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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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    5 (پیاپی 74)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    5 (پیاپی 74)
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    5 (74)
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Background: In order to study of dry matter yield and essential oil efficiency in8 accession of three speciesSaturja in agricultural research station of Khorramabad, the experiment was carried out during 2010.Materials and Methods: Seeds of the accession were sown in pots and transferred to field in 14-16 leaves stage seedling. The spaced plants were cultivated in randomized complete blocks with three replications. For measurement of essential oil efficiency, in the flowering stage, the foliages were harvested and dried. The essential oil was extracted by vapor method distillation. The essential oil production was calculated by dry matter yield x oil%. The data were collected and analyzed for yield and morphological traits. The means of treatments were compared by DMRT method.Results: The results showed significant that differences between species and accession within species for all of the traits except plant surviving rate (P<0.01). The species of S.mutica had higher values than means of two other species.Conclusion: Results obtained in this study showed that dry matter yield and oil content ofS.mutica is more than S.Khuzestanica and S.rechingeri. This species was proposed as a suitable species for domestication and cultivation in Khorramabad region.

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    5 (74)
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Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between learning strategies and academic self-efficacy with the academic achievement of students of Lorestan University of Medical Sciences in the academic year in 2016.Materials and Methods: Descriptive-analytic study was a correlation type. All students of the Lorestan University of Medical Sciences in 2016 (2, 200 people) participated our sample, that 330 samples were selected using stratified random sampling. Data collection tools were Pintrich and DiGrowth Standard Questionnaire (1990); Jakensomorgan's (1999) self-efficacy and Student’s average. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis using step by step method.Results: Results showed a positive and significant relationship between learning strategies and self-efficacy with academic achievement. Also, regression results showed that learning strategies and academic self-efficacy dimensions account for about 12% of students' academic achievement scores.Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the learning strategies (cognitive and metacognitive) and academic self-efficacy had a significant effect on students' academic achievement.

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    5 (74)
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Background: Methamphetamine is simply made from available chemicals such as pseudoephedrine, this drug was previously used to treat ADHD, and a major contribution to controlling sexual acts in men and women is through the secretion of the GNRH gonadotropin hormone from the hypothalamus. This hormone enters the anterior pituitary through the portal vessels and secretes the LH and FSH hormone. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between chronic methamphetamine consumption on testosterone, LH and FSH in males.Materials and Methods: In this study, 30 men with chronic methamphetamine dose referred to health clinics in the city for the use of random sampling method and were assessed. The subjects completed the questionnaire of the Addiction Severity Index (ASI) and transferred to the laboratory after blood sampling.Results: The results showed that the duration of taking methamphetamine does not affect the amount of FSH. There was no significant difference observed between different times. However, the amount of methamphetamine consumption affects the level of LH and testosterone levels.Conclusion: Duration of taking methamphetamine has an effect on the level of LH and testosterone, but does not affect the FSH hormone.

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    5 (74)
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Background: Behavioral disorders in preschool children causes a lot of problems. They mainly use medical treatment to solve this problem. But this research looks for a non-pharmacological alternative through the educational games.Materials and Methods: Data were gathered through randomized controlled trial method by using unequal control group design with pre-post test plan. The sample included 46 six years old girls. They were slected from a kindergarten in Boroujerd city, and through the creation of a random sequence divided to two groups, 24 as experimental and 22 as control groups. The instrument was (PKBS) observation form in behavior disorders status.Data were analyzed by independent and dependent T tests.Results: The results showed that there is a significant difference between the mean of the pre-test and post-test in internal (p≤0.0001) and external behavioral disorders (p≤0.0001) of preschool girls.Independent T test showed that there is significant difference between post-test of internal (p≤0.05) and external (p≤0.01) behavioral disorders of experimental and control groups to benefit of experimental group. There is no significant difference between pre-test and post-test of internal (p≤0.69) and external (p≤0.23) behavioral disorders in the control group.Conclusion: According to the results the educational games showed significant effect on the improvement of behavioral disorder of preschool girls, therefore, it is approprate to apply the games as a non-pharmacological program in the relevant centers for children with behavioral disorders.

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    5 (74)
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Background: The irritable bowel syndrome is one of the common gastrointestinal disorder and according to biopsychosocial model, personality traits play major role in onset, relapse and severity of IBS. The aim of the current research was to determine the personality traits of IBS patients.Materials and Methods: In this analytical cross -sectional study, the personality traits of 50 individuals, diagnosed as IBS patients by Gastroenterologist and 50 healthy individuals were compared. The data was gathered by NEO personality inventory (NEO-FFI) and analyzed by multivariate analysis of variance.Results: The findings of the research showed that patients with IBS, have more neuroticism and less extraversion in comparison with healthy individuals (p<0.05) and there was no significant difference between these two groups in other personality traits (p>0.05).Conclusion: The results of this research indicated that some personality traits make individuals more vulnerable to IBS and probability of IBS infection could be predicted based on personality traits.

