To determine the effects of water deficiency in different final growth stages of two wheat cultivars (Chamran and Kavir) accompany with application of various elements such as potassium (K), zinc (Zn) and copper (Cu) on yield production, harvest index (HI), concentration of nitrogen (N) and other elements in grain were investigated under weather condition of Sistan. The experiment was carried out as Completely Randomized Block under spilt - spilt plot design with three replicates, on loomy fine sand soil during 2001-2003 growth season at the Research Center Institute of Zabol, Zahak. In this experiment, there were 3 type of irrigation, complete irrigation, halted irrigetion after pollination (10.5-1, Fix scale), and after milky stage of grain (10.5-5, Fix scale) as sub-plots, and fertilizer treatments included; nil fertilizer, copper sulphate (CuSo4), zinc sulphate (ZnSo4) and potassium sulphate (K2So4) 0, 30, 40, 150kg/ha, respectively which is applied at sowing time as sub-sub plot. The results of this study highlight that the respond of grain yieds (GY), biological yield (BY), harvest index (HI), concentration of N, K, Cu and Zn in grain were analyzed. Halted water at 10.5-1, fix scale decreased BY, GY and HI at statistically significant level (p>0.01). But the Chamran produced more BY, GY than Kavir wheat cultivar. In addition, halted water at 10.5-5, Fix scale, increased the concentration of N, K, Zn and Cu in grain. Also application of ZnSo4 and CuSo4 on soil caused increase of Zn and Cu concentration in grain.