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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: Architects and designers seek to create the optimal work and then the well-being of society. But the architectural work is desirable when it has met all the needs of the residents and responded to them. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a neat framework and rule with a comprehensive view of architectural design. It seems that this framework can be achieved by an interdisciplinary approach and taking advantage of the attitudes of thinkers in the field of philosophy and ethics with considering the concept of eudaimonia. The question, then, is how to create an architectural work with a holistic view of the factors involved in the design, by considering philosophical discussions in the field of eudaimonia? Therefore, a specific framework with a comprehensive view has been developed to create the architectural work with the aim of formulating the theory of eudaimonia in architecture, for reaching the highest level of desirability of the architectural work. Conclusion: The findings show that the theoretical issues of eudaimonia can be classified into three general areas of politics, pleasure, and virtue (which has four areas of justice, wisdom, courage, and chastity). Also, in this article, the theory of eudaimonia in architecture was developed in the form of a conceptual model of a pseudo-prism geometric shape with a regular quadrilateral base and with an appropriate unique color for each face, according to the concept of each field. Finally, comprehensive strategies were presented as confirmed hypotheses and strategies by valid internal and external sources, in accordance with all six areas in eudaimonia, in a coherent framework and flowchart, taking into account two important factors of design scale and phase. The hypotheses that the validity remains unknown are also introduced for future research.

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Background: Money laundering and the fight against money laundering are important aspects of the ethics of ethical markets. Therefore, in order to have an ethical market, preventive measures related to money laundering should be considered as an economic crime. To achieve this important goal and identify the causes of such crimes, criminological studies are needed. Therefore, in the present article, preventive measures related to money laundering to establish the moral market as the target of selection and the legal system of Iran and international conventions on this crime were examined. Conclusion: The dimensions of money laundering have expanded in recent years due to the globalization of the economy and the free flow of capital, and this requires attention to it. Major preventive measures against money laundering are related to banks and financial institutions. According to the authors of this article, the most important measures required for financial institutions include staff training, adjusting banking secrecy rules, monitoring money transfers, reporting large cash transactions, and reporting suspicious transactions. The results show that Iran's anti-money laundering laws are in accordance with the Merida Convention in terms of identifying, keeping records and reporting suspicious transactions, but are not obliged to identify the customer when there is criminal evidence.

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Background: The Romantic movement sees intense emotions as a genuine source of aesthetic experience and focuses on emotions such as fear, horror, and amazement, especially in the face of the transcendent beauty and beauty of nature. In this article, by analyzing the poems of Fereydoun Moshiri and William Blake, the attitude of these two poets to the commitment to moral values ​​in the context of the concepts of the school of Romanticism is examined. The importance of writing is due to the prominence of human emotion in contrast to moral rationalism in the poems of these two poets. Conclusion: The analysis of the poems showed that Moshiri and Blake's romanticist ethics move from a purely individual ethic to a kind of other ethic for the emergence of a moral society. In Blake's poems, the subject of moral values ​​is based on the moral attitudes of philosophers such as Rousseau, but Moshiri explains his view of moral values ​​based on concepts rooted in Iranian and religious culture such as love and self-sacrifice. The alignment of these two poets is in the emphasis on moral values ​​that are independent of rational utilitarian calculations and based on an unexpected love for humanity. It should be emphasized that the moral values ​​in the poems of these two poets are derived from the foundations of romantic thought and based on it.

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Background: Careful thinking means observing the principles of dialogue, accepting the conditions and characteristics of the other side of the dialogue, observing turn, empathy, moral judgment, and so on. The main purpose of this article is to explain the conceptual components of caring thinking in life in the field of teaching philosophy to children and to provide a framework for it with a descriptive-analytical method and emphasizing the ethical foundations of this thinking and its ethical consequences. Conclusion: In order to achieve the purpose of the study, with a holistic approach, library resources and qualitative and quantitative studies on philosophy for children and caring thinking were first collected, categorized and classified. According to the results of the study, what is very important is that in teaching caring thinking, we are dealing with a large amount of content that has not been localized, so it is necessary to localize some content and also think more and more fundamentally to the end of this training, while taking advantage of the very positive features of caring thinking, to double the ethical aspects of this type of thinking. By showing the conceptual geography of caring thinking, this research has highlighted the positive moral characteristics of this type of thinking and at the same time has not neglected its shortcomings, and by pointing to the obstacles in its way, has provided general headlines to eliminate these shortcomings. In this way, this kind of thinking, which has very positive characteristics, can be used in the service of transcendent moral values.

