Information Journal Paper
CopyBEYRANVAND, RAMIN, SAHEBOZAMANI, MANSOUR, DANESHJOO, ABDOLHAMID, & SEYEDJAFARI, EHSAN. (2023). Assessment and Comparison the Effect of Exercise in Different Depth of Water On Postural Stability and Balance Recovery Strategies of Older People: A Clinical Trial. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE, 11(6 ), 1002-1015. SID.
CopyBEYRANVAND RAMIN, SAHEBOZAMANI MANSOUR, DANESHJOO ABDOLHAMID, SEYEDJAFARI EHSAN. Assessment and Comparison the Effect of Exercise in Different Depth of Water On Postural Stability and Balance Recovery Strategies of Older People: A Clinical Trial. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE[Internet]. 2023;11(6 ):1002-1015. Available from:
CopyRAMIN BEYRANVAND, MANSOUR SAHEBOZAMANI, ABDOLHAMID DANESHJOO, and EHSAN SEYEDJAFARI, “Assessment and Comparison the Effect of Exercise in Different Depth of Water On Postural Stability and Balance Recovery Strategies of Older People: A Clinical Trial,” SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE, vol. 11, no. 6 , pp. 1002–1015, 2023, [Online]. Available: