This study investigates the effects of manure and biofertilizer (Rhizobium inoculant) on lentil yield in dryland areas of Qazvin province, Iran. Simulated erosion plots established from three years before were employed in the experiment. The soil surface removal treatments consisted of blank, 5, 10, 15, and 20cm of surface soil removal (E0, E5, E10, E15, and E20 respectively). At the selected site a split-factorial plot was designed. Manure fertilizer treatments were 0, 10, and 20 Mg/ha at watered site and 0, 5, and 10 Mg/ha at dryland site. Each treatment was conducted with and without Rizobia inoculant. The lentil crop (Lens Culinaris) was planted in Mar. 2004. Precipitation was 116 mm for plant growth period and 390 mm for total year (Sep.23, 2003 - Sep.22, 2004). This experiment was performed at two similar sites, adjacent together, one as watered and the other as dry farming site .At watered site, for avoiding the drought conditions of the area, three supplementary irrigations were applied during the growth season, each 13 mm. The crops were harvested in July, plant number per square meter being counted. After drying, grain, dry matter and chaff weight, as well as thousand-grain weight were determined. Data were analyzed using SAS and Excel software. The results did not show any significant effect for simulated erosion. Manure fertilizer increased the dry matter and grain content somewhat at 10 Mgha-1 of manure while decreasing them slightly at 20 Mg ha-1 in the watered site, but these results were not significant as compared to control.