In this study economical and technical aspect of sowing methods of desi type chickpea is evaluated. In this study different drills and methods were consisted of: 1- Hassia deep drill 2- Kesht Gostar deep drill 3- Machine Barzgar Hamedan deep drill 4- Jeyran Sanat pulse crop drill 5- Salahkar drill (Austrian SIMO design) 6- Hand distribution method with using chisel plow.At first in technical evaluation, splitted seeds percentage due to seed metering device rate is investigated. Effects of speed of seed metering device and type of drill on splitting percentage showed significant difference (P<0.01), and splitting percentage reduced by increased speed of seed meter. Position of seed hopper (1/1, 1/2, 1/8) had not any effect on seed splitting. At next step of technical evaluation, in order to study effects of different mechanical methods and hand method on agronomic characteristics of chickpea six treatments mentioned above, conducted in a RCB design with five replications. One desi type chickpea "cultivar pirouz" was sown under uniform condition and synchronized, and parameters including soil moisture at sowing time, plant height, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, 100 seeds weight, seed yield, sowing depth, row distance, plant to plant distance, number of plants per square meter and standing rate were measured and analyzed, results showed that there were no significant differences for treatment soil moisture at sowing time, seed yield, number of seeds per pod, 100 seeds weight. However for plant height, number of pods per plant, sowing depth, row distance, plant to plant distance, number of plants per square meter and plant stand there were significant differences at 1% level. Overall, Hand distribution method seems to be superior to other treatments for yield components (number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, 10Qseeds weight). Treatment "Salahkar" provide highest seed production and treatments "Hassia, Kesht Gostar, Machine Barzgar Hamedan and Salahkar" were same in row distance, plant to plant distance, number of plants per square meter and stand.