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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objectives: To achieve better oral health care for the growing elderly population it requires education of dentists who have attitudes; knowledge and skills. With regard to the benefits of web-based training, the present study aimed to design, implement, and evaluate a short virtual course in geriatric dentistry for the senior dental students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and compare it with traditional method.Methods & Materials: In the present interventional study, 64 senior dental students participated. In one group (n=31) educational content presented through virtual method and in the other group (n=33) via traditional manner. A standard questionnaire was completed by both groups before and after the educational intervention.The questionnaire included questions on general knowledge and attitudes of aging and knowledge, attitude and performance about geriatric oral health. Statistical analysis was conducted with SPSS software using covariance and regression tests.Results: No significant difference found between the mean scores of general knowledge and attitudes of aging and knowledge and attitudes about geriatric oral health of two groups. The mean scores of geriatric oral health practice in the traditional and virtual groups increased from 45.4+20 to 56.9+26 and from 52.9+20 to 75.4+21, respectively, after the intervention (P<0.05). Regression analysis on the scores of students before the intervention showed that the general attitude of aging was related to “living with the elderly at the present time, ” however no significant relationship was observed in other areas such as between students’ scores and their background factors.Conclusion: The virtual method is effective in gaining educational insights about geriatric dentistry compared with traditional method and can be used as an alternative for teaching gerodontology to dental students.

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Objectives: Endothelial function is an important factor in the assessment of atherosclerosis, lipid deposition in the inner walls of the arteries, high blood pressure, and heart failure. Vascular endothelial cells play an important role in regulating vascular activities by producing substances such as nitric oxide to stimulate vessels.Methods & Materials: The current study was attempted to find out the effect of resistance training on old women’s plasma nitric oxide levels and blood pressure. Twenty-four postmenopausal women (age: 67.37±6.02, BMI=26.87±4.16, and WHR=0.92±0.4 mean±SD) were selected objectively and divided into control (n=12) and experimental (n=12) groups randomly. Experimental group performed resistance training for eight weeks, three sessions per week with 40-65% intensity. Study variables were measured and recorded before and after training program. Paired and independent sample t tests were used for data analysis. The significance level was lower than 0.05.Results: The results revealed that resistance training had a significant effect on nitric oxide levels (P=0.01) and blood pressure (P=0.006, P=0.002) in old women.Conclusion: A period of resistance training with present study characteristics can reduce both systolic and diastolic hypotension and increase plasma nitric oxide levels, and therefore is recommended for prevention of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, and hypertension in old women.

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View 1767

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Objectives: The present study determined the correlation of self-concept and self-efficacy with self-management among elderly in the sanatoriums in Tehran in2015.Methods & Materials: This descriptive-analytic research, conducted in a cross-sectional study, enrolled 217 elderlies from the sanatoriums of Tehran in 2015 via a simple random sampling method. Three tools including Rogers self-concept scale, general self-efficacy scale (GSE-10), and self-management ability scale (SMAS-30) were utilized to measure the variables. After sampling and gathering the questionnaires, collected data were entered into SPSS and analyzed using the analytical tests such as Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, Pearson’s test, and regression.Results: The mean of self-concept, self-efficacy, and self-management were 8.25±1.47, 17.68±4.00, and 59.69±11.59, respectively. Other findings indicated significant relationships of self-concept and self-efficacy with self-management (P<0.05). Multiple regression analysis showed that self-concept and selfefficacy could predict about 14% of self-management.Conclusion: The elderly in the sanatoriums of Tehran had a low self-concept, self-efficacy, and self-management.Thus, it could be concluded that by improving the self-concept and self-efficacy of elderly, we might witness an increase in self-management.

