Trade fairs are known to be an excellent marketing tool to penetrate target market (s) with maximum efficiency. However, an increasing number of exibitors show willingness to perform cost-benefit analysis and, as far as possible, quantify possible benefits.In this research, a population consisting of 313 manufacturing firms participating at least once in khorasan international trade fair were sought to measure such business performance and economic effect. A sample of 76 top managers (mostly sales managers), represented 24% of the population were provided with questionnaire.Prior to distributing questionnaire, the survey instrument was pre-tested on ten firms to assure that respondents were not troubled by the questions. The reliability was confirmed through face method and validity through determination of Cronbach rate 93%. In order to analyze the collected data and to test research hypothesis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and T-Test were used accordingly. The study showed that participation in khorasan international trade fairs promoted the image of particpants and market standout against competitors, increased sales, improved customer contact, but did not led to attraction of new customer from visiting targeted groups.