Objectives: Adolescence is a critical period of life with cognitive and character changes. Since our society consists mainly of youth and adolescents, the mental health of this group is of special importance.In this study mental health in students of the third year in junior high schools of the city Sari was evaluated.Method: This descriptive- analytic study was performed on 350 randomly selected students of junior high schools of the city of Sari, Iran. All the subjects filled out special questionnaires and SCL–90–R.
Results: 42.6% of students had psychiatric symptoms which were found in 67.9% of girls and 32% of boys. The highest prevalent symptoms were phobias (55.9%), paranoid ideas (47.7%), neurosis (45.7%), sensitivity to interpersonal relationships (45.7%), obsessions (42.3%), depression (41.1%), anxiety (40%), aggression (33,4%), and somatization (26.7%).There was statistical relationship between gender, average school scores, urban or rural habitation, and feeling a need for going to physician or consultation centers. Father’s occupation was only related to somatization and paranoid ideas. There was no statistical relationship between mental health and the number of people in the family, home situation, and parental level of academic education.Conclusion: According to the high rate of the symptoms of mental disorders in school students, special concern is needed toward the issue and preparation of consultation centers in schools seems appropriate. Mental health education for school students may also be of importanc.