animals were determined. Rate of NPR, RNPR and PER were evaluated by T test.Results: Indicators of NPR were calculated 3.65±0.35 and 4.37±0.48 for soya and Casein+Methionin respectively (P<0.01) and RNPR was 83. Indicator of PER were 2.28±0.35 and 3.04±0.24 for soya and Casein+Methionin respectively (P<0.001) and soya PER ratio to casein was 75%.Conclusion: Soya protein as compared with Casein has low but appropriate quality. The results showed that NPR, RNPR and PER for determine soy bean quality is compatible with other studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1243

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Issue Info: 
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    2 (Serial number 30)
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Introduction: Q Angle is one of stabilizer factors of the patellofemoral joint. In fact it is angle of traction of quadriceps and this muscle exerts its forces to patella bone with it. By unusual increase and decrease in value of the Q angle, more pressure will be done on the patellofemoral joint. For this reason, its measurement is important in clinic. This study was conducted to determine mean Q angle, in men in supine and standing position.Material and Methods: In this research the mean Q angle was measured, for 140 males 16-31 years, in supine and standing positions on the dominant knee. Also comparison of Q angle in both positions and it’s correspondence with age, width of pelvis, weight, length of lower limb, diameter of quadriceps muscle have been done. This angle has been measured by using a specially modified goniometer, which consists of two arms (one of them longer and the other shorter), and a fulcrum in center. Statistic analysis has been done by SPSS and EPI5 soft wares. Results: The mean value of Q angle was 12.55○ (range 6○ to 24○) in supine position and 14.76○ (range 7○ to 26○) in standing position. According to statistic evaluation, there is positive relationship between Q angle in both position and with width of pelvis (p<0.05).Conclusion: The mean of Q angle always is higher in standing position that knee valgus angulation forces increase because of weight-bearing. An angular increase in both positions in normal people depends on the width of pelvis, by increasing the width of pelvis, the Q angle increases accordingly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2866

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (Serial number 30)
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Introduction: Physiologic and anatomic study of coronary arteries and determination of coronary normal variation is critical for management the cardiovascular disease in pediatrics and adults. Regarding to different results of other papers, this study was conducted to determine angiographic characteristic of patients who referred to Tohid hospital in sanandaj. Material and Method: Statistical populations were patients who were candidate for angiography and were referred to other centers in 2003. 200 patients were studied in this descriptive study. Patients` history and angiographic films were reviewed and data were recorded. Results: In this study 124 patients (62%) were male and 76 (35%) were female. Mean age of them was 51.9 ±7.9 with range of 25 to 70. Angiographic results in 91 (45.5%) of patients were normal, and 109 patients had coronary arteries pathology. Left main artery was involved in 4 patients (2.2%). Conclusion: According to the result of this study, determination of coronary anatomy in Kurdistan province, need to more study with large population.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2802

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (Serial number 30)
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Introduction: Detergents are formulations designed to have cleaning and solubilisation properties. These formulations consist of surface-active agent (surfactants) to gather with subsidiary components including builers, boosters, fillers and auxiliary compounds. Discharge of wastewater detergent has been highly considered as main environmental problems by both the municipal and industries, which produce them. This research has studied the coagulation effectiveness and performance for reduces of detergent in effluent wastewater. Material and Methods: The objective of this research, the wastewater effluent, was provided from the paksan industry and composite sampling were done. Following coagulation and flocculation with one kind of coagulant material were done in the different pH (2-13). So optimum pH was determined for each of them. Then optimum concentration of coagulant material was determined by the jar test. Results: The process of the flocculation was tested by Alum, Ca(oH)2 ,FeSo4 and FeCl3. This examination has gained the best results with applied FeCl3. So that removal efficiency of this coagulant for surfactant, turbidity and COD respectively were 82, 96.1 and 93.4 percent. Conclusion: The results showed that detergents wastewater can be treated by the flocculation process and result indicated that FeCl3 can remove surfactant 82%. Hence remove of detergent enhanced by the other wastewater advanced treatment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1397

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