Coefficient Correlation of 4 heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb) in the Sediment of the Caspian Sea's Southern Coast, Gilan province, Fishery Zone (1) and in the Persian sturgen's Liver and Kidney were investigated.The main goal was to find out any relative changes in the concentration of 4 heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb) in the sediment of the Caspian Sea Southern Coast (Fishery zone I) and the concentration of the mentioned metals in the Persian Sturgeon's liver and kidney. Therefore, 5 stations along the Gilan Coastal Zone from West to East (Astara, Heveeg, Shafarood, Lysar, Jafrood) were selected and 5 Samples of the Persian Sturgeons during the fishing season - 1380, (2001) were collected by fixed gillnet wilhout considering gendra, age, length. 2 samples of the sediment were collected by vanveen grab at the same depth. Tissue (liver+kidney) was chemically digested by HNO3+ De -Ionized water+ H2O2 and reflux processes and Sediment was digested by HF+ HCL and Shaking processes three times.The final extracted materials were analyzed according to the Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy method by varian spectr AA - 220. Blank and Reference Samples (CRM 18SR-Bovine's Liver and Soil-7) were prepared and analysed by the same method. Recovery percentage was also calculated and the final results were checked with the result of the blank sample, Reference materials and Recovery percent. The results were statistically analyzed and mean, one -way ANOVA test, LSD test, mean of variance were compared. Coefficient Correlation and linear regression were calculated by Pearson method and figure or curve of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis, using average linkage, Euclidian distance were drawn. It was finally concluded that the concentration of heavy metals in the Persian Sturgeon's liver and kidney, and in the sediment of the Caspian sea Southern Coast, Gilan province was at the standard level. (WHO, NOAA, ISQG, NHMRC, UK/MAFF). There was also positive correlation between kidney -liver and Kidney - sediment for Cu concentration and between liver-sediment, kidney - sediment for Pb concentration.