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Crime event and fear of crime are major problems in Bisim and Islam abad informal settlements in Zanjan. This study aimed at comparative study of crime types and rates and geographical patterns of crime in these urban regions. At least common physical features, which are related to crime occurrence in these areas, had been studied.This study based on analytic-comparative method. The essential data has been collected through documentary and survey methods. In order to identifying and analyzing the spatial patterns of crime, some statistical and graphic methods have been applied through GIS, Case, and Crime Analysis software.The results show that more than 22.3% of total crimes of Zanjan city have been reported from these small areas (3.7% of the total areas of Zanjan city). The patterns of crime in these districts are all significantly different as drug smuggling, violence and brawl are the major crimes in Bisim while the significant crimes in Islam abad are illegal dealing and goods smuggling. According to the statistical method, spatial distributions of crimes in these areas are significantly clustered and the major hot spots of Zanjan city have been identified first in Bisim and second in Islam abad. Having high population density, these areas face many physical malformations and restrictions in urban services that affect geographical patterns of crime in these regions.Regarding enabling strategies, allocating some essential urban services, making balance in the type and composition of urban land use, improving the physical conditions of streets and setting regular police patrolling could help reducing crime in these districts.

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In this research has been used from Dust hourly data (Horizontal View and meteorological code) 87 synoptic stations in 2008 year. After extraction of dusty days, 1 July 2008 selected for case study Because of the horizontal visibility lower than 1000 m (Dust Storms diagnostic criteria in this study) in most stations in the western half of Iran. Also MODIS Images of Aqua and Terra in 1 July 2008 times 8: 55, 7: 20 and 7: 15 has been used for detection Dust Storm on Satellite images. Visual indexes of true color image and NDDI, BTD, BTDI and LBTD digital Indexes have been used for detection of Dust Storm on MODIS images. Results indicated that LRDI digital index and false color composing have the higher resolution than the other indexes for detection of dust storms. According studied satellite images and other studies, Dust Storms source of western Iran is external that their mainis clouding deserts of Syria, Arabian, Northern Africa and Iraq dried beds.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1982

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In this study, changes in forest cover in Gorgan area was determined for the period 1988-2007 and forest change modeling was performed using logistic regression model. To prepare forest change map, land use maps of 1988 and 1998 and 2007 were generated using satellite imagery classification. Then, change detection was performed using Post-Classification Comparison method in Idrisi software. Also, land use maps were used to prepare the independent variables. Results from the model showed that forest change has increased in the period of study. Validation of model results was performed using Pseudo-R2 and ROC values which were more than 0.27and 0.91 respectively. Then, the future condition of forest areas for the years 2016 and 2025 were predicted using the results from the logistic regression model. The results of this study can help managers and decision makers to monitor and prevent the destruction of forest areas. Output maps of Logistic regression model show high probability changes in land use and their location which are helpful for resource management towards efficient reduction and prevention of forest degradation in the study area.

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Since improper planning can destruct ecological structures such as vegetation within cities and their surrounding and conclude loss of biodiversity and stability of ecological processes, it is important to attend to ecological principles in land use planning. Therefore an efficient urban planning cannot be formed without regard to ecological principles. Thus in this study the landscape metrics (MNN, NP, MPS, CAP), individually and all together, has been used for analyzing the ecological status of green space in Birjand. Then due to the close relationship between green space and urban parks, the ecological sustainability of urban parks (in the local and regional scale) was evaluated. The results of this study indicate that Public green spaces in Birjand City, are not favorable from the aspect of composition and spatial distribution. and also mosaic network of green spaces don' t have sufficient extent and continuity for ecological services. so we should try to improve public green space regions status, that We can achieved this issue by the creation of connectivity between the regions that have discrete green patches with small area. and this issue is very important in site selection for new parks.

