Background and Purpose: Organization Performance, particularly in health and treatment sectors, is considered as a basis for qualitative and quantitative development. Health and treatment systems, also, need performance improvement and measurement in order to grow and develop. This study is a comparative study of performance measurement in Iran and some developed countries with the purpose of application in the Iranian health and treatment system.Methods and Materials: In this descriptive comparative study, countries with successful experiences in measuring the performance such as Australia, Canada, Netherlands, Sweden, England, and the United States, were chosen. In order to collect information from these countries, different sources like journals, textbooks, internet databases, and e-mail communications were used. Collected information about these countries was summarized and classified according to intended variables, and were analyzed finally in comparative tables.Results: Majority of the countries in the research had employed criteria such as credibility, reliability, realness, timing, relevance, accuracy, and appropriacy in their performance measurement programs, and had used the findings in budgeting process. Applying the results of performance measurement has also been stressed in decision making and budgeting. Performance measurement is conducted in two dimensions in Iran: general and specific.Conclusion: The results of this study has shown that in most developed countries, good performance indexes, performance appraisal models, and the use of performance measurement findings in decision making and budgeting are applied.