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    5 (74)
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Background: Escherichia coliis one of the most common causative agent of urinary tract infection. In recent years, resistance to cephalosporins has been considerably on the rise due to production of extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs). This study was aimed to determine the survey of CTX-M, SHV, TEM, OXA-1, PER-2, and VEB-1 which are the most famous ESBL genes inE. coli isolated from outpatients with UTI in Guilan.Materials and Methods: A total of 2267 urine samples were collected from outpatients suffering from UTIs. After primary biochemical and differential tests like MRVP, Lysin dacarboxilation in LIA medium, Urea hydrolysis test, TSI and Simon citrate test, samples containingE. coli were identified. Antibiotic susceptibilities were determined by disk diffusion. Double disk tests using Cephtriaxon, Amoxiclave and Cephtazidime-clavolonate were performed for phenotypic ESBL production assay. ESBL-producing genes were evaluated by PCR.Results: Among the 2267 urine samples, 167 E. coli cells were isolated. From these E. coli isolates, 38.9% were shown to be ESBL producers by the Double disk method. Based on the molecular analysis, the frequency of ESBL-producing genes were, CTX-M (70.32%), TEM (9.64%), SHV (4.88%) OXA-1 (57.2%), and PER-2 (12.1%). VEB-1 was not detected in the analyzed samples. Also, some of the isolates had more than one ESBL-producing gene.Statistically, there was a direct correlation between gender and age with the infection.Conclusion: In this study, more than half of the isolated bacteria were ESBL-producers. As the resistance-inducing genes are carried on mobile genetic elements, rapid detection of resistant species is of major importance to prevent their dissemination.

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    5 (74)
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Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ginger supplementation on the gene expression of catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzymes and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels.Materials and Methods: In a semi-experimental trial, 20 students with 20-25 years old from Shahed were selected and randomly divided into experimental (10) and control (10) groups.The experimental group received one gram of ginger capsule at the doses of 250 mg, four times a day, for eghit weeks. Control subjects, also received placebo (maltodextrin) in the same manner.Blood samples were taken 72 hours before the start and 72 hours after the completion of the research protocol. The statistical methods of Kolmogorov-Smirnov, t dependent and independent, as well as SPSS (version 22) and Excel were used (P<0.05).Results: There was no difference between the groups in the gene expression of the antioxidant enzymes and MDA levels (p=0.144 for SOD, p=0.234 for cat, p=0.1 for GPX, and p=0.201 for MDA). In the experimental group, ginger supplement lead to significant reduction in MDA levels (p=0.01).Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it can be said that eghit weeks of supplementation of ginger may reduce the lipid peroxidation without affecting gene expression of antioxidant enzymes.

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    5 (74)
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Background: Most strains of E.coli with multi drug resistance are major cause of colibacillosis in poultry. The economic damages caused byE.coli infections, especially in the poultry industry and also the costs of the disease treatment with antibiotics are very high annually. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence ofbla CTX-M genes in E.coli isolates obtained from poultry disease in Khorramabad city.Materials and Methods: In this present study, 100 E.coli isolates were collected in variable organs of birds with colibacillosis and then confirmed with biochemical tests. All the positive samples were there after investigated for the presence ofCTX-M genes by PCR.Results: 4 (%4) out of 100 E.coli isolates were ESBL positive based on the results of combined disk tests. PCR analysis using the specific primers revealed that %25 contained β-lactamases genes encodingCTX-M.Conclusion: Giving the importance of E.coli infections in poultry and high prevalence of ESBLproducing strains of rapid diagnostics should used routinely to determine the strains in the laboratories. The results of this study show that theE.coli is saprophytic gastrointestinal reservoir for ESBL. This issue is very important in terms of public health and the transfer of antibiotic resistance to humans.

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    5 (74)
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Background: Today cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in the known world. This study aimed to compare the lifestyle, quality of life, psychological resilience among healthy individuals and patients with cardiovascular disease.Materials and Methods: The method of present study is causal-comparative. The study population consists of all patients with cardiovascular diseases in Madani Hospital of Khorramabad. The 196 patients with heart disease- Coronary were selected by available sampling and they were compared with 196 matched healthy subjects. Tools for measuring the research variables were life style test (Lali et al., 1391), quality of life (WHO, 1996) and psychological resilience (Connor, 2003). Data were analyzed by U-Mann Whitney test with the level of %95.Results: There was a significant difference in life styles and its indicators between patients with cardio- vascular and healthy volunteer. Also, there was a significant difference between quality of life, general health, physical health, psychological dimension, the realm of the living environment in the heart patients and healthy subjects. There was a significant difference in psychological resilience among cardiac patients and healthy individuals.Conclusion: Since that cardiovascular disease showed lower scores than the healthy subjects in the indicators of resilience, lifestyle and quality of life gained, it seems that likely resilience, lifestyle and special quality of life keep symptoms at the time of treatment and it can be considered on treatment.

