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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Discussing the theory of Al-Sakkaki and its followers in the interpretation of the palace in the saying of the Almighty:


 Khalifa Shushtri Mohammad Ebrahim | Issue Writer Certificate 




 The title of this article is (Discussion and Criticism) and the purpose of the discussion and criticism is Abu Yaqub Al-Sakkaki, who died in the year 626 AH, the author of the book Miftah al-Ilam, and he is one of the prominent scholars of al-Balagha, and the reason behind his discussion and criticism is his opinion on the interpretation of the Qur'an in the saying of the Almighty﴿And what is Muhammad but a Messenger﴾ (Al-Imran/144) where he said: "And among those mentioned in the revelation on Qasr Al-Ifrad is the saying of the Almighty: ﴿And what is Muhammad but a Messenger﴾,the meaning is that Muhammad is limited to the message so that he does not exceed it to the distance from destruction. Manzel al-Mubadin Lehlakeh(Al-Sakkaki. 1983: 289) This speech means that Al-Sakaki is related to Allah Almighty, that He is the one who sent down the Companions, the status of those who believe that the Greatest Messenger (PBUH) is immortal, therefore, Allah Almighty limited him to the message, and denied him immortality, and he followed this opinion, according to the knowledge of all the scholars of rhetoric who came later to this day. And when I carefully looked at his opinion, I found that disputing it, criticizing it, and giving the right opinion is a very important and necessary matter,Because this interpretation and this interpretation are closely and directly related to the interpretation of the Qur'anic verses, which include this short sentence, and their understanding is supported by the evidence of the court, also knowing that when Al-Sakaki attributes it to Allah-the Exalted-it is a decisive relation, and he does not follow it with a sentence like this sentence: (By God-Allah knows best). And what I have done is that your view of this mansion from another angle is closer to the truth of the matter based on the reason of the descent, and to the science of meanings and to the historical reality. The appropriateness, and the relationship between rhetorical research in the Holy Qur'an and Tafsir. . The results I reached were that Allah, the Exalted, sent down the status of the Companions to the believers after the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and that attributing this to him-Exalted be He-is without evidence, but it is an interpretive process, perhaps the purpose of which is to subject the verse to the rhetorical rule.: magic, madness, and falsehood (claims of prophethood), but it is not eternal. . And this is the case-according to the information-I disagree with Al-Sakaki's opinion and criticize it, and give the opinion of the previous one.


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