Women are the main target groups of family planning programs, particularly regarding the birth control policies. During 1990th, fertility control policy in Iran was oriented mainly to women. This policy led to reducing fertility rates to replacement level, and transformed the demographic facet of rural and urban areas. Actually, it is more than one decade that Iranian families, including women, are experiencing low childbearing situation. The question is how women experience low childbearing and how they interpret their situation? Based on qualitative methodology, this paper is concerned with reconstructing the meaning system or inter-subjectivity which supports the low childbearing action among the Iranian Kurdish women in Saghez city in Kurdistan province. Grounded Theory is utilized to collecting, analyzing and interpreting data. This paper shows that self-protection is the core category of this inter-subjectivity regarding low childbearing action in this society. It means that, currently and base on this research, women have a tendency to bear few children, because they like to protect themselves physically, socially and financially.