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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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In this research, we identified and evaluated the relationships between the variables affecting entrepreneurial marketing in the Agricultural Cooperatives of Mazandaran province and also, the Fuzzy DEMATEL Technique was used to analyze these relationships, as well as that the degree of influence and impact of these factors were determined. This study consisted of four main components of a competitive intelligence index, external factors index, competitive advantage Index, internal factors Index, a checklist of 15 factors related to entrepreneurial marketing, which were compatible with Iran's reporting environment, was prepared. Accordingly, 15 experts were selected from the statistical population including the managers of agricultural cooperatives in Mazandaran province. A pairwise comparison questionnaire was designed to seek out experts' opinions. The effect of the factors was measured by a fuzzy five-level scale. Also, the validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and university professors. The results showed that among the main criteria, competitive intelligence has the most impact on other factors of system, and external factors, internal factors and competitive advantage were in the next. In addition, among the sub-criteria, R&D investment, market investment and government policy, product differentiation and product quality had the most impact on other factors of system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The main purpose of this research was to both identify and prioritize training needs of rural women cooperatives’ members. The study has used both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Training needs of cooperatives' members were first explored by qualitative method (PRA), then prioritized by the quantitative method (questionnaire). In order to assess and prioritize the educational needs a job analysis model was used. The population included 230 members of the Noodsheh cooperative. A sample of 144 women was selected by a randomized method and Morgan’ s Table was used for this purpose. The quantitative research tool was a questionnaire, that its validity was examined by a group of experts and to assess the reliability of the questions a pilot-test was used through SPSS software. Data was analyzed by descriptive and analytical methods. The results showed that the most important training needs for rural women cooperatives’ members of Noodsheh were: 1) conservation, rehabilitation and prevention of pasture’ s demolition, 2) pest, diseases and weed control on gardens, 3) familiarity with designing new models of Geevah and dresses. The results also revealed that the most important problems of rural women cooperatives’ members of Noodsheh were: not enough understanding of members regarding to goals, principles and rules of coops, capital shortage of the coop, rental situation of the coop building, unreasonable expectations of some members regarding the coop, negative attitude of some members to the coop.

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Over 80 years after the first agricultural cooperative in Iran, the companies failed to fulfill their mission of increasing production efficiency and improving the marketing of agricultural products. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting the management of agricultural cooperatives based on expert opinions and field visits. For this purpose, the Delphi method was used to obtain expert opinions and the DEMATEL method was used to systematize the information. A total of 22 factors affecting the management of cooperatives were identified. Among them, the factors of stable and continuous financial resources, managerial experience, use of qualified experts, and target market recognition for products were highlighted. In addition to having a direct impact on the quality of management, these factors also interact with each other. According to the results, the provision of sustainable and continuous financial resources is the most effective and influential factor and mutually the most effective factor on the quality of management of agricultural cooperatives.

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The chemical inputs such as chemical pesticides has harmful effects on the environment and human health but unfortunately, still widely used in developing countries. The purpose of this research was to investigate the factors affecting the tendency of the cooperative member's greenhouse owners in the Bandar Abbas Township toward pesticide use. For this purpose, this paper used the Health Belief Model as the theoretical research, to investigate willingness of greenhouse owners to pesticide use in the Hormozgan province. Sample of the research was selected based on simple random sampling (n = 110). Data collection in this study was conducted using a researcher-made questionnaire. After preparing the questionnaire and confirming its validity by experts, to determine the reliability of the various sections of the questionnaire, the Cronbach alpha coefficient was used (α = %63-%88). To examine the factors affecting the willingness of the cooperative member's greenhouse owners, the regression analysis using stepwise method was run. The findings revealed that three variables including perceived benefits, perceived barriers and perceived severity are able to predict a significant proportion of the variation in the willingness of the cooperative members greenhouse owners to pesticide use (R2= 0. 44). Further, among variables in the model, perceived benefits variable is the most important variable. This variable is able to predict a significant proportion of the variation in willingness of the cooperative members greenhouse owners to pesticide use (R2= 0. 37). Finally, based on the research results, provided suggestions to decrease willingness of the cooperative member's greenhouse owners to pesticide use.

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One of the important factors in decision-making in companies was the method of financial procurement. This paper aimed at designing a pattern of financial procurement in cooperative companies. The research method was applied research; and mixed method exploratory regarding data collection. The data collection method in the qualitative phase was based on experts’ views using Delphi technique and in the quantitative phase a researcher-made questionnaire. The population in the qualitative phase included all experts in the field of finance, members, and managers of cooperative companies in Ilam province among which 20 people were selected through snowball sampling and Delphi technique was implemented. In the quantitative phase through classified sampling based on volume 310 people were selected through Cochran sampling method. The instrument in the qualitative phase was a Delphi technique checklist and in the quantitative phase a questionnaire developed through Delphi output. Validity of the instrument was proved through content validity and its reliability was attested through Cronbach’ s Alpha coefficient. Kendall’ s coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyze the data. The findings showed that in the four phases of Delphi implementation about 96 indexes were identified that after omitting the components with low mean in the Delphi procedure, seven main components and 42 indexes including supporting policies, creating value, public participation, loaning variables, and investment were assessed as effective in financial procurement of cooperative companies in Ilam. The results showed that experimental mean of the domestic resource variables and new methods of financial procurement are assessed as average.

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The aim of this study was to explore the possible solutions to increase the capabilities of the rural cooperatives' firms in Hamadan. Research method used in this study was a descriptive-analytical and data gathering methods were both surveying and library research. According to the statistical population include all active cooperatives in the target villages 110 samples (directors and managerial board) were selected. Validity of the indicators and questions in the questionnaire has been verified through a panel of specialists. The reliability of the questionnaire was tested during a pre-test by 30 cooperatives' members out of research samples through the Chronbach's alpha test and it was 0. 84. Results of the factor analysis on factors' affecting the capabilities of rural cooperatives, revealed that four main factors include economic, policy, legal, educational and social planning could determine 43. 29 percent of the variance of the factors affecting the abilities of rural cooperatives. Results of the factor analysis on limitations and obstacles affecting the capabilities of rural cooperatives revealed that three main factors include managerial, vocational-professional, and policylegal, could determine 57. 53 percent of variance the limitations and obstacles affecting the abilities of rural cooperatives.

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Organizational entrepreneurship is one of the main branches of entrepreneurship that plays an effective role in the success of organizations. Organizational Entrepreneurship is an internal organizational process that is influenced by internal organizational factors. In this research, after the literature studies, organizational entrepreneurship model based on organizational innovation consisting of four dimensions of innovation in product, process, organization and marketing is presented. The statistical population of this study was the non-random sample of 30 individuals selected in the two sections of the decision group consisting of experts with experience in the field of economics and business, especially in cooperative companies. Also statistical population of the study included all active dairy cooperative companies in the country consisting of 150 companies and 108 active cooperative companies were selected as statistical sample based on the Morgan table. The components of organizational innovation based on theoretical foundations and library studies were identified as 32 components, and finally, using a questionnaire and using experts' knowledge, 23 components were selected. Using the hierarchical process method and performing paired comparisons with selected Expert Choice11 software, selected dimensions and components were prioritized. The results showed that organizational entrepreneurship dimensions include product innovations, administrative innovation, process innovation, and marketing innovation, each with its own components.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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