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Background: Diwan and Hadiqah al-Haqiqah from Sanai, as moral and mystical works, cover various topics of moral and humanizing categories. One of the salient features of these books is that they deal with ethical issues. What attracts attention in many verses are the verbal actions that make the poet's words have a greater impact on the audience. In this article, citing library sources and descriptive-analytical method, the quality of representation of Sanai's moral advice is examined with an approach to John Searle's theory of speech actions. Conclusion: Ethical advice to organize the moral life of the audience is represented. It was also found that declarative, persuasive, emotional and declarative actions were reflected in these verses. The purpose of the declarative action was to express the certainty of the speaker's words and the legitimacy of his approaches. The persuasive action is often grammatically explained and has a negative aspect. Emotional action has been effective in representing the inner states of the narrator or characters. Through the use of declarative action, he has refuted and abolished the sanctity of windmills, in which the poet's mystical approaches have had a direct effect.

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Background: Ethics, as one of the intellectual foundations from the most primitive human societies to today, has surrounded all human behaviors, from the most hidden to the most obvious aspects, by providing principles and rules for the well-being of people together. Ethics in medicine, as one of the branches of applied ethics, deals with ethical principles and rules in the field of medicine. On the other hand, although ethics itself is one of the independent intellectual topics, it is closely related to other intellectual foundations such as philosophy and is influenced by it. Many doctors of the first four centuries of Hejri, who were both doctors and philosophers, together with some Muslim philosophers, discussed moral issues in their works. This research deals with the ethical components in medicine and the impact of moral philosophy on it within the scope of the first four centuries of Islam. Conclusion: By examining the most important medical ethics books of Muslim Iranians until the end of the fourth century, components under the titles of medical ethics were extracted. Each of these components refer to one of the moral codes (praise of human behavior, refinement of self, virtue of reason and thought, volitionality of human action, human status and dignity) which are also considered in the philosophy of ethics. Since ethics was one of the branches of practical philosophy, Muslim doctors paid attention to it. For this reason, these doctors-philosophers devoted part of their writings to the virtue and praise of reason, suppression of ego, mentioning the consequences of untruth and avoiding emotional defects such as wonder, arrogance, envy, stinginess, anger, etc. The most important component that is mentioned in most of these sources is belief in God and seeing God as a watcher over the doctor's actions during treatment and considering him as the main healer. After that, attention is paid to the human dignity of the patients. This means that the doctor should pay attention to the patient as a human being who has human dignity and rank, not his color, race, religion, financial status and social class. But in order for the doctor to reach this stage of perfection, he must cultivate and refine his soul.

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Background: Ethics plays an important role in the field of criminal law, including the principles of criminal responsibility. One of the most important types of crimes is crimes with absolute responsibility, which are also accepted in the criminal policy systems of Iran and the United Kingdom. The dimensions and scope of these crimes in these two penal systems are different from each other, so that in the Iranian penal system is accepted only for some economic crimes and corruption, while in the British penal system the scope of crimes with absolute responsibility to crimes is accepted. Contrary to chastity, it has expanded. The main question in this article is done by descriptive-analytical method, is what are the ethical foundations of the criminal policy of Iran and the United Kingdom in determining crimes with absolute responsibility? Conclusion: The result of the present study is that the ethical principles in Iranian criminal policy based on general jurisprudential rules are harmless, practical rule, the rule of property is void, etc., while in British criminal policy based on principles such as the principle of expediency, it can be evaluated.

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Background: Lily and Majnoon Nezami is one of the prominent texts in the field of Persian literature which, in addition to romantic and personal topics, also deals with moral and educational concepts. The poet sometimes complicates and elaborates his words with conscious traditions, and incorporates codes in the lower layers of the poem that guide the detailed audience towards meaning. In modern times, the science of semiotics is used as a method to analyze new dimensions of a work and one of its important variables is called cryptography. Roland Barthes has done research on this subject and has divided the codes into five types of action, hermeneutic, symbolic, semantic and cultural, and has described a function for each. In the present article, citing library sources and qualitative interpretive methods, ethical issues in Lily and Majnoon have been explored based on referential and cultural codes in order to explore the goals of military humanization in retelling these advices. Conclusion: The general results of the research show that at the cultural code level, religious and mystical ideology and intertextuality to explain the teachings have a comprehensive and tangible appearance. The author has provided his intended topics to the audience by citing two main and important sources, Islamic and Sufi. The most important moral teachings of this work are: ordering love and retelling the characteristics of true love, Praising the Almighty and appealing to him, Advice on happiness and spoiling the moments, Purposefulness of creation, The importance of loyalty and the need to keep the covenant, patience

