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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Background: In studies on validities of different methods for student assessment, each technique has been independently evaluated, but literature confirms the use of combination of different methods of assessment. Objectives: Searching for negative and positive aspects of assessment tools, and introducing the more preferable technique. Methods: In this descriptive-analytical research, 1372 medical students were tested using three types of questions; short-answer, multiple-choice, and true-false, so that the result of each method can be compared with those of the other two for each student. Nine classes from different curricula were randomly selected and in each of them, 30 questions for 10 selected topics (total 270), were distributed. Results: The students score analysis after excluding questions with a discrimination index of less than 0.3, showed that the most valid assessment tool was the short-answer questions (r0.685). The kappa coefficients of the short answer method and the other two were in the "fair" range of agreement. The highest coefficient of contingency is between the multiple-choice and true-false questions (0.402). The percentage of correct answers is the lowest in short-answer questions (53%), and the highest in true-false questions (65%). The higher percentage of incorrect answers in multiple-choice (32%) compared with the true-false (26%) questions can be the result of the students being confronted with alternative choices in multiple-choice question, which apparently encourages them to choose one without using the relevant knowledge. Conclusion: It is recommended to use short-answer and true-false questions as the main components of examination, instead of multiple-choice question alone, so that students learning and recall would be tested and students would not be misled.

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Background: The high-school grade point average (GPA-H) and university entrance examination can predict the university achievement and Purpose. To examine the predictive value of GPA-H for GPA-UMethods: In this cross sectional study, the subjects were 240 medical students at basic science phase of their medical education. Data were collected by a questionnaire, consisting of questions measuring factual background variable and 10 Llikert-type questions measuring attitude. The multiple regression analysis was used.Results: The analysis showed that student GPA were a better predictor for educational achievement of medical students than rank on university entrance exam and students with high GPA have not been on probation at all. Also parents education and occupation influence the students attitudes toward their medical study.Conclusion: High-school GPA is a predictor for university GPA .This may warrant further investigation into criteria of medical university entrance exam.

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Background: An education of desirable quality is the one which ends in an effective learning. Students interest on the educational method used may enhance their learning.Purpose: To determine Student’s viewpoints on the educational methods offered in medical universitiesMethods: This cross sectional study investigates the students viewpoints on the educational methods used in the medical university teaching. The cases were selected by randomized sampling and a questionnaire was completed by the subjects.Results: Of all subjects, 63% who were 24 years or older considered group discussion as the best educational method. 53.1% of the students valued group discussion as a prior educational method and 51% of the students deemed it an effective method while 13.4% preferred lectures and 75.3% marked "the professors skill and enthusiasm for teaching" a effective factor in the education process.Conclusion: More interactive methods such lecture with question and answerers is rather a simple change but may improve the student’s satisfaction.

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Background: Given the limited resources for medical education it seems reasonable to specify the exact educational needs and make sure that these needs are met. In this respect determining priorities and appropriate educational strategies and teaching methods allows for optimum use of limited available resources. Purpose: To determine the perceived educational priorities and effective educational methods for five groups of medical care providers with respect to their views. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the perceived knowledge, and preferences of the participants. Five valid and reliable questionnaires were developed, verified by 4 CME experts, filled out during the planned programs and on receiving their temporary of final certificates by each participant in the relevant subgroup. SPSS 9.0 was used for the analysis of collected data. Results: Of the 3300 medical care providers who received the questionnaires, 2687 filled them out. The overall response rate was 81%. Educational needs based on the priorities in the questionnaires included required educational methods and techniques for the five subgroups and specific priorities for each subgroup. Among the most requested methods were: lectures accompanied by video (54.1%), lectures followed by questions and answers (49.3%), case presentations (37.5%), educational workshops (37.4%), education through the internet (26.4%), conventional lectures (23.9%), morning reports (16.4%), and education in the field (15.1%). Conclusion: Demographic characteristics were relevant to determine educational priorities and learning methods. For the most-preferred learning needs, the five subgroups suggested different topics. The observation suggests that the participants assess their learning needs closely related to their perceived job requirements. However, these perceived needs may not be well related to the participants, actual level of knowledge or skill.

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Background: World Wide Web is growing more accessible with lower costs throughout the world and in Iran this makes web – based education a convenient option for delivering at least part of education in medicine. Purpose: To establish the foundation of web-based medical education.Methods: Three major fields for developing educational modules were identified: UME, faculty development, and CME programs. In each field one or more modules were designed and conducted. Results: The student had the main role in the classes They found the modules satisfactory and session as long as 8 hours were completed without any students’ complaint. CME course received the same warm welcome from the participants. Conclusion: Given the rapid expansion of computer and web access in Iran and the potentials of computer assisted or web-based learning, it seems reasonable at this time to invest on e-learning in terms of physical, technical and human resources.

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Background: Experience of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in real clinical setting is not easily possible for all medical students. Purpose: To assess medical student perceived self-sufficiency on three procedural skill on internship courses after they had taken a training course in clerkship period. Methods: Forty three medical students who had attended a workshop on CPR, tracheal intubations and venopuncture answered the questionnaires on their perceived self-sufficiency in performing these procedures after serving a few months as interns. Results: The mean score for perceived self-sufficiency (PSS) was 75.84  (±18.63). There was a high correlation between the score given for the applicability of training in real life situation and the stress reduction scores on first time performing the procedure. Conclusion: The high degree of correlation between PSS scores and applicability scores, may warrant the consideration of new methods in procedural skills.

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Background: Only in recent years has the concept of "Multiple intelligences" been acknowledged. Purpose: To develop a mission-based program to train gifted medical students on skills and sciences needed for sustainable development.Methods: A two-armed program was developed for training medical students. The first arm of the program train students for management purposes. The second branch of the program educates medical students to enable them to contribute to scholar development in areas of health and medicine. Results: The Managerial pathway has been implemented since July 2003. More than 400 students from Shaheed Beheshti and elsewhere registered in the program as main members or guest members of the program. The level up exam was given on February 2004 with 13 students qualifying for C level. Conclusion: It may be to early to draw any conclusion in terms of fulfillment of the outcomes of the program but the dedication of the members to the program has been beyond imagination.

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There have been many changes to information systems in the last decade. Changes in information systems require users to constantly up–date their computer knowledge and skills. Computer training is a critical issue for any user because it offers great capabilities for the users. This papers discuses the meaning of subjective computer training and its role on computer training. The results of the study show that Subjective Computer Training Scale (SCTS) is reliable and valid. The existence of a reliable and valid scale of computer training makes assessment possible and should have implications in all organization such as community health centers and hospitals.

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