CopyYAZDI, MARYAM, Bemanalizadeh, Maryam, MOHEBPOUR, FATEMEH, Goli, Parvin, Daniali, Seyede Shahrbanoo, & KELISHADI, ROYA. (2022). Latent Class Analysis of knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of a Population-Based Sample of Iranian Pregnant Women toward COVID-19.. ADVANCED BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH, 11(-), 0-0. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/1118384/en
CopyYAZDI MARYAM, Bemanalizadeh Maryam, MOHEBPOUR FATEMEH, Goli Parvin, Daniali Seyede Shahrbanoo, KELISHADI ROYA. Latent Class Analysis of knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of a Population-Based Sample of Iranian Pregnant Women toward COVID-19.. ADVANCED BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH[Internet]. 2022;11(-):0-0. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/1118384/en
CopyMARYAM YAZDI, Maryam Bemanalizadeh, FATEMEH MOHEBPOUR, Parvin Goli, Seyede Shahrbanoo Daniali, and ROYA KELISHADI, “Latent Class Analysis of knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of a Population-Based Sample of Iranian Pregnant Women toward COVID-19.,” ADVANCED BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH, vol. 11, no. -, pp. 0–0, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/1118384/en