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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (76)
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Background and Objective: Among sewage sludge disposal options, land application is more preferred because of economic benefits and decreasing fertilizer cost for farmers. However, if sludge has excess amount of heavy metals and microbial infections, land application may lead to soil and environmental pollution. Method: In this research, the amount of total, DTPA-extractable and soluble forms of Fe, Zn, Pb, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn and Ni and population of coliform bacteria were determined in the sludge samples of three different sewage sludge treatment plants including Shahrak-e-Gharb, Ekbatan and Shoush and the results were compared to the world pollution limit standards of these metals and the coliform population. Findings: Results showed that 0. 01% of all metals accumulatively in sewage sludge were in soluble form, 1. 32% in DTPA-extractable form and 98. 67% in other forms, which are unavailable. Shoush sludge had largest amount of sum of eight metals (39. 73 gr/kg dry sludge), Ekbatan sludge (28. 42 gr/kg dry sludge) and Shahrak-e-Gharb sludge (22. 95 gr/kg dry sludge) were the second and third in the rank, respectively. Discussion and Conclusion: Because of high amounts of Zn and Cu in the sludge samples in compare to the standards, the samples from all the treatment plants did not categorized as the exceptional quality which can be used in agriculture. A comparison between the coliform population and the standards showed that in this regard, sludge samples were in B quality and there would be limitations in their land application.

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View 1195

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    1 (76)
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Background and Objective: Water renewal time, one of the important indicators, is considered for estimation of health status of marine ecosystem. The Khozeini channel has been the second communicative ways of the Gorgan Bay with the Caspian Sea which is blocked by decreasing of sea water level and sedimentation in recent years. In this investigation, in order to considering of Khozeini channel possible dredging effects on the Water Renewal Time in the Gorgan Bay, the Hydrodynamic and Advection-Dispersion modules of two-dimensional Mike21 FM model were coupled simultaneously. Method: The modeling on two triangular unstructured meshes and under two different open boundary conditions by including wind stress, water fluctuations in the mouth of Bandartorkaman-Ashoradeh and Khozeini channel, rivers input, evaporation and precipitation during index year were done. To determine the amount of dispersion coefficient in the Gorgan Bay, salinity modeling using Advection-Dispersion module of MIKE 21 FM were developed. Findings: The results two-dimensional salinity modeling showed that the best of dispersion coefficients are 350 m2/s in Gorgan Bay. The results of calculating of the Integral Water Renewal amount under blocking Khozeini channel condition was 54 days and dredging channel condition a width of 170 m was 41 days. Discussion and Conclusion: The best time for Water Renewal Time modeling in Gorgan Bay is the beginning trend of intering annual water level rising in the Caspian Sea. Renewal Time values are depending on hydrodynamic regime and salinity dispersion coefficient in Gorgan Bay. According to the common counterclockwise water circulation pattern in Gorgan Bay, Khozeini channel dredging reduces Integral Renewal Time of up to 13 days.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 663

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    1 (76)
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Background and Objective: In this paper uncertainties of GCM’ s structure and emission scenarios in climate change impact assessment on monthly stream-flow of Bashar River basins are investigated and compared. Method: stream-flow of the basin was simulated using a conceptual rainfall-runoff model. Climate scenarios simulated by 6 GCM under 3 emission scenarios for 2063-93 periods were downscaled using change factors method. Using these 18 future scenarios and observed climate data as inputs of the rainfall-runoff model, climate change impact on monthly stream-flow of the basin was assessed. Ranges of the results under various GCMs and emission scenarios were assessed and uncertainty of the GCMs and emission scenarios in the results were investigated. Results: In simulation of the monthly stream-flow of the basin, coefficient of determination (R2) reached values of 0. 96 and 0. 94 during calibration and validation, respectively. Under each of emission scenarios and GCMs it is projected that the amounts and annual cycle of the stream-flow will change. However, the amount and direction of the changes are different for various GCMs and emission scenarios. As instant, for September’ s under various GCMs and emission scenarios the mean stream-flow may changes between 26% decrease to 123% increase. Conclusion: It is projected that climate change will have important impacts on the basin’ s stream-flow. The uncertainty from GCM structure is larger than uncertainty from emission scenarios. However, the uncertainty from emission scenarios is significant, too, and cannot be ignored.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (76)
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Background and Objective: Environmental pollution modeling is one of the essential requirements in the field of air quality monitoring which with using the output of the model, improvement of future situation can be possible. The existing literature of the modeling of environmental pollution – especially air pollutants-could be divided to two whole categories. First, those researches that in addition of pollutants data, they used some factors such as temperature, wind direction, wind speed and humidity. The second one – which this study belong to-with using time series regression models and by usage of the existing data about each pollutant, the future situation was forecasted. Method: In this study, we forecast future pollutants (CO, PM10, NO2, SO2, O3, PM2. 5) status with ARIMA, ARFIMA and ARIMA-GARCH models with Box-Jenkins approach, then the best model is determined with MSE, RMSE, MAE and MAPE. Findings: Results indicate that the assumption of existence of long-memory is acceptable but the hypothesis that always ARFIMA models prepare the best forecast is rejected. Discussion and Conclusion: This study proves the application of econometric models to predict the pollutants state. Based on the high social costs of pollutant emissions, it is recommended that using these models, identify the pollutants affecting the future of the city and reduce the level of their dissemination of efficiency plans.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 572