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Background: One of the emerging fields of study in recent years is business ethics education. Research in this field is very limited and needs more attention and study to identify goals, dimensions, components and also the factors affecting it. This study examines what dimensions are considered in business ethics education and what elements are considered to be effective by different researchers. Method: The present study is descriptive and in terms of purpose, it is an applied study that has been done in a systematic review method. Its statistical population includes all studies in the field of business ethics education in Scopus database from the beginning of publication until 2020 and includes 832 researches, in which 51 articles were selected as a sample. The coding was performed using MAXQDA 10 and the results were analyzed using the Whetten framework Results: The failure to transfer the teachings of business ethics courses to the real environment and the lack of theory and model in this field is one of the most important research gaps, one of the main factors is the lack of attention to the context in business ethics education. Conclusion: Theoretical participation of this study includes a better understanding of goals, dimensions and components as well as factors affecting business ethics, especially in the field of education. This, along with the study gap, can be used as a practical contribution to the development of lesson plans and content for business ethics courses.

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Background: Various factors can affect the job performance of employees and the success of the organization. One of the most important factors in the success of an organization is ethics. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of job ethics on employee performance in non-public institutions. Method: The present study was applied with a descriptive-survey approach. Managers and employees of non-governmental government institutions in Tehran were considered as a statistical population. Random stratified random sampling method was used to select the sample and 375 people were selected as the sample. Research tools: Researcher questionnaire the data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive and inferential methods (structural equations) and SPSS and LISREL software. Results: The results showed that in the study population, job ethics (and its dimensions, namely individual ethics and organizational ethics) have positive and significant effects on the performance of employees in non-public institutions. Conclusion: Managers of non-governmental government institutions in order to increase the level of job performance of their employees should pay serious attention to various ethical aspects of employees and to improve the morale of their employees through training workshops, problem solving teams and employee incentive system.

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Background: The purpose of this study was to identify and evaluate the factors affecting the professional ethics of management in Tehran municipality. Method: The present study was performed by mixed method. The qualitative part was done by the data method of the foundation. The statistical population of researchers, academic and organizational experts was familiar with the topics of the professional ethics of management. Using purposive sampling, 8 researchers and academic experts and 6 organizational experts were selected as a sample. Data collection tool was semi-structured interview and data analysis was performed in three stages of open, axial and selective coding and based on that, a qualitative research model was designed. In the quantitative section, the study method was descriptive-analytical and the statistical population was the managers of Tehran Municipality, of which 298 people were selected using stratified sampling. The researcher-made questionnaire was used for gathering data. The path analysis method was used for data analyzing. Results: The data processing results showed that the overall research model was fitted using confirmatory factor analysis. Also, all markers are significantly related to their underlying factor (p <0. 05). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the model used with three factors, including individual, organizational and environmental factors, has been a good theoretical model for predicting professional ethics in the municipality.

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Background: Professional ethics is one of the factors of teachers' professional development, which leads to the growth and strengthening of teachers' professional development. The current research was conducted with the aim of the relationship between professional development and professional ethics, considering the mediating role of the application of adult education principles in teachers of Sarayan city. Method: This research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of correlation type. The research population of all primary school teachers in Sarayan city in the academic year 2018-2019, which are 140 people, and the sample of the research, which was conducted by simple random sampling method, with the Morgan table, the sample size was 103 people. The research tools were three standard professional ethics questionnaires, teachers' professional development questionnaire, and a researcher-made questionnaire on the principles of adult education. The content validity and reliability of the questionnaires were estimated based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0. 83, 0. 86 and 0. 89, respectively. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (one-sample t-tests, correlation coefficient and path analysis) were used in SPSS version 22 software and Lisrel software. Results: The results showed that the application of the principles of adult education for the second, fourth, fifth, eighth and ninth standards (creating and maintaining a learning atmosphere, measuring and communicating with learning results, evaluating and reflecting on learning and teaching, content knowledge, using educational technology) is mediated. It is a suitable tool for predicting teachers' professional ethics. Conclusion: setting standards in teacher training programs and applying the principles of adult education in teacher training courses can improve teachers' professional ethics.

