Based on relevant studies, the competitive scene that organizations have faced in recent years is indicated by a high level of dynamism. To survive under those circumstances is essence, the continual renewal of competitive advantage through the development of organizational and individual capacities. Some of thinker and experts claim that knowledge is the main source of sustainable competitive advantage. In order, to achieve this advantage, knowledge management can be defined as a strategic opportunity for organizations. Various studies shows that organizing based on work teams is a new tendency that favor process of knowledge management, however, this is point of important that is not enough to organize the firm around work teams, but only this teams must have special the characteristics to achieve the goals of organization. So, the main goal of this research is recognition and survey factors which favoring the management of organizational knowledge. We conducted multiple line regression and analysis of variance. In order to set about checking the hypotheses, the data were analyzed in two separated phases (creation, transfer and integration). Some other findings of research are: complementary skills and a climate of trust in work teams were more important factors that favoring the knowledge management (in each of the phases). However, features of self-managed and individual autonomy were just effective factors in knowledge creation of phase.