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View 1298

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Objectives: Currently, the life expectancy of the elderly has been rising considerably. The present study investigated the role of strop function in the prediction of anxiety and fall self-efficacy in elderly at the city of Ardabil.Methods & Materials: The study design was correlational. The population cohort consisted of all elderly males living in the elderly homes in Ardabil in2017. Among these, a sample of 200 subjects was selected by the available sampling method. The anxiety, fall self-efficacy, and Stroop questionnaires were used for data collection. The data were analyzed by Pearson’s correlation and regression analysis.Results: A significant relationship was observed between anxiety/fall self-efficacy and Strop function.Stroop’s performance could negatively predict anxiety as well as predict the fall self-efficacy in the elderly.Conclusion: The performance of Stroop test in the elderly could be improved by training classes and various treatment groups that can indirectly decrease the amount of anxiety and increase the fall self-efficacy in the elderly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1882

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Objectives: Population is an ever-increasing phenomenon. During old age, the declining social relationships impact the lifestyle and life satisfaction. The present study investigated the correlation between social support/ religious orientation and life satisfaction among the elderly.Methods & Materials: The present study was descriptive and correlational. The subjects included Kermanshah elderly nursing home residents in 2016. The cohort comprised of 126 elderlies (mean 69.76 and standard deviation 9), who were chosen by convenience sampling. The instruments used in this study included the social support appraisal scale, religious orientation scale, and the satisfaction with life scale. Pearson’s correlation coefficient and regression and the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) were used for data analysis.Results: A significant correlation was established between religious orientation and life satisfaction (P<0.05).Also, a correlation was observed between external religious orientation and life satisfaction 0.077, while that between internal religious orientation and life satisfaction was 0.249 (P<0.05). The correlation coefficient between the internal religious orientation and social support was 0.708, while that between the external religious orientation and social support was 0.374 (P<0.05). However, no correlation was established between social support and life satisfaction. Also, internal religious orientation, external religious orientation, and social support could predict the variance of life satisfaction (R2=11%).Conclusion: Considering the need of the elderly to be supported by their relatives, the increase in social support and adherence to religious orientation could efficiently improve their life satisfaction.

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Objectives: Reduced life expectancy and depression are the most common psychological traits in the elderly, followed by several potential reactions. Therefore, the present study examined the efficiency of cognitive-existential group therapy on reducing depression and increasing the life expectancy in the elderly.Methods & Materials: The present study exhibited a quasi-experimental design with random assignment is pre- and post-tests. The statistical population of this study included all elderly residents of the Kerman nursing homes. The simple random sampling method was employed on two private centers in Kerman Ali and Mehrazin to randomly select 30 individuals, who were randomly divided into experimental and control groups (n=15 each). The experimental or the cognitive-existential group was subjected to ten sessions (each 90 min). The control group did not receive any intervention. The data were analyzed and represented as mean, standard deviation, and covariance.Results: The results showed that cognitive-existential group therapy significantly affected the life expectancy and depression in elderly living in nursing homes (P<0.01).Conclusion: The cognitive-existential group therapy with a picture of self and emphasis on training time and awareness of death in elderly increased the life expectancy, reduced the depression, and improved the mental health of the elderly.

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View 1953

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Objectives: Different physical activities can play an important role in improving health and cardiovascular fitness.The aim of this study was to compare the effect of high-intensity interval aerobic training on certain cardiovascular risk factors in overweight elderly men.Methods & Materials: In this semi-experimental study, 24 overweight elderly men were selected by convenience sampling. They were then randomly assigned into two groups based on their body mass index (BMI). The age range in the experimental group was 73.50±3.34 years (n=12) and that in control group was 71.33±3.44 years (n=12). The experimental group underwent high-intensity interval aerobic training that included 3 sessions (each of 45-60 minutes) a week for eight weeks. The control group was given no intervention. Blood samples of all the subjects were measured at baseline and at the end of the study. All tests were two-tailed, and P<0.05 was considered significant. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software (version 16.0, SPSS). For comparison of means within and between the groups, paired and independent t-tests were used, respectively.Results: The weight, BMI, and body fat percentage were found to have significantly decreased in overweight men after high-intensity interval aerobic training (P<0.05). Moreover, the levels of serum endothelin-1 reduced significantly after eight weeks of aerobic training. However, the levels of nitric oxide increased significantly at the end of the training period.Conclusion: This result suggests that eight weeks of high-intensity interval aerobic training led to decreased endothelin-1 serum and increased nitric oxide levels. This is effective in improving cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of atherosclerosis. Therefore, it is suggested that high-intensity interval aerobic training be used to prevent the adverse effects of an increased incidence of atherosclerosis.

