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Original changes in Iraq s political structures have let to changes in that country geopolitics. As a result of replacing effective variables on modern Iraq political structures, a new chapter in making strategies on Iran need to be opened and justified.The above survey while studying and analyzing challenges and threats resulted from political changes in Iraq and forming of new geopolitics in Iraq political arena, tries to give optimum attitude in making strategies with realistic view of modern geopolitics. It also tries to offer a road map in Iraq foreign policy to stabilize peace and to decrease the struggles and threats to the possible lowest level to prtect Iran national security.

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However military strategy is changing in all of countries but this trend is more visible in big powers. U.S. Military strategy during cold war and after September 11th shows military strategy bases has been deterrence.But the study concerning American military trend shows that military strategy has been evolved in this country. But after September 11th terrorist attack and neo-conservative's entrance to political positions America faced with new threats (terrorism, weapon of mass destruction, extremist countries) and politicians criticize all of former strategies and thought about new approach for preventing of new threats. In this article was studied evolution in American military strategy against terrorism after September 11th.

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The subject of this research is the change in Political-Theological thought of Shiite scholars in the period of Islamic Republic. Political thought of Shiite, especially, constituting constant principles, have undergone dramatic upheavals and this research aims to highlight different points of political thought, based on ethnic and social grounds. To do so, we have used some analytical tools of sociology of knowledge to scrutinize the relationship between political Shiite’s thought and social facts. We have tried to find answers for this question: What are the reasons of change of diversity in Shiite scholar’s thought while there is a constant body of principles? Meanwhile some no less important questions are posed to be answered. The main motivation to do such a research is trying to find the practical orientations and intellectual challenges of Shiite thought in Islamic Republic and to recognize the theory of “Velayat-e-Faghih” as a cornerstone of current political regiment? Some questions for the substation, but will discuss the role of the Imam Khomeini in the evolution of Shi' ite political Fegh' h designed and tried to be answered.

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This article intends to deal with the nature of Iranian Kurds’ future political participation in the structure of the country in the wake of 2003 developments in Iraq. Supposing that the Iranian Kurds will remain committed to their Iranian identity, the political agreements of Iranian Kurds with the central government can be shaped in three directions, namely, continued centralism, decentralization of administration and multifacetted federal structure.The military occupation of parts of Iran by the ottomans led to the scattering of Kurds in the three countries of Turkey, Syria and Iraq that fall outside the influence of Iranian culture. It also led to the politicizing of the Kurds, the outcome of which was seen in the fact that some of the Kurdish political groups turned towards ethnic fundamentalism and confrontation within the religious fundamentalism of Kurdish ethnicity in different countries.Despite the awareness of Kurds of their historical links with Iran, sometimes fundamentalist ethnic conflicts against the national identity creeps into Iran’s political climate after having been inspired from the developments taking place outside Iran. Due to its aspiring dual nature and exciting ambitions and taking into account the threats resulting from politico-ethnic fundamentalism or religious fundamentalism, the big powers are against the revival of defunct ethnic-sectarian empires. The regional countries are also fearful of its security impact on their territorial integrity.

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Movement of Egypt peoples in 25 of January 2011 occurred under the influence of Tunisian movement and could specify destiny of Mubarak government during a couple of months. The movement which was a protest against poverty, corruption, unemployment, dictatorship and being non respectful to law. Some clear reasons of people movement in Egypt were non organic economic situation, political non development and the increased role of communication and technology. Poverty and developed economic problems with the authoritarian regime and closed and limited atmosphere, under pressure and security and despotic of Mobarak's state created suitable basis for population protest and democratic atmosphere in the country of Egypt and led to appear a crisis in Egypt's society.With a survey of current changes in Egypt's country, we realized that this movement came out from inside of Egypt's society not from the side of groups and parties.Movement of Egypt's peoples appeared from internal worries of Egypt and public protest to the official politics of Egypt's government. This paper attempts to analyze the reasons and causes of people movement in Egypt.

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Iran is a varied country in terms of tribe. The differentiating features are mostly based on the language and religion of each tribe.Their occupancy is mostly in the border lines next to the neighborhood country with which they share a common language. This feature could prepare a ground for tribe crisis. The tribe differences with majority of population of a country effects on the security of a country, and creates teaming or various identities. On the other hand, the tactical use of tribes has been focused in International Communication Studies.The opponents are attempting to face Iran in the framework of software war, and making use of Iranian tribes. Hence, the result of recent study that is based on documentary and library studies is premised that hardware conflicts with these tribes increases their political and economical privation. This issue debilitates the satisfaction, sensitivity, political participation of tribes, politicizing ability of government in terms of cooperation, collaboration, and unification as well as national identity. Compelete awareness of the reasons and cases that cause challenge in the relations of Iranian tribes could lead to assume some practical and effective solutions. The central government should appoint special policies (the model of unity in majority) to attract tribes for national participation that empowers their national identity.Baloch tribe is the major tribe of the eastern region of Iran (Khorasan Razavi.Khorasan Jonobi, Sistan-Balochestan) that its sequel spreads out of the country. This tribe was less involved in major involvement of the country as the result of its special tribe, religion and distance from the capital of Iran. This lack of participation has effected on the convergence of the tribe. Finally, some suggestions are provided from political, social, and cultural aspects.

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Since political crisis in Afghanistan could not be solved by bloody.Therefore, this situation was prepared for Taliban. After shaping of Taliban`s in less two years Herat and Kabul occupation. With the arrival of the Taliban, Kabul University was closed, girls and women were barred from entering the streets, education and employment, and Kabul TV, officially closed and there was not permission its activity to becontinued. Cinemas and cultural centers were set on fire.Taliban Improper performance and the worldwide protest led to U.S.decide remove Taliban in Afghanistan and presence in this country. This decision performance after 11 September with U.S. attack to Afghanistan.After nine years, despite the apparent victory and changing government in White House, the war has been continues in 2010 The new geopolitical developments in Afghanistan include the presence NATO, continues of war, powering Taliban in most part of Afghanistan, insecurity and the spread of terrorism in Pakistan, These development caused the process of Afghanistan nation-state building delegated and tribal system keeping its power in political and social activity in Afghanistan system.

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    80 (علوم سیاسی)
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تغییرات ماهوی در ساختار سیاسی عراق باعث دگرگونی هایی در ژئوپلیتیک این کشور گردید و با جابجایی متغییرهای تاثیرگذار بر ساختار سیاسی عراق نوین، فصل جدیدی را در اتخاذ استراتژی ها برای ایران، تبیین و توجیه می نماید.پژوهش فوق، ضمن بررسی و تحلیل چالش ها و تهدیدات ناشی از تغییر ساختار سیاسی در عراق و شکل گیری ژئوپلیتیکی نوین در عرصه سیاسی عراق، سعی در ارائه رویکردی بهینه در اتخاذ استراتژی ها، با دیدگاهی واقع گرایانه از ژئوپلیتیک نوین، به تهیه نقشه راهی در سیاست خارجی ایران با بهره گیری از ابزار دیپلماسی، برای پایدار نمودن صلح و کاهش منازعات و تهدیدات به پایین ترین سطح ممکن جهت حفظ امنیت ملی ایران، ترسیم می نماید.

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The constancy of governments depends on the elites’ accurate performance so that they can respond to the abstract and objective requirements of the masses. However if the governmental elites can’t do their accurate performance, disappointment from present condition will increase.The majority masses’ disappointment from present condition is obvious for anyone. Certainly this disappointment is created from the elites’unaccurate performance who governed before the Islamic revolution since they can’t provide the requirements of the majority of the masses.However, disappointment from political system has been created in Iran and the campaign among the opposition elites had begun to obtain reference elite for the masses and get to the power. The elites that can do their job the best in social campaigns can be converted to the reference elites of the majority of the masses. In Islamic revolution age, different opposition groups can be observed that develop their campaigns against the governor’s political system. The Shiite clergy were the elites that could be converted to reference elite of the majority of the masses.The clergy could organize their own elite group and disappointed masses along with conflicts and splits of the society against the government base on the education level in the society their organizational structure, and their abilities which is originated from religious rules to satisfy abstract requirements of the masses The Shiite clergy could make trust among the majority of the masses and as the reference elites undertook the leadership of the movement.

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The aim of this article is to survey the Islamic republic of Iran foreign policy and its effect on attracting foreign investment. In this article we are going to investigate different periods of foreign policy of iran and its effects on attracting the foreign investment? It seems that there is a direct relationship between diplomacy and attracting the foreign investment. It seems that Iran foreign policy for having ideological and tension aspects has attracted less investment. In this research we are going to make a documentary investigation about Iran foreign policy in different periods after revolution and its effect on attracting foreign investment.

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As, the terrorism, nowadays, is an important and effective matter that affects different problems especially national security, it is tried to study an important aspect of interaction fields between national security and political development in developing countries and Iran.An important point in this study is to consider terrorism as an strategic phenomenon that follows the procedures including three operational phases (creating mental agitation by frightening people-encouraging governor system to responding and transferring legitimacy) to obtain their owns aims and affect on countries national security. They administer a space interaction and oppositional in related to the people and political governor system so that they can get to their own political aims, too.

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