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Background: In today’s digital world, there seems to be a thin line between technology use and abuse. There are many people who have extreme internet habits and abnormal moral behaviors. The purpose of this study was to determine the mediating role of moral intelligence in the relationship between perceived parenting styles and internet addiction of students in Qazvin province. Method: The research method was correlation. The statistical population of all undergraduate and postgraduate students of Qazvin province universities in 2019, among them a sample of 270 students was selected by cluster random sampling method. The research tools were Baumrind Parenting Styles Questionnaire (1972), Young Internet Addiction (2011) and Moral Intelligence of Lennick and Kiel (2011). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including demographic indicators and inferential statistics, including path analysis pattern and Sobel test. Results: The results showed that moral intelligence has a mediating role between students' perceived parenting styles and their internet addiction. This means that moral intelligence has a significant inverse relationship with authoritarian and negligent parenting styles and Internet addiction, and has a significant positive relationship with authoritative parenting style and lack of internet addiction. Also, the proposed model had the desired fit to determine the relationship between the research variables. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that training and promoting moral intelligence can be used as a prevention method or even a treatment method in the form of CBT techniques for internet addiction.

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Background: One of the most important economic goals of countries is to create the necessary conditions to promote continuous and stable economic growth. Therefore, predicting oil prices in line with the practical incentives for economic growth will not be possible except with the growing link of economic ethics. The purpose of this study is the moral hazards of the impact of crude oil news on the effective forecast of crude oil prices. Method: The method of the present research is applied and of deep learning type. The crude oil news indexes, Google Trends and crude oil prices in the world have been selected as a statistical population that the years 2021-2011 were selected as a research sample. The data measurement tools were investment. com, the weekly price of West Texas Intermediate crude oil and the Google Trends search engine. Convolutional neural network method was used for the test. Results: The fit of the research model, which included a main hypothesis, was confirmed. Therefore, the complementary link between news headlines and Google Trends is very useful in accurately predicting crude oil prices and can lead to moral hazards in pricing. Conclusion: It has been estimated that all variables are level or with a stable difference, and experimental results indicate that text-based forecasting and Internet-based big data methods perform better than other techniques and show that they can be moral hazards.

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Background: In recent years, with the growth and development of civil society and the increasing role of human beings in achieving some manifestations of progress and civilization, the issue of individual and social welfare has become one of the most important challenges. In this regard, the researcher seeks to determine the role of social and ethical functions in governing public welfare in Iran. Method: The present study was applied-survey and was among the correlational studies. The statistical population was managers and senior managers in the Ministry of Labor Cooperation and Social Welfare, which based on Cochran's formula and available sampling method, (108) people were considered as a sample. The instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire and the reliability of the questions was measured by calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The validity of the questions was determined and validated using confirmatory factor analysis. The relationships between the research model were analyzed by structural equation analysis using SPSS and LISREL software. Results: The results show that social capital, moral capital, social security and social health have a positive and significant relationship with public welfare governance. The results also showed that the variables of social security, social capital, moral capital and social health had the most relationship with public welfare governance, respectively. Conclusion: Through social and moral functions (social capital, moral capital, social security and social health), effective public welfare governance can be achieved and improved.

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Background: Observing ethical principles in sports requires effort, having a strong personality, knowledge and understanding of ethical principles, correct understanding of situations and opportunities, heartfelt faith and respect for social norms. Due to this important, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ethical behavior on success in sports with regard to the moderating role of patience among track and field athletes. Method: The design of the present study was descriptive-correlational. The population of the present study was all the elite track and field athletes of the country, from which 330 people were selected as a sample group by random sampling method. The tool for analyzing the questionnaires was the ethical behavior scale and patience and success in sports. Finally, the data were analyzed by structural equation method in Amoss software. Results: The results of this study show that moral behavior (5. 36) and patience (5. 28) have a positive and significant effect on success in sports among track and field athletes and the higher the level of moral behavior and patience, the higher the success rate. It also increases in sports. (0. 61) and the results also showed that the variable of patience modulates the relationship between moral behavior and success in sports. Conclusion: By strengthening patience and moral behavior, increased success in sports in order to achieve the goal in elite athletes. And sports psychologists, coaches, sports experts, and athletes are advised to use ethical behavior and patience strategies to increase success.

