This article is aimed at investigating the impact of culture on city structure in the
former socialist countries, the western capitalism and Iran which has been carried
out through "descriptive- analytical" methods. The former socialist culture caused
development in changing eastern block city structures-form, place, texture,
economic efficiency, and the city structure aspects were based on population
congestion, access to land, and lack of special differences between social groups
and emphasis on optimized especial services and small scale structures. West
shaped cities before the twentieth contury according to its cultural standards
(religious, linguistic, racial, classwise and patterns) different shapes of feudalistic
cities, Middle Ages, pre-industrial and industrial Later different cultural schools
(Modernism, Post Modernism) established especial forms of cities. The pre-Islamic
culture in Iran created especial forms of Castles, city castles dominated by social
systems and Persian, Helenic, and Parthian patterns so that such structures has class
appearance. After the arrival of Islam, culture was affected by Islamic principles
and elements, and districts and houses were built according to Islamic patterns.