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    1 (76)
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Background and Objective: This paper aims to estimate suspended sediment using Remote Sensing Technique in the North-west coasts of the Persian Gulf, the two indices which have been used are SS and TSS. Data used in this study are collected from MODIS sensor data through Aqua satellite. Method: Several different algorithms are used for creating these images and they are used to detect and determine Suspended Sediments. In this regard, by introducing the variables required to extract data, Radiometric and atmospheric correction coding is based on MATLAB programming, Finally, entering the matrix file and apply filters ArcGIS software is proportional to its level in the final maps and points of view have been achieved. Findings: In general, RMSE results illustrate that using combinational regression method and employing satellite imagery with 500-meter bands and reaching a higher coefficient of determination ( =0. 82) and also the lowest RMSE (RMSE=0. 88 mg/L) and 250 and 500-meter bands is more suitable for designing SS maps in Persian Gulf. Discussion and Conclusion: These results indicate a very high linear relationship between dependent variable (TSS and SS field data) and data from 1 to 7 bands and sensor angle (depending on the used algorithm and model) are considered as independent variables and it was observed that there is a significant relationship between field data and extracted data from satellite imagery. All these results indicate the potential of remote sensing technique for sensing and considering marine parameters.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 731

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    1 (76)
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Background and Objective: Wind is a clean and abundant of source of energy which is completely renewable. Large wind farms are being built around the world as a way to generate electricity, but operators still seeking the most effective arrangement of wind turbines in the wind farm to maximize absorption of wind energy. Wind farm layout optimization is one the way to increase the output of the wind farm. Method: In this paper, a genetic algorithm to maximize the expected energy output was used. The purpose of the genetic algorithm optimization of wind farm was arranged in terms of location, hub height and rotor diameter of the turbines to capture maximum wind energy and reduce the wake effect. The proposed model with two scenarios of wind speed and direction distribution of wind sites are shown on the flat ground. Results: The results of the present study were compared with the previous studies. The results showed by wind farm layout optimization of the place, the hub height and rotor diameter of the turbines, at the same time, has a better performance-in terms of the maximum value of the expected energy output and reduces the wake effect with strategies which optimize with one or two parameters simultaneously. Discussion and Conclusion: The use of wind turbines with a hub height and rotor diameter varies in a wind farm and has the benefits of reducing the wake effect and captures maximum wind energy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (76)
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Background and Objective: Sodium cyanide is used in the process of extracting gold from the ore. The waste water that is produced during this process contains high levels of cyanide. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of cyanide in the waste water of Mooteh Gold mine. We also wanted to investigate effects of distance, depth, and altitude on cyanide dispersion in soil and groundwater of Mooteh Wildlife Refuge. Method: In April 2012, samples of surface and under ground (0. 5 m) soil and groundwater was collected from 11 locations from Mooteh Wildlife Refuge Results: Total cyanide level was decreased with increasing of altitude, distance from mine and decreasing depth of soil. There is no significant difference between cyanide concentration of surface and ground soils; groundwater and ground soils, respectively. But, there is a significant difference between cyanide concentration of groundwater and surface soils. Conclusion: Cyanide level is higher than acceptable level in existence wastewater and station number three. Also there are several papers about death wildlife especially Iranian Deer after wastewater overflow from Gold Mooteh Mine in this location. So, managers and officials should be taken more care.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (76)
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Background and Objective: At the present century, using of copper Nano-particles has increased within the environment. In this regard influx of Nano-materials to the environment may have harmful impact on living organisms, including fish. The aim of this study was to examine histological lesions of cooper nanoparticles on the gill tissue of common carp. Method: In order to investigate the effects of histopathological changes of Nano copper oxide on the gill of carp, 60 pieces of young common carp with an average weight of 42± 2 gr were divided in 3 groups with three replicates for exposure group of Nano copper oxide (10, 40, 80, mg/l of copper oxide) and a control group of fish for 6 weeks. Findings: Histopathology of Gill tissue showed that the copper nanoparticles have such injuries as cell swelling, Aourtism, edema, secondary connecting adjacent blades, shortening of the secondary blade, and hyperplasia. Gill histopathological result showed that at high concentrations (80 ppm), lesions were mostly detachment, hyperplasia and sticking attach Lamela, versus harm in low concentrations (10 and 40 ppm) to form Aurism, inflation squamous cell and the shortening of the secondary blades. Discussion and Conclusion Due to changes of gill tissue in the common carp at various concentrations of copper nanoparticles compared with the control group, it can be concluded that copper nanoparticles can have significant effects on fish gill tissue. Therefore it can be used as a simple and useful tool to assess the impact of these new born contaminants on fish and also human environmental.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (76)
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Background & Objective: Nowadays consumption of bio fertilizers as alternative of chemical fertilizers with decreasing environmental hazards has been affected farmers' environmental behavior. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the components of Alborz province farmers’ environmental behavior about bio fertilizers application. Method: The statistical population was farmers who were using bio-fertilizers that 45 of them were studied by snowball sampling method. The research instrument was a questionnaire that validity of it was obtained by a panel of experts and reliability of scales examined by Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient (greater than 0. 7). Findings: The result indicated that farmers’ environmental behavior about use of bio fertilizers was more than intermediate level. In addition, there is a significant and positive correlation between a total of constitutive components of environmental behavior of the farmers and cultivated area, rate of environmental and economic perception of bio fertilizers application effects and rate of motivation factors for bio fertilizers consumption. The results of regression analysis revealed that the variables of: rate of environmental and economic perception of bio fertilizers application effects and rate of motivation factors for bio fertilizers consumption, cultivated area, the rate of access to devices needed for use of bio fertilizers explained about 43% of variation of the dependent variable. Discussion and Conclusions: Considering that the level of environmental and economic perception of the effects of the use of bio-fertilizers on farmers and the motivating factors for the use of bio-fertilizers are the most important factors in predicting the behavior of using bio fertilizers, therefore, mass media can provide programs about the consumption of bio-fertilizers, improve the motivation of farmers to use bio-fertilizers. Also it seems that there is no need to specific machinery for the use of fertilizers, by familiarizing farmers with bio-fertilizers, they can be encouraged to use them, and the process of accepting bio-fertilizers is accelerating by transferring subsidies from chemical fertilizers to bio-fertilizers.