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Background: Due to the main effects of happiness on shaping the human’s personality, happiness is considered as one of the most influential human psychological needs which has constantly been researched. Further, a dynamic and lively society is known as the one in which the elements of happiness are abundant. The purpose of the present investigation is to develop a model for predicting the happiness of physical education and sport science students based on the ethical climate, perceived stress, and self-esteem. Method: Descriptive-correlation method was utilized with the applied purpose. The statistical population of the study comprised of 157 students of physical education and sports sciences of Payam Noor University of Kermanshah Province. Using convenience random sampling method based on Cochran's formula, 112 participants were selected as the sample of the study. Four instruments were administered including Oxford Happiness Scale, Olson’s Ethical Climate Scale, Cohen’s Perceived Stress Scale, and Rozenberg’s Self-Esteem Questionnaire. The data were analyzed via statistical Smart PLS softwarturale, Structural Equation Modeling and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: Overall, the students’ happiness in the field of physical education and sport science based on ethical climate, perceived stress, and self-esteem were predicted. The findings showed that ethical climate had an impact on happiness with a path coefficient of 0. 39 and a t-value of 5. 69, perceived stress had an effect on happiness with a path coefficient of 0. 21 and a t-value of 2. 56, and finally, self-esteem influenced happiness with a path coefficient of 0. 34 and a t-value of 3. 89. To be more specific, the ethical climate had the highest effect on happiness with a path coefficient of 0. 39 and the perceived stress has the lowest effect on happiness with a path coefficient of 0. 21. Conclusion: Students of physical education and sport science can enhance their mental and physical health (in terms of raising their self-esteem and lowering their stress level) by having regular physical activity and being less vulnerable in the presence of the unethical conduct.

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Abedini Maryam

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Background: The moral identity of learners is one of the important goals in education systems. One of the important fields in the development of moral identity of learners is to know the factors affecting it. The purpose of the present research is to investigate the components and indicators of learners' moral identity according to the existing research background. Method: The approach of the present research is qualitative and its method is synthesis research based on the model of Roberts et al. (2007). The research community consisted of 227 articles in the field of factors affecting the moral identity of learners during the years 2009 to 2022. The research sample includes 33 articles that were purposefully collected and data were selected based on thematic monitoring. The research data were collected from the qualitative analysis of the studied documents. Results: Based on the analysis of previous articles, the components of moral identity of learners were classified in 6 dimensions. These dimensions include the individual dimension (including factors, personality traits, moral intelligence, cognitive skills, and individual contexts), the dimension of the coach's characteristics (including factors, commitment, perceptive skills, ethics, interaction). suitable and specialized), the educational content dimension (including factors, collaborative, community-oriented and realistic), the dimension of teaching-learning approaches (including factors, team approaches, process-oriented and interactive approaches, active approaches, based on praxis and based on constructivism), evaluation characteristics (including axes such as community-oriented approaches, individual approaches, functional and justice-oriented assessment approaches) and contextual factors (including axes such as virtual communication platforms, family, social platform environment, school and friends). Conclusion: The components and indicators affecting the moral identity of learners were organized in six dimensions, therefore, for the design of curriculum models for the moral education of learners, a comprehensive model can be provided by considering the dimensions of the context.

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Background: The current research has focused on developing a model of the relationship between human communication and employees' job performance and the intervening role of organizational culture based on Islamic moral values. Method: The current research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-survey research method and specifically based on the structural equation model. The statistical population of this research is all the managers and employees in the social security organizations of southwestern Iran (Kohkiloyeh and Boyer Ahmad, Fars and Bushehr). 171 people were selected as the statistical sample of the research using simple random sampling method. Data collection tool, three standard questionnaires 1-Organizational culture, 2-Occupational performance questionnaire and 3-Human communication questionnaire. In order to analyze the data and draw the model, PLS software has been used. Results: The results of statistical tests indicate that there is a relationship between human communication and its dimensions (conflict management, self-disclosure, trust, motivation, self-acceptance, self-awareness and Islamic communication skills) with the job performance of employees (task performance and context). Organizational culture based on Islamic moral values (education-oriented culture, knowledge-oriented culture, ethical culture and relationship-oriented culture) plays a mediating role between the two variables of human communication and job performance. Conclusion: The combination of organizational culture and Islamic work ethics as an active element can help Islamic behaviors and act accordingly.