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Objectives: Non-communicable diseases are important factors of mortality and morbidity in the elderly people. Among them, hypertension is the most common cardiovascular disease. The family-centered empowerment model is considered to be an important model for promoting health. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the model on self-efficacy in elderly people with hypertension.Methods & Materials: This clinical trial study was conducted on 62 elderly people with hypertension in the Lenjan health center. After sampling by randomized clustering, the subjects were assigned to experimental and control groups. The family-centered empowerment model was used in the experimental group while the control group had one educational class. The research tools were demographic check list and dimension of self-efficacy of empowerment questionnaire. Post-test was carried out 1 week after the intervention and was followed up after 1.5 months. The obtained data were analyzed by means of SPSS20 Software and Dedicational Statistical Tests, Mann-Whitney, Chi-Square, T-Test, and ANOVAS.Results: Before the intervention, both groups were matched with respect to the means of self-efficacy dimension score (P>0.05); but 1 week and 1.5 months after the intervention, significant differences were observed in experimental group (P<0.05).ConclusionIn this study, the family-centered empowerment model showed an effect on the self-efficacy of elderly people with hypertension.

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View 1489

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Objectives: Owing to the fact that interpersonal bonds of social support can improve health under stressful situations, social support can have a protective and moderating role against the harmful effects of stress. The present research aims to predict the relationship between psychological well-being and the ability to manage stress and social support.Methods & Materials: This descriptive-analytic research is correlational and is done through the sectional method. The society includes all the elderly living in Tehran (60 years and older), and the sample was selected among the old people who appeared in parks during May and June, 2016 in district 8 in Tehran. The sample size is determined using Cochran formula (n=131 people). In this research, the short form of Rif psychological well-being scale (1989), Kalzbyk stress management scale (1990), and Philips social support scale (1977) have been applied. The data analysis was performed through multiple regressions.Results: The results show that social support and stress management with t=2.23 and t=4.79, respectively, on level Beta=0.05 will predict psychological well-being.Conclusion: The results showed that social support and stress management variables can predict psychological well-being variable among the elderly. Therefore, the use of active coping styles is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objectives: This study aimed at studying the effect of teaching spiritual intelligence principles on death anxiety among senior citizens living in retirement homes of Sanandaj City.Methods & Materials: This study was a practical and quasi-experimental research performed by pre- and posttesting the control and experimental groups. The statistical population comprised all elderly residents of retirement homes in Sanandaj City. Twenty subjects were selected by convenient sampling from among the individuals who were willing to participate in the study and who received a high score in the death anxiety scale. They were then equally divided into two groups (10 subjects per group). The fear of death scale devised by Collet- Lester (1969) was used for pre-testing the subjects. The members of the experimental group received Spiritual Intelligence-based intervention in eight 90-minute sessions. The control group received no such intervention during this period. After the intervention, all the subjects were post-tested. The collected data were analyzed by the one-way and multi-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the SPSS-22 software.Results: The mean and standard deviation of the age of the experimental group was 62.5±5.68 years and control group was 63.1±4.33 years. The results of covariance analysis showed a significant difference in post-test between the experimental group (120.9±4.81) and the control group (131.3±8.65) (P£0.01). So, the results indicate that educating the subjects about spiritual intelligence components reduced their death anxiety (P£0.01). The intervention also reduced the death of others and dying of others dimensions in the subjects (P£0.01), but no significant impact was observed for the death of self and dying of self dimensions.Conclusion: According to the findings, teaching spiritual intelligence principles reduces death anxiety. Therefore, it is recommended that more attention should be paid to teaching spiritual aspects in retirement centers.

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