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    1 (76)
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Background and Objective: Concentration and type of atmospheric aerosols are among of the most important factors affecting the macro and micro structure of clouds and their precipitation. Method: In this article, the case study has been carried out to investigate the relationship between atmospheric air pollution, microphysics of cloud and their precipitation over Tehran city. The case study in this paper (2012/12/06) was performed before the the rainfall that increased AQI index for particulate matter which made Tehran to be closed for two days. This event was compared with two similar rainfalls shortly before or after it and it was found out that in the two similar rainfalls the AQI index had been healthy during the days before precipitation. Ion concentrations in the rainwater were measured by ion-chromatography and microphysics of clouds were studied by MODIS on board Aqua and Terra satellite. Findings: The results showed that ions concentration, especially anthropogenic ions (nitrate, nitrite, chloride and fluoride), in rainwater samples in polluted air was higher than in clear air. Also particulate pollution reduced the effective radius droplet of the mixed-phase clouds before the rain, and increased the cloud optical thickness, cloud water path and cloud top pressure and temperature during the precipitation. Discussion and Conclusion: The ions in rain water and the cloud microphysics characteristics related to the concentration of aerosols in the atmosphere. Also, local particle pollutions changed regional microphysics of cloud.

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International environmental law as a branch of public international law is developed through the codification and implementation of legally binding and non-binding rules developed by the international community in recent decades in terms of content, form and structure. However, despite international efforts to protect the environment, environmental challenges not only still exist, but also it has increased significantly in many areas. In fact, today's environmental concerns and threats are beyond the predictions of the experts and the scientists at the Stockholm 1972 of the First International Conference on humans and the environment. Ozone depletion, climate change, air pollution, water and soil, loss of biodiversity, deforestation and desertification are the most important problems confronting humanity today. This research by adopting a critical approach aims to study in addition to existing capacity for the development of international environmental law, to deal with the obstacles and shortcomings and to review legal and administrative gaps, provide recommendations such as internationalization of environmental protection, substantive review and structural review in these matters.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Industrial and development activities are parts of the human attempt to achieve greater prosperity. But the effects of these changes and develop this kind of activity due to specific risks arising from changes in prevalent system of nature. Working staff in the agricultural sector of this company at different levels, according to a variety of activities that can be done, are exposed to health and safety risks. This research has been done in order to identify safety, health and environmental aspects and important risks of Salman Farsi Agroindustry Company in 2014. Method: In this study Delphi, FMEA and FMEA & TOPSIS Integrated models are used. Findings: According to Delphi method 57 aspects and risks related to the activities of this industry identified and 13 of them were diagnosed significantly. Risk of exposure to noise with identification code R1 obtain the highest score and transport the heavy parts with identification cod R44 obtain the lowest score respectively. According to the FMEA method, 57 aspects and risks identified based on industry activities and 21 of them became intolerable and clear, as input data to the weighting stage and grading were used combined method TOPSIS and FEMEA. According to this method environmental aspects of waste entering to the environment with identification cod R57 obtained the highest score and falling the centrifuges basket with identification cod R18 obtained the lowest score. Discussion and Conclusion: Establish and implement integrated management systems that can be qualified as a practical proposal affecting elimination or reduction of risk in industrial sector of Salman Farsi agro-industrial Company.