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    5 (74)
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Background: Today, with the increasing pressures of life and, consequently, increasing stress, mental health is endangered. In this regard, the style of personality and mental toughness is noted that is effects on mental health. The aim of this study was to investigate the predictive role of psychological toughness in mental health both directly and indirectly through the mediation of personality dimensions.Material and Methods: In a cross sectional study 273 students at Allameh Tabataba’i University Campus in the 2014-2015 school year with cluster sampling were selected. Variables assessments were done by the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), Personality Assessment Inventory short form (NEO) and Kalaf mental toughness questionnaires. Data were analyzed by the path analysis modeling method and using SPSS-21 and LISREL software.Result: Chi-square theoretical model of this study was equal to 2.47; the measure is insignificantly according to significant level of 0.116 which at first glance may suggest that the model is appropriate and representative of the society. Other fitness indicators, including indicators of GFI=0.98, NFI=0.97, CFI=0.97, AGFI=0.93 & RMSEA=0.06 which is accepted according to the model offered.Commitment, live control and self confidence in interpersonal relation indirectly predicted mental health (p<0.05). Excitation control and self confidence in interpersonal relation directly predicted mental health (p<0.05).Conclusion: Some features of mental toughness regardless of the effect of the character can cause mental health that According to the findings, emotional control and self-confidence are more important. It is suggested that these items be taught to improve mental health.

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    5 (74)
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Background: Coronary artery stenosis is one of the atherosclerotic complications which can lead to decreased oxygen supply in heart tissue and heart attack. rs1050450 Polymorphism is one of polymorphisms in GPx1 gene that may change its antioxidant activity. Furthermore, two polymorphisms of NADPH Oxidase, rs4673 and rs13306294, are suggested to have a role in the function of this enzyme. In this study, we examined the rs1050450, rs4673 and rs13306294 polymorphisms in the patients with coronary artery stenosis.Materials and Methods: 190 angiography subjects are subdivided into two groups (patients (n=114) and control (n=76)). Lipid profile and polymorphic sites were measured by routine laboratory tests and RFLP- (ARMS) PCR, respectively.Results: In this study we, observed the significant difference between serum LDL level and degree of stenosis. Also, we observed significant difference for rs13306294 polymorphism between patients and controls. On the controlling age, gender and BMI, no correlations were observed between rs13306294, rs1050450 and rs4673 polymorphisms and coronary artery stenosis (P<0.05).Conclusion: rs13306294, rs4673 and rs13306294 polymorphisms have not a basic role in the progression of coronary artery stenosis.

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    5 (74)
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Background: Anti-inflammation and anti-apoptotic effects of physical activity have been proven and its effectiveness depends on intensity, duration and type.Since obesity is considered as a mild chronic inflammation, it is reasonable that the degenerative damages occurin tissues, especially in the liver as the center of metabolism. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two types aerobic training (endurance and high intensity interval training) on markers of hepatocyte apoptosis in rats fed with high fat diet.Materials and Methods: In an experimental trial, 28 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups: control-normal diet, control-high fat diet, endurance training-high fat diet and high intensity training-high fat diet. In the first stage, rats were fed with high fat diet for 13 weeks.Then, they trained for 12 weeks, 5 sessions per week. At the end of the experimental period, the rats were anesthetized and the liver tissue was removed to evaluate the expression of regulatory genes in the pathway of apoptosis.Results: High intensity training induced significant increase in the expression BAX gene (P=0.001) whereas, there was no significant effects on BCL-2 gene (p=0.06). High intensity training compared with endurance training caused an increase in BAX/ Bcl-2 ratio. Pattern of Caspase-9 changes was similar to the BAX/ BCL-2 ratio.Conclusion: The results showed that the effect of physical activity on the pathway of hepatocytes apoptosis depends on the type and intensity of training. Therefore, it is recommended to use moderate endurance training to protect the liver from damage caused by high fat diet.

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    5 (74)
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Background: Academic performance indicates the success of an educational system in each community in targeting and paying attention to individual needs. Therefor, the educational system can be efficient when their academic performance of students has the highest and highest rates in different periods.Materials and methods: The research method was descriptive - correlation. The statistical population consisted of studying students of Engineering- Technical and Humanities sciences at Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad branch in 2015-2016 academic year that were 7761 people.Sample size determined 351 people by Kerjci-Morghan table and selected by stratified method.The data collection tool was Coopersmith Self-Esteem Scale (1967), Beck Depression Inventory (1996) and the scores average of the students. For data analysis was used indicators as Frequency, frequency percentage, mean and standard deviation and tests as Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression.Findings: The results showed that, there is a negative and significant relationship between depression and academic performance of students, positive and significant relationship between self-esteem and its dimensions (between public self-esteem, family self-esteem, social self-esteem and academic self-esteem) and academic. Also, based on the results of regression analysis, family self-esteem, depression and academic self-esteem, 8% from variance in the academic performance of participating students scores in the research is explained.Results: This research conducted in order to survey the relationship between self-esteem and depression with academic performance and also multiple regression analysis of their relationships Conclusion: Considering the importance of educational performance and depression and selfesteem as its related variables.

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