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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: These days in the world, most the anthropometric studies are performed in photographical methods and computer-based programs for each limb of the body. The purpose of this investigation was to compare the digital photographical method with manual method for foot anthropometry.Materials & methods: In this investigation, the images of 20 Iranian men’s feet were taken with a digital camera and analyzed using designed software, then the foot dimensions were measured. These dimensions were also measured in a manual method. Finally, the results of these two methods were analyzed by SPSS.Findings: There were not significant differences between these two methods, (p>0.05).Conclusion: This study demonstrates that digital photo anthropometry is an easy, economical, reliable, quick and precise method. The image archives can be reused in future by researches to gain other data’s, without referring to the subjects. Also, using this method for foot anthropometry with designation and medical goals is an appropriate substitute for traditional methods. This investgation can be an introduction for wider researches with modern methods in order to get Iranian anthropometry data bank for foot dimensions. According to wide usage of safety shoes in industries and workplaces. This method is recommended to determine foot percentiles of Iranian workers in order to design and manufacture suitable sizing of safety shoes in favorite forms and sizes.

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Introduction: Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the earth's crust .It plays a role in several neurodegenerative conditions including Alzheimer's disease. In this study, we investigated the effects of aluminum on human embryonic astrocytes. Materials & methods: In this experimental study, we applied MTT techniques to investigate the effects of 3,9, and 12 days exposure to aluminum on astrocyte viability . Then, we used immunocytochemical techniques to identify apoptotic gene expression changes induced by aluminum. We used Stata software to analyze the data. Findings: Our results showed that 3-days exposure to 1 and 1.5mm caused a- reduction in astrocytes viability, (P<0.01 , P<0.03). Low levels of aluminum (500 and 100 mM) needed long-term exposure to become toxic to astrocytes),9 days for 500 and 12 days for 100 mM) (P=0.000). Aluminum didn't show any effects on apoptotic gene expression. Conclusion: Long-term exposure, even to low levels of aluminum, was toxic for human embryonic astrocytes, but it seems that aluminum does not alter apoptotic gene expression.

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Introduction: Every year, millions of job accidents occur in the world. Studies on the job injuries show about 150000 injuries in Iran. Unhealthy behaviors are considered serious problems in public health. Education is one of the best ways to change such unhealthy behaviors. Interventions based on models and theories have many capacities for behavioral changes. BAZNEF model is one of the health useful education models for behavior change in developing countries. The aim of this study was to increase safer behaviors of workers in coke industry based on BAZNEF model.Materials& methods: This study was a semi-experimental case control study to investigate the effects of health education on the safety behavior of workers in the coke industry. 54 workers as an experimental group and 54 workers as a control group were randomly selected and according to BAZNEF model were subjected to the investigation. SPSS was used for analysis of data and independent t-test, t-paired and R.M.ANOVA were applied for analysis.Findings: The results indicated that the mean of knowledge, attitude and performance mark of the workers about safety and use of personal preventive equipment increased so that significant differences were observed. The mean of availability of PPE increased after the intervention. Conclusion: It can be concluded that  programming in health education and health problems according to BAZNEF model for increasing safety behavior among workers of coke industry is an effective way to decrease job injuries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: In spite of the advanced imaging methods, MRI and CT-Scan, the role of ultrasonography is still unique in some fields of genitourinary tract diseases. This study was aimed at assessing this role in the evalution of male urinary stricture, and comparison with standard retrograde urthrography. This is a quantative prospective study performed on male patients suffering from bulbar and penile strictures, during 1996-1997at Chaharomin Shahid Hospital of Kermanshah,(diagnosis established by retroyrade urethroyraphy).Along with this study , the patients underwent the ultrasonogaphic evaluation of the strictures.Materials&methods: Of 22 patients with anterior urethral stricture, 11 cases (50%) were affected with local type and 11 cases by diffuse one. Patients' age rangel from 28 to 68 yrs with average of 48.8 (=12.6).Through paired studies, the "stricture length" and "spongiotibrosis thickness" were studied, then the cases were divided into two (2) groups with "local" (length less than 10mm) and "Diffuse" with length more than 10mm as multiple strictures.Findings: Hypothetic test results indicated that there were no significant differences between the measused lengths of strictures of the two groups in altrasonography and radiography. On the other hard, spongiofibrosis thickness can be uniquely evaluated by ultrasonography and the relative ratio of local stricture lengths to maximum spongiofibrosis thickness ranges between 1.67 and 2.31, (P<0.05). Therefor, with a known ratio about2, we can estimate the firosis thickness from stricture length of 10% magnification correction.Conclusion: Regarding the results, application of ultrasonography in the male anterior urinary stricture, not only obtains at least equal accuracy with retrograde urthrography, especially in local ones, but also through a presentation of anatomic scar of urethral stricture and also diagnosis of cases with urethral stone and periurethral abscess, suitable information can be collected about treatment methods and prognosis.