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Background: Public policies in the field of environment need cultural and moral support. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between ethics and the gap of public policies in the field of environment. Method: The descriptive-correlation research method is based on the structural equation model. The statistical population in this study includes all senior experts and Ph. D. s in university fields in the field of environment, whose number is 121, 456 people. The sample size was determined using Cochran's formula of 384 people and the samples were selected and studied using random sampling method. The data collection tool is a questionnaire. SmartPLS3 software and structural equation method with partial least squares approach were used for data analysis. Results: The results show that there is a positive and significant relationship between ethics and the dimensions of the gap in public policies in the field of environment (the relationship between policies and the goals of the organization, the expectations and emotions of the community, and the stakeholders' opinions). Conclusion: The results of this research and considering the important role of ethics and environmental philosophy and the basic issues of the environment, contain important results and can be used as a practical model for policy makers, managers and enforcers of ethics in the field of environmental policy.

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Background: In this study, the study of individual characteristics, challenges, ethical and motivational bottlenecks of financial supervision of accountants of the executive organs of the country in the proper implementation of the public sector accounting system, to identify them to improve supervision to achieve system goals Public sector accounting to be provided. Method: The present study was applied, descriptive and survey. The statistical population was all accountants of the executive organs of the country that 260 questionnaires were selected from 10 provinces by cluster random method. The analysis tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. Finally, the data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Kalogorov-Smirnov test, Wilcoxon and structural equations) with SPSS and AMOS software. Results: The results show the significant impact of ethical barriers and challenges, motivation and personal characteristics of auditors' financial supervision on the proper implementation of the public sector accounting system. Then, using structural equation modeling, the relationship and correlation between the three components of morality, motivation and personal characteristics were examined, which show a significant relationship and positive correlation between these three challenges. Conclusion: The results of the study emphasize that the expectations of the researcher who is a member of the statistical community, ethical barriers and challenges, motivation and personal characteristics of financial supervision of accountants have a moral impact on the proper implementation of the public sector accounting system.

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Background: The strategic role of professional ethics in the success of the future of the organization is undeniable. Avoidance of professional ethics makes organizations severely vulnerable and harmful, and achieving professional ethics leads to strategic advantage. The purpose of this study is to provide a model of the role of professional ethics in creating strategic advantage in the public sector administrative system. Method: The present study is mixed in terms of exploratory nature and applied purpose and in terms of data collection method. The statistical population is 250 people (from the elites, managers and deputies of the Tax Affairs Organization of the northern provinces of the country) who were selected using Morgan table and 163 people were randomly selected and answered the research questionnaires. To investigate the relationship between the variables, the structural equation modeling method was evaluated and validated using Pls software. Results: The research findings showed that there is a significant linear relationship between professional ethics and strategic advantage. The more professional ethics, the greater the strategic advantage. Professional ethics, through the mediation of knowledge management and social responsibility, increases the strategic advantage in the organization. Conclusion: Therefore, organizations should provide the necessary bases for promoting social responsibility and knowledge management by observing and basing on the standards and principles of ethics and professionalism of the organization. The relationship between social responsibility and knowledge management with strategic advantage is expressed through the development of social strategies that affect and are influenced by opportunities, resources and facilities, skills and organizational competencies. Their survival, success, and therefore their strategic advantage depend on the capabilities and competencies that are one of these important organizational capabilities of knowledge management.

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Background: Despite the important role of human resources in government organizations, the ethical components affecting human resource empowerment have not been studied and identified accurately and comprehensively. Therefore, the present study was formed with the aim of presenting a model of moral components effective on human resource empowerment. Method: The present study was a mixed research. In the qualitative part, which was done by the data method of the foundation, the statistical population included all senior managers and specialists in the field of management (government, human resources) in West Azerbaijan province in 1397, among whom by snowball sampling method until theoretical saturation. 18 people were selected as a sample. The analysis tool was in-depth interview and finally the data were analyzed by coding method. A small part of the statistical population included managers, deputies and heads of research departments and senior experts of government organizations in Azerbaijan province, whose number was based on statistics of 227 people, of whom 160 were selected as a sample. Cochran's formula and Morgan table and simple random sampling method were used to determine the sample size. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire and finally the data were analyzed by structural modeling and exploratory factor analysis. Results: The results of the qualitative section showed that among all the factors of experts, first 8 factors and then 3 pivotal codes were extracted. Also, the results of structural equation analysis indicated a good fit of the research model. Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, one of the most important factors in human resource empowerment is to pay attention to ethical components at the individual, interpersonal and organizational levels. Paying attention to the organization's ethical orientation is a way to turn a threat into an opportunity. In addition to paying attention to the strategic position of ethics in organizational success, based on ethical concerns and community values, managers should pay attention to the ethical components in the organization in order to manage human resources.