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Correct estimation of suspended sediment and its impact on the design and management of water projects, have always vital roles in advancement of studies concerning the river engineering, especially with consideration of the technical and economic difficulties associated with the installation and operation of stations for measuring sedimentation. Therefore, presenting an appropriate strategy for accurate prediction of sediment load of rivers would be significantly valuable. The deficiency in having a full set of precise measurements for the influential parameters in the sedimentation process and also the complete non-linear nature of models for the corresponding methods result in the rather inaccurate estimation, and therefore without the possibility of evaluating the changes in the sedimentation carried by the flow as a function of time, it would be impossible to come up with a comprehensive model. The purpose of present study is the evaluation of capability of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Genetic Programing (GP) in predicting the sediment load in the Ahar-Chai. In order to estimate the sediment load, flow rate data, precipitation data, temperature data, and earlier sedimentation data have been used in these models. These models were applied to the Ahar-Chai River located in the East-Azarbayjan Province and the results were investigated and were compared to the collected data. In order to assess the efficiency of each of aforementioned models, the calculated data using each model were compared to the observed data using parameters namely, Coefficient of determination (R2), Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficient (E) and root mean square error (RMSE). Finally, the Genetic Programing was identified as the best model in estimating the sedimentation in Ahar-Chai river was identified and recommended.

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Due to the deprivation of the rural population and study and analysis the quality of life this group of society as a measurement criterionis in meet to material and immaterial needs of rural families and mental perception and satisfaction of these needs is essential.This article has been done in response to this need in the Sub-district Mahban of Township Nikshahr (Sistan and Balouchestan province). Its main purpose, assessment of quality of life for rural residents to measurement of satisfaction and its and explanation the factors affecting it in economic and social dimensions. Research methods is descriptive - analytical using questionnaires. Research data have been obtained using random sampling of 273 households in 19 villages of households over 20. For data analysis was used statistical methods (correlation, one-sample T test and ANOVA). The results show that the satisfaction rate of the rural population is lower than average from quality of life in economic and social dimensions. Service facilities most (0.361) and government facilities the lowest (0.193) impact a have on satisfaction quality of life. Also components education and employment status have a significant relationship with satisfaction the quality of life.

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In the last decade, remote sensing has increasingly been used to evaluate atmospheric phenomena with respect to the crisis created by the dust storms in West of Iran. It has been proven that remote sensing would facilitate environmental studies in the local and international scales. In present study, we tried to determine the relationship between the MODIS PM10 data and measured PM10 concentration in a ground station (i.e., Sanandaj city in the west of Iran) during June and July 2009, using Non-linear regression model. RGB images and MODIS/Terra Calibrated Radiances 5-Min L1B Swath 1km (MOD021KM) were utilized to assessment of move pattern of the dusts storm in the study area. Based on obtained monthly and hourly means of PM10 data, the monthly and hourly maximum means were found to be in July and at 12 p.m., respectively. Atmospheric boundary layer altitudes from land surface and wind intensity in Iraq are among the main culprits of the entrance of the dust storms to Iran from the westerner boundaries. The spatial and temporal variation in measured PM10 concentration in the ground station site located in Sanandaj city were completely correspond with the amount of suspended particulate matter shown by MODIS data. Correlation coefficients between MODIS PM10 data and PM10 data measured by the ground station site in Sanandaj city was 0.85 in June and July. Our results indicated that MODIS products could be a reliable tool to assess dust storm movement patterns and to survey the concentration of particulate matter. MODIS scanner is able to provide us with the useful information on the condition and patterns of regional storms such as; Iraq and Saudi Arabia from the outside of Iranian boundaries as well as assisting us to implicate an informed management toward dust storms reduction and implication of control program in westerner regions of Iran.

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The main objective of this descriptive-correlative research was to analysis of effects of implementing the Rural Guide Plan (RGP) in the villages of Zanjan County. The population of the study contained all heads of rural households in the villages having more than 100 households in Zanjan County in which RGP has been implemented by the end of 2011 (N=8748). According to the Krejcie and Morgan table, a sample size of 370 was selected using a stratified random sampling method (n=370). A questionnaire was used to collect the data. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by a panel of experts. A pilot study was conducted to establish reliability of the instrument. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients for the main scales of questionnaire were higher than 0.75. The data were analyzed by SPSSwin20 and LISREL8.5 softwares. The Explanatory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (Structural Equations Model) were used in order to categorize and identify the factors related to effects of implementing the RGP in the villages of Zanjan County and investigate the fitting indices surpasses model, respectively. The results showed that five factors namely, physical, economic, social- cultural, hygiene and environmental explained 67.71 percent of total variances of effects of implementing the RGP in the villages of Zanjan County.

