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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Development of a Model for Predicting Happiness of Physical Education and Sport Science Students based on Ethical Climate, Perceived Stress and Self-esteem




 Background: Due to the main effects of Happiness on shaping the human’s personality, Happiness is considered as one of the most influential human psychological needs which has constantly been researched. Further, a dynamic and lively society is known as the one in which the elements of Happiness are abundant. The purpose of the present investigation is to develop a model for predicting the Happiness of physical education and sport science students based on the Ethical climate, Perceived stress, and Self-esteem. Method: Descriptive-correlation method was utilized with the applied purpose. The statistical population of the study comprised of 157 students of physical education and sports sciences of Payam Noor University of Kermanshah Province. Using convenience random sampling method based on Cochran's formula, 112 participants were selected as the sample of the study. Four instruments were administered including Oxford Happiness Scale, Olson’s Ethical climate Scale, Cohen’s Perceived stress Scale, and Rozenberg’s Self-esteem Questionnaire. The data were analyzed via statistical Smart PLS softwarturale, Structural Equation Modeling and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: Overall, the students’ Happiness in the field of physical education and sport science based on Ethical climate, Perceived stress, and Self-esteem were predicted. The findings showed that Ethical climate had an impact on Happiness with a path coefficient of 0. 39 and a t-value of 5. 69, Perceived stress had an effect on Happiness with a path coefficient of 0. 21 and a t-value of 2. 56, and finally, Self-esteem influenced Happiness with a path coefficient of 0. 34 and a t-value of 3. 89. To be more specific, the Ethical climate had the highest effect on Happiness with a path coefficient of 0. 39 and the Perceived stress has the lowest effect on Happiness with a path coefficient of 0. 21. Conclusion: Students of physical education and sport science can enhance their mental and physical health (in terms of raising their Self-esteem and lowering their stress level) by having regular physical activity and being less vulnerable in the presence of the unethical conduct.


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