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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Seminar Paper


The philosophical school of Marxism and its influence on management and organizational behavior


Nazifkar Sahar




 The purpose of this study is to answer the main question, what effect did the principles and teachings of the philosophical school of Marxism have on the science of management and especially on organizational behavior? Based on the qualitative research method based on document study, it has been done. The findings of this study have indicated that the teachings and theories of organizational behavior management such as "contradiction organizational theory", "change theory", "rational agent theory", "power and dominance theory" and so on. It has been completely influenced by the teachings and principles of the intellectual-philosophical school of Marxism,Thus, the emphasis of the Marxism school on the labor force as one of the principles of this school is considered one of the important aspects of organizational behavior today,The theory of class conflict in Marxist thought is the organizational theoretical basis of conflict, which emphasizes that managers, employees, and departments are in conflicting interactions with each other and pursue multiple interests, and in establishing relationships with the outside of the organization, they are always looking for a way to influence and increase power and interests,Marxist belief that society is changing and societies will go through five stages, the basis of this theory is that organizations are changing and there is always a factor of change in the organization and the factor of change may be from within the organization or from outside the organization,The Marxist view that organizational structures are not rational systems and that they are more like power systems designed to maximize control and profit is the foundation of the organizational theory of power and domination,The principle of change (change in societies), which is emphasized by the school of Marxism and is in the form of the transformation of societies from the early commune to the communist one, is related to the theory in management that the internal and external environment of the organization is constantly changing, and also, the argument of Marxism that the organization is a combination of groups with different interests that are constantly trying to control the policies, practices and actions of the organization, is the basis of the organizational theory of conflict.


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    APA: Copy

    Nazifkar, Sahar. (2023). The philosophical school of Marxism and its influence on management and organizational behavior. 2ND INTERNATIONAL & 3RD NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEW FINDINGS IN MANAGEMENT, PSYCHOLOGY AND ACCOUNTING. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/1066668/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Nazifkar Sahar. The philosophical school of Marxism and its influence on management and organizational behavior. 2023. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/1066668/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Sahar Nazifkar, “The philosophical school of Marxism and its influence on management and organizational behavior,” presented at the 2ND INTERNATIONAL & 3RD NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEW FINDINGS IN MANAGEMENT, PSYCHOLOGY AND ACCOUNTING. 2023, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/1066668/en

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