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Due to complexity of erosion and sediment transport phoneme and non accuracy of different sediment transport formulas and sediment rating curves in predicting of transport rate ,application of intelligent meta model systems based on data mining are mentioned for simulation of sediment transport in rivers. The main aim of this research is predicting and simulation of total load transport using data mining approaches. For this purpose, different models consist of dimensional, non dimensional and logarithmic hydraulic parameters are evaluated using FFNN, RBF, GRNN and ANFIS data mining approaches. Results show that RBF and GRNN have better capability and workability comparing other Meta models.

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Greenhouse gases cause damage on the equilibrium of the climatic system which makes a very necessary investigation on climate change impact on the hydrological parameters such as evapotranspiration; on the other hand, in the future decade climatic forecast would play a major role to make a planning. LARS-WG is one of the most famous stochastic weather generators, and the generated data is simulated by the collection of the atmospheric data which can be used for the investigation of weather parameters.At this research, the observed data including precipitation, maximum and minimum temperatures, sunshine duration at the base time and by using climatic fluctuations caused by the general circulation model, HadCM3, under emission scenarios A1B, A2 and B1 are used for the evaluation of potential evapotranspiration in the West Azerbaijan province. The results from LARS-WG model indicated that at this region according to (2046 - 2065) toward to the time frame (2011-2030) statistics generated for the variables mean annual temperature and mean annual potential evapotranspiration, total annual rainfall, respectively are by A1B scenario, 50.40 mm, 2.13oC would increase, and 113.89 mm per year will be reduced, and by the scenario A2, 30.82 mm and 1.57oC increase, and 4.81 mm per year will be reduced. The statistics generated by the scenario B1 are 32.49 mm, 1.25oC and 33.07 mm per year will increase. According to the results, under the A2 and A1B scenarios for (2011-2030) and (2046 -2065) are the most critical forecasting for the future status respectively.

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To doing this study, daily precipitation, minimum and maximum daily data from synoptic Kermanshah station during 1/1/1961 to 31/12/2011 have been used. In order to detection extreme temperature and precipitation, 27 indices recommended by Expert Team Climate Change and Indices (ETCCDI) and 6 other extreme indices have been used. Before any analysis, data have been quality controlled and pert values eliminated from data time series.To investigation climate change occurrence, recommended statistics tests by World Meteorology Organization (WMO) have been used. Two test Cumulative Density Test (CDT) and Worseley Likelihood Ratio Test (WLRT) applied in order to clarify the homogeneity and non homogeneity and jump in the indices time series. The significant of the jump in time series examined by Mann Whitney test and significant trend tested by Mann Kendal. So changing rate of trend for each 33 indices estimated by Sen Estimator. The results showed that cold extreme indices including FD0, TNx, TN10P, TX10P in Kermanshah are decreasing while extreme warm indices SU25, TR20, TX90P, TN90P, WSDI, TMIN Mean and TMAX Mean are increasing.The indices of R5, R10, CWD and PRCPTOTO are decreasing. In 1976 displacement of Kermanshah station occurred that result in jumping of DTR, TN10P and TMIN Mean indices. The behavior of these indices after jumping year is significant.

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From the beginning of human life, individuals try to improve living conditions and to achieve better quality of life. After centuries of efforts of human and getting experienced, industry as a dominant approach has attracted significant attention especially in developing countries.Therefore, the purpose of this research is to measure the of effects of Khayyam Industrial Township and objective quality of Neyshabur rural life. The descriptive-analytical method is based on documentary surveys, field surveys and filling in a questionnaire. Data are analyzed by using Spss software. The results of t-test analyses supported the hypothesis concerning equality of the indices of Social, economic and infrastructural dimensions in elements of hygienic and, therapeutic, entertainment, Social and housing investments.However, the findings rejected this hypothesis for the elements of education, employment, income, infrastructures and facilities. In this connection, significant difference was also found between the objective life quality of villages before and after their employment at the industrial township, because 135 participants (81.32%) stated that their life quality increased after they were employed. The Z value (- 8.421, p<0.001) also confirmed these findings.

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