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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Status of Herbal Medicine in Developing Health Tourism Management




 1. Introduction As a phenomenon appeared in the last decades of the twentieth century and early twenty-first century, tourism provides a significant part of many countries' foreign exchange revenues, comprising of a diverse range of sub-types including urban and rural tourism, ecotourism, health tourism, sports tourism, education tourism, religious tourism, etc. Therefore, in most countries of the world, the tourism sector is well organized and planned. On the other hand, Iran enjoys great potentials in terms of tourism, one of the most important of which is health tourism. Thus, this study sought to investigate the potentials of Herbal Medicine and medicinal herbs in developing health tourism in Birjand city, located in South Khorasan province, Iran. 2. Theoretical Principles Today, health tourism and medical tourism are among the increasingly prosperous sectors of the world's tourism industry, encouraging the organizations involved and countries interested in developing tourism to pay more attention to this type of tourism and prepare well-designed plans for it. In this regard, health tourism can be divided into the following types: Medical tourism which refers to receiving medical services in areas such as fertility, dentistry, organ transplants, etc., Wellness tourism which refers to taking advantage of natural facilities such as hot water, etc., to improve one's health and relax oneself mentally and physically,Preventive tourism, which is used for preventing diseases,and Curative tourism, which refers to travel for special treatment or surgery in hospitals or centers abroad that often takes two weeks on average. 3. Methodology The current study is a descriptive-analytical survey research whose statistical population comprises experts in South Khorasan Province's tourism (35 people), and the tourists visited the province's health tourism attractions. According to the has received much attention, as it facilitates the implementation and enforcement of environmental ethics and forces the organizations to comply with the global environmental standards. Strict observance of the principles of environmental ethics is usually performed to increase the efficiency of an organization, use scarce resources, and apply green innovations and mechanisms to reduce environmental damages and their relevant costs. Therefore, as today's organizations tend to ensure that their daily activities incur the least possible harm to the environment, the performance and environmental behaviors of employees and their willingness in this regard is the most important factor in the success of organizations in implementing green measures. 3. Methodology This study is survey research in terms of its purpose and data collection method. The statistical population of the study comprised 384 employees of Mashhad Municipality (estimated according to Morgan Table), who were selected via available random sampling. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to measure the reliability of the research instrument. The calculated Cronbach's alpha value for all variables was higher than 0. 7, indicating appropriate reliability of the questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed via SPSS software. Finally, the fit of the model and testing of the study's hypotheses were performed using structural equation modeling and Smart PLS software. 4. Conclusions To be socially accountable to stakeholders and individuals in society, organizations should heed the concerns and issues regarding the environment, social and humanitarian affairs, developing organizational policies concerning Social Responsibility based on their specific organizational culture. Moreover, supporting socially responsible activities and actions can help organizations creates a positive image of themselves in their employees' minds, build confidence in their employees, shape their identity, get their satisfaction, and affects their green behavior. When an organization observes a strict environmental guideline, it demonstrates fundamental and important ethical values and principles to its employees, encouraging them to engage in such activities. To participate. In fact, by consistently performing environmentally friendly behaviors, the managers of an organization convey this message to their employees that such behaviors are valuable to the organization. Therefore, the employees will understand that performing such behaviors would be rewarded by their organization, getting encouraged to participate in such activities. As an organization responsible for administering urban affairs, the Municipality must identify its social responsibilities and find the best possible ways to institutionalize this concept among its employees and include such responsibilities in its daily activities, considering the fact that any negligence of its staff in conducting the daily affairs of the Municipality can disrupt social order and people's lives. Therefore, more attention of the Municipality's managers to social responsibilities can affect the green behaviors of employees. Given the importance of Social Responsibility, it appears that organizations' managers can encourage their employees to perform responsible behaviors and increase their sense of commitment through various methods such as rewards, etc. The managers should also find the correct behaviors and patterns regarding Social Responsibility and put them into practice. On the other hand, the responsibilities of employees in each aspect of Social Responsibility (economic, social, and environmental) need to be determined. Moreover, considering the significant positive effect of Social Responsibility on the employees' green behaviors, managers should consistently organize training workshops on Social Responsibility to familiarize their employees with the different aspects of this concept so that they participate more in socially responsible activities. On the other hand, managers must identify factors that destroy the employee's confidence in the organization, trying to build confidence in their employees by increasing the interactions between managers with employees and receiving feedback from the staff.


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    APA: Copy

    HASHEMI, MANDANA, & NOURI, GHOLAMREZA. (2021). The Status of Herbal Medicine in Developing Health Tourism Management. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT KNOWLEDGE EXPLORATION AND PROCESSING, 1(2 ), 66-81. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/1025538/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HASHEMI MANDANA, NOURI GHOLAMREZA. The Status of Herbal Medicine in Developing Health Tourism Management. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT KNOWLEDGE EXPLORATION AND PROCESSING[Internet]. 2021;1(2 ):66-81. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/1025538/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MANDANA HASHEMI, and GHOLAMREZA NOURI, “The Status of Herbal Medicine in Developing Health Tourism Management,” JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT KNOWLEDGE EXPLORATION AND PROCESSING, vol. 1, no. 2 , pp. 66–81, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/1025538/en

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