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Bakooie Katrini Mobina | Seyed Haji Mirzahosseini Seyed Alireza | NASRABADI MAHNAZ

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    1 (76)
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Background and Objective: Dangers recognition and risk assessment in the schools can be considered as an efficient action to improve students’ health and development especially in elementary schools. Method: Two risks evaluation approaches of FMEA and William Fine have been used in this survey. In addition, risk assessment was furnished based on three factors (effect severity, occurrence probability, and exposure level). After identifying the activities through frequent presence in the study places and interviewing the students and the people in charge, the dangers and potential harmful effects were identified. Finally, considering the effect severity, possible consequences occurrence probability, and the exposure level, the risks evaluation and classification were done. Findings: Regarding summation of health and safety hazards for girls in different levels of H, M, and L had been 4, 15, and 38, respectively. Furthermore, sum of health and safety risks for boys in various levels of H, M, and L had been 5, 16, and 35, respectively. After taking the proposed controlling actions and re-evaluating the hazards, in different phases of H, M, and L for girls was changed to 2, 6, and 50, respectively and this amount was changed to 2, 7, and 47 for boys in various levels of H, M, and L, respectively. The number of risks in the average and unacceptable levels was considerably reduced after performing the controlling actions. Discussion and Conclusion: The identified hazards have been similar for both genders in most of the cases. The hazard intensity has been higher in boys which can be related to higher physical activity, trusting their personal skills, engaging in risky behaviors, and underestimating physical dangers.

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View 1778

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Background and Objective: Risk assessment is a method to determine risk quantitative and qualitative and probable accident consequence on people, materials, equipment and environment. By doing so, existence controlling methods effectiveness are specified and valuable data for decision making in risk mitigating is produced. Method: In this study, GACHSARAN oil refinery production unit is assessed. The purpose of this study is environmental risk assessment of this unit by updating methods and techniques and representing controlling strategies to manage these risks. Simultaneously use of several risk assessment and multi criteria decision making can lead to optimum risk management. To achieve this goal, the Environmental Failure-Mode and Effects Analysis (EFMEA), analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) are used. Findings: At first by site visiting and obtaining expert opinions of the unit, risks are identified and evaluated according to their effects on environmental of five components. In the following, risk priority number in specified and enter to TOPSIS and prioritized. Discussion and Conclusion: The results showed that important risks are exhausted pollutant from stack and carry over to flare.

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View 1256

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Background and Objective: Nicotine is a highly toxic alkaloid which can be found in tobacco processing industry. Due to the serious environmental problems and therapeutic concerns which have occurred because of presence of toxic nicotine in the environment, biodegradation of this compound by microorganisms has received considerable attention. The objective of the present study was to screen the moderately halophilic bacteria which are able to degrade nicotine and to evaluate the possibility of using the bacterial biocatalysts to clean up nicotine in contaminated environments. Method: Screening and selection of halophilic bacteria degrading nicotine has performed in three separate steps using enrichment culture technique, nicotine as the sole carbon and nitrogen source, and tolerance patterns. The best nicotine-degrading bacterial isolate (designated as strain ND9) was characterized on the basis of morphological and biochemical phenotypes and 16S rRNA sequencing. Growth kinetics and the removal rate of nicotine were evaluated using spectrophotometry and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Findings: According to the results obtained, growing cultures of Halomonas sp. strain ND9 (accession no. KM077028) showed the highest tolerance to nicotine and also degraded over 92% of nicotine (initial concentration of 2 g/L) as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen after 96 h incubation time. Discussion and Conclusions: The present work describes the potential of moderately halophilic bacteria to be used in a de-nicotination process for the first time. Given the potential of Halomonas sp. strain ND9 in the bio-removal of nicotine, isolation and characterization of moderately halophilic bacteria as green bio-catalysts for their application in the bio-degradation of nicotine has been proposed.

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