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Background: Since man is a social being, work culture, if it is in the form of ethical and professional work values, will be effective on a person's performance and feeling of social anomie. Based on this, the present study seeks to investigate the job performance and feeling of social anomie among the faculty members of Yasouj University of Medical Sciences and the effect of work communication culture based on moral values on them. Method: The research method is descriptive-correlation. The statistical population of all faculty members of Yasuj University of Medical Sciences (204 people) in 2019 and the research sample includes 134 people who were selected using stratified random sampling and Cochran's formula. The data collection tool was researcher-made questionnaires and data analysis was done by structural equation modeling method and SPSS24 and LISREL8/54 software. Results: The relationship between work communication culture based on moral values on job performance with t coefficient (t Value: 4. 14) and path coefficient 0. 45 and the relationship between work communication culture based on moral values and feeling of social anomie with t coefficient (38 t Value: 11. 00) and path coefficient 0. 085-and the relationship between feeling of social anomie on job performance with t coefficient (t Value 4. 13) and path coefficient 0. 48-is significant. Conclusion: The results of the structural model of the research have shown that there is a significant relationship between work communication culture based on moral values on job performance and the mediating role of social anomie, and between work communication culture and social anomie and job performance, as well as between social anomie and social anomie. There is a significant relationship with job performance.

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Background: Moral hazard is an opportunistic behavior of manager in order to increase self-interest in an unethical way. The moral hazard of managers has adverse consequences on the financial health of companies. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between moral hazard and the possibility of companies becoming zombies. Method: The research method is applied in terms of purpose and correlational in nature. The statistical population is listed firms in the stock exchange and the sampling method is systematic exclusion. The research data was collected from the website of the Stock Exchange Organization. Also, SPSS software was used for data analysis and binary logistic multivariate regression. Results: The results show that moral hazard has a positive and significant relationship with the possibility of companies becoming zombies. The evidence of this research shows that with the increase of financial risk, the probability of companies becoming zombies increases significantly and with the increase of profitability, the probability of companies becoming zombies decreases significantly. Conclusion: moral hazard as one of managers' behavioral biases, It can increase the risk of financial health of companies and as a result the possibility of them becoming zombies. Therefore, in evaluating policies to prevent the company from becoming a zombie, this issue should be considered by financial analysts and capital market policymakers.

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Background: Ethical interactions of employees with the client is an important issue in organizations. Therefore, the present study was formed with the aim of identifying the ethical principles of social capital for employees of government organizations in Iran from the perspective of Nahj al-Balagheh ethical teachings. Method: The method of this qualitative research was theme analysis. The study population included all researchers, professors and experts in Islamic and Nahj al-Balagheh management, from which 9 people were selected as a sample by deliberate sampling. The data collection tool was a questionnaire based on the text of Nahjul Balagha and finally the data were analyzed by coding method and MAXQDA software. Results: The retest reliability and double-coder reliability have been determined as 93% and 86%, respectively. The results of the research indicate the identification of ethical principles: 1-Fairness towards subordinates and clients 2-Criticism and accountability of managers and superiors 3-Tolerance with clients and subordinates 4-Cooperation and Helping colleagues and clients 5-Humility and humility towards clients and subordinates 6-Avoiding backbiting and undermining colleagues 7-Avoiding backbiting and gossiping 8-Trust and goodwill towards clients and colleagues 9-Compliance The code of ethics towards clients and colleagues is 10-Avoiding flattery and flattery towards managers and superiors 11-Avoiding exaggeration and exaggeration of work. Conclusion: Discussing the plan of honoring and observing ethical principles in dealing with the client is one of the important issues that is raised in government agencies today. Respecting the client and gaining the satisfaction of the people is one of the important goals in the administrative systems of the Islamic system, and according to Islamic teachings, those who are in the service of the people and are always in contact with them, deserve it in terms of behavior. And they have followed the actions of the infallible Imams in their actions, movements and residences, in order to both please God and provide the people with satisfaction.

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