Information Journal Paper
CopyMOHAMMADZADEH, SOLEIMAN, YOUSEFI, FAYEGH, Kamali Ardakani, Sara, Moradveisi, Borhan, Seyedi Nasab, Seyedeh Zahra, & Tahazade, Somayeh. (2022). Investigating the prevalence of depression in children and adolescents with cancer admitted to the oncology ward of Besat Hospital in Sanandaj. SHENAKHT JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY, 9(5 ), 66-76. SID.
CopyMOHAMMADZADEH SOLEIMAN, YOUSEFI FAYEGH, Kamali Ardakani Sara, Moradveisi Borhan, Seyedi Nasab Seyedeh Zahra, Tahazade Somayeh. Investigating the prevalence of depression in children and adolescents with cancer admitted to the oncology ward of Besat Hospital in Sanandaj. SHENAKHT JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY[Internet]. 2022;9(5 ):66-76. Available from:
CopySOLEIMAN MOHAMMADZADEH, FAYEGH YOUSEFI, Sara Kamali Ardakani, Borhan Moradveisi, Seyedeh Zahra Seyedi Nasab, and Somayeh Tahazade, “Investigating the prevalence of depression in children and adolescents with cancer admitted to the oncology ward of Besat Hospital in Sanandaj,” SHENAKHT JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHIATRY, vol. 9, no. 5 , pp. 66–76, 2022, [Online]. Available: