Seed germination is the begining of life cycle for many crops. Snitable methods of seed selection and production have great effects on the yield. In this study, a field work was preceded hy a laboratory experiment in order to evaluate the seed vigour in seven sorghum lines. The field experiment was a RCBD with three replications and was carried out in 1998, Karaj, Iran. Each experimental plot was 2.6x7m with four rows (65 cm between the rows). After seedling emergence, the germination percentage was recorded. When the seedlings were at 4-6 leaves thinning was done to reduce the space between them to 6cm in a row and other necessary practices were carried out on time until the seeds were fully matured. Samples were taken from all the seven sorghum lines and in the laboratory, using RCBD design, standard Germination Test (G), Cold Test (CT), Accelerated Ageing Test (AA), Electrical Conductivity Test (EC) with four replications were implemented on the samples. The results indicated that the sorghum lines KFS1, KFS2 and KFS4 are significantly different in seed vigours, percentage of field emergence and also the fresh and dry matter yields of forage.