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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Gerard Genette presented Transtextualite theory due to the theory of Yulia Kristeva''s intertextuality at the second half of twentieth century. This theory is divided into five sections: 1) Intertextualite. 2) Metatextualite. 3) Arcitextualite. 4) Paratextualite. 5) Hypertextualite. Inspired from Shahname, tradition of epic storytelling continued after Ferdowsi. The reflection of Shahname in all of epic works, after 4th century, is quite obvious. One of these works is Shahkar by Rahim Moini-e Kermanshahi which is included the history of Iran from Sasaniyan''s fall until late of Qajar dynasty in rhythm of Shahname and form of mathnavi. Shahkar is an artifact and historical work that is influenced by Shahname in different fields. Based on Intertextualite theory, the effect of Shahname on Shahkar is very high and This Reflecting creates beautiful and desirable work. In this research, impact of Shahname has been analysed based on Trans textualite theory.

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The literary period which was contemporaneous with the Safavid time in Iran is considered as the time of literary decadence by some scholars whereas some other scholars consider this period as one of the dynamic and flourishing periods of Persian literature which provided the field of the emergence of new experiences besides continuing the prevalent literary traditions in later periods. Without investigating these two views, in this article, One of these new experiences will be analyzed which is named ''Writing event'' (compose of Vaghe'e). The evidence implies that the creator of this sub-genre is a committed Shiite poet named Aqa Mohmmad Sheikha whose pseudonym is Moqbel Esfahani. He took refuge to India in turbulent and insecure period of the late of Safavid period and lived in that land with respect and honor by the great figures and governors. His poetic approach was welcomed by many elegy poets in different periods. He established a fundamental tradition in the domain of Persian poetry which is known as Vaghe'e today. It can be regarded as a branch of the Requiem In this paper, the structure and features of this sub-genre are explicated and the role of Moqbel in the formation and prevalence of this literary tradition is explored.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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From a long time ago, the relationship between the attitude of the artist with his language including both literary and non-literary languages, has beenof interest toscientists of stylistic Some researchers have considered the recognition of tenors (of similes and metaphors) in literary works as one of the most important ways of finding the relation between form and content. Since the point of similarity is derived from the tenor, therefore it is important for the analysis of the artist''s Attitude.In thisarticle, we will attempt to investigate the impact of the concept of power and spiritual reign of holy people which is one of the themes of Ons-Al-Taebin in Sheikh-e Jam’s images. For this purpose, in the bigining, we apply method of visual clusters to extract and collect images of reign and court in Shekh’s similes and then we will show that these images have been repeated in different parts and pages of the book. Also, the impactofPower and Spiritual reign of holy fathers is seen in images of animals and in the vehicles of the book and we will show them and their repetition or frequency in the variouspages andchaptersofbooks. For instance, we survey Sheikh-e Jam’s similes firstly and then we will survey the obvious expression of this content in word of Sheikh in Ons-Al-Taebin and in this way, the relation between form and content will be obvious. After all these stages, we will compare some of the instances of the Maghamat-e Jhende peel that they are in the form ofanecdotes andgreatnessSheikhandare connected to this concept on the other hand. Finally it will be shown the Legends Sdyd al-dyn Ghazni in this regard, is rooted in the truth of the thought and life of Shekh-e Jam.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hindi style is very important for its poetic motifs, becausepoets ofthis style created Innovationsin poeticmotifesUsing their creativityand power of creation or extended its Network association. In the meantime, Abdul-Qadir Bēdil can be assumed as Tipping point of the illustrations with these motifs. This article tries to look at the motif of bubble in Biddle''s poetry and it’s specifying the network images of it in three general forms: metaphorical, descriptive, and Meta descriptions. The research method is documentary and using of the library resources, data analysis and data categorizing. The importance of the research about Bidel,hisplaceinPersianpoetry and the lack ofresearch onthis subject shows significance and Necessity of this research.The result of this study is Highlighting of the bubble motif in Bidelpoetry through the discovery and classification of its network images.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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According to theSymbolism importancein mysticalnarratives and necessity of interpretation in understanding of text and obtaining of narrative function, we have surveyed Signsnarrativesrelated totime and space in three original, authentic and effective texts:Kashf ul-mahjoob, Resale-ye Ghoshairie and Tazkirat al-Awliya. The results of this research show that many of the signs have multiple layers and have referential function. Signs of the time are usually a field to establish’’another time’’. Until the mystic can a chievemystical experience via breaking time or overcome it and sacred existence be reflected to him. Placesand their accessories are also signs with different Surface structure but uniquecode which have common meaning. Numerous Surface structures in different cultural horizons are device of transmission and reflection of the feeling and sacred and religious experience.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The ego is one of the most important and complicated issues in Islamic mysticism. In Persian mystical texts, one of the main tasks of the seeker is controlling of ego and as long as he is caught by the ego, he has no way to perfection. The ego with its many different features is appeared differently in different people according to their talent or predisposition. In the mystical literature, Sometimes the ego is Visualized and embodied and any of Poets or writers show it based on their desires. Sometimes the ego is imagined as an animal and some animals are frequently used as symbols of the ego (based on their characteristics. In the introduction to this paper, there are brief definitions of two important idioms namely symbol and the ego). Afterwards, the animals discussed by the poets are introduced and then there is an attempt to answer why the poet has used the animal as the symbol of that trait of the ego. The purpose of this study is clarifying one aspect of the very diverse about epiphany of ego in Persian literature. In this article, Descriptive analysis was used.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Salmrgy novel, from Asghar Elahi, an Iranian novelist and psychiatrist is naration of distress and conflict of personalities. In forming the characters of the novel, Elahi portrays their emotional states such as fear, Psychosis and humiliation with new techniques such asmentalsoliloquy (self telling). In this study, we are going to study this novel, according to Karen Horney's psychological theory. The study was conducted using content analysis and the character sand their functions isevaluated and and the results show that these psychotic characters, depending on their situation or position and refer to defensive methods such as seeking of love, and isolationism for the treatment of psychosis and their inferiority. They flee from reality for escaping of torment of conscience. The narrative sare more complex by expanding the scope of mental and psychological imagination. Time is moving and interfering in their illusory and distracted minds and new narratives are formed from these interferences. Sometimes the time of stories is not specifiedandthe timelessness in monologues will engage the audience with the narrative confusion in this novel. The Life of characterswho are seekinglove is depending to people''s love and help. So theytend to suppress their supremacy. A person who is Seeking seclusion, benefit from his seclusion according to the spiritual needs and his position or Conditionand in fact, in order to reach his desired comfort and character.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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