Archetypal criticism is a type of new criticism that using the findings of mythology, anthropology, psychology, and structuralism analyzes literary works. Archetypal criticism argues that archetypes determine the form and function of literary works, that a text's meaning is shaped by cultural and psychological myths. The task of the critic is to identify the basic forms personified or concretized in recurring images, symbols or patterns in a literary work. In this paper, the writer analyzes from an archetypal criticism viewpoint, Shirley JAcksONS renowned short story "The Lottery", using the notions introduced by James FRAZER, lEVi-STRAUSS, and especially Northrop FRYE, founders of archetypal criticism. To this end, the writer discusses the archetype of sacrifice as a recurring theme from the past to the present and its role in the modern story and its continuation in today's life, and concludes that if there was a value associated to this archetype in the past, in modern times, the archetype has changed into an inhuman and evil act.