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Introduction: Atherosclerosis -the accumulation of lipid deposits within the linings of arteries- is a major cause of death in developed countries. This disease, based on the involved site and its characteristics, induces specific clinical symptoms that may vary. In spite of our knowledge about this disease, however, some of its principal characteristics are unknown. Trace elements , found in human and animal tissues in about mg/kg or less , have a major role in most aspects of substances metabolism in the body ; so,  their role in health , nourishment and disease in human  have been proved. Today, it is believed that there is a significant relationship between the level of alteration of these elements and most the diseases such as atherosclerosis. Therefore, this research was undertaken to evaluate the level of copper and zinc in the serum according to the number of coronary stenosis in the patients with coronary atherosclerosis against the control group. Materials & methods: In this research, 243 subjects- including 60 people (25 female, 35 male) with average of 50.55±9.313 years as control group and 183 subjects (52 female, 131 male) with average of 57.38±10.4 years as case group- were examined. According to clinical examinations and angiographic results and based on the numbers of coronary arteries involved (zero, one, two or three), the case and control groups were assigned into the four groups.There was no coronary vessels stenosis in control group. The case and control groups were compared for background and confidence variables. CTA- 2000-atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used for analysis of trace elements and biochemical parameters were measured with RA-1000 auto-analyzer. Data were analyzed using Version 10.0 of statistic SPSS package and the results were analyzed using T-test and ANOVA. p<0.05 was the spot for statistical significance.Findings: The mean level of copper and zinc serum in control group was 0.848±0.260 PPM and 0.562±0.204 PPM respectively, while in the second group, it was 0.918±0.205 PPM and 0.578±0.208 PPM respectively, and in case of the third group, it was 1.022±0.241 PPM and 0.643±0.182 PPM respectively, and in the fourth group the results were 1.125±0.241 PPM and 0.718±0.211 PPM respectively.The mean level of copper and zinc serum in all the three case groups  compared with the control group increased. Such differences in the view of statistical analysis were significant, (p<0.001). The levels of Cu/Zn and Zn/Cu in these patients compared with the control group were Measured. There were no significant differences between them based on the statistical analysis. Conclusion: According to the results of this research and the previous ones, it is important to maintain the normal level of plasma copper and zinc in the serum . Any abnormal changes in these levels in the serum may increase the risk of atherosclerosis.

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Introduction: Gliomas and brain metastases are the largest groups of brain neoplasms and may have similar appearances in manifestation, age group and imaging criteria in CT-Scans. This study aimed to overview the imaging appearances of these two groups of tumors in the stereotactic center of Shohada-e Tajrish hospital.Materials & methods: This was an analytic descriptive blind retrospective study. 139 proved cases with various space occupying lesions were selected and their CT-Scans were investigated for number, size, location, distribution, density and enhancement after IV contrast. Then, the data were analyzed in SPSS using descriptive statistics and t-test and  c2 tests.Findings: In this study, there were 45.3% brain gliomases, 18.7% metastases, 21.5% primary lymphoma and 10% abscesses. Like other investigators, we found similarity between gliomas and metastases to brain. Brain metastasis had greater tendency to involve white gray matter junction in contrast to gliomas. Multiple lesions were most likely metastases, abscesses or lymphomas rather than gliomas. Ring-like enhancement was found in majority of gliomases and metastases, but our study showed that this appearance must have greater correlation with brain abscess.Conclusion: Imaging must be used in conjunction with other modalities such as para-clinical and clinical findings to make correct diagnoses. Of course, definite diagnoses can only be made with pathological specimen studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Sleep disturbance is common in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery and has been subject to concern for more than 30 years. New literature suggests the importance of sleep and rest to restore, protect and promote performance and wellbeing of these patients. Due to the important role nurses play to diagnose such disorders and to help patients get rid of these problems, this study was conducted to determine possible effective factors on sleep quality and quantity of patients after CABG.Materials & methods: This longitudinal, descriptive and corelational study was conducted on 91 patients admitted to Imam Reza Hospital in Mashhad city during 2005-2006. Subjects were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data were collected by interview in three stages:24 hours before surgery as well as 6 weeks and 10 weeks after surgery.  Subjective sleep quality was measured in PSQI and sleep quantity was measured in sleep log. The first two interviews were done at the hospital clinic and the last by telephone. Data were analyzed in statistical software of SPSS using student T test, Pearson correlation coefficient and General Linear Model.Findings: According to uni-variable analysis, variables such as age (p=0.03), aorta clamp time (p=0.003), mechanical ventilation time (p=0.01), hospitalization period (p=0.04), can be effective on sleep quantity of 10 weeks after surgery. Sleep disorder history (p=0.005), suffering from diabetes (p=0.02), using diuretic drugs before surgery (p=0.04), and using ACEI drugs after surgery (p=0.01), can also be effective on sleep quality of 10 weeks after surgery.Conclusion: Sleep disorder history, using diuretic drugs before surgery  and sleep quantity 6 weeks after surgery have been recognized as the most effective factors on sleep quality  of 10 weeks after surgery. Quality of life 10 weeks after surgery  has been the most effective factor on sleep quantity of 10 weeks after surgery. So, providing appropriate approaches to eliminate and minimize these modifiable factors seems necessary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1135

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Introduction: Comminuted tibial fractures, as a result of increment of vehicles traffic and accidents, are very common, especially in young adults. These fractures can lead to long-term disabilities and, in some instances, limb deficiencies. Because of various complications of these fractures, providing the best and rapid treatment is very important. The goal of this study was to determine the outcomes of using minimal invasive technique, which refers to a new method.Materials & methods: This study is a prospective one, carried out on 40 patients with comminuted tibial fractures. The patients had referred in the course of seven months and undergone plating surgery with minimal manipulation, then followed up for an average of 8.5 months. The follow-up evaluation study included the time of union and the status of extremities in the view point of rotation, shortening and lengthening.  Findings: The results showed that complete union rate was 77.5% in six months and 100% in nine months. There was no serious complication in the follow-up period other than a few slight infections. There was a statistically significant correlation between age and union. Lengthening of the extremities ranging from 1-1.5 cm was observed in 10 patients, while shortening of lower than 1cm was also observed in 4 patients. Rotation disorder existed in 8 patients with external rotation and in 2 patients with internal rotation.Conclusion: The plating technique with minimal manipulation leads to an increase in the union rate and a decrease in the treatment duration. The basic principle of this method is not damaging the soft tissue at the fracture site. Attention to technique is most important for avoidance of rotational and limb lengths deformities.

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