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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Examining the Relationship between Spiritual Needs and Stress Coping Strategies with Women's Social and Occupational Rights




 Background & Aims: Spirituality has been defined in different ways, which generally include belief in supernatural power in nature and a feeling of oneness with all living beings, and a kind of awareness of the purpose and meaning of life. In the spirituality of hope, peace, happiness, and inner peace emerge. Some experts have considered spirituality as "the main and central gem of religion that cannot be ignored and is inevitable". Based on this, spirituality is the most stable element of religion, which determines the private relationship between a person and God. Some psychologists have defined spirituality as the constant human effort to answer the reasons for life. Some people define spirituality as something that allows a person to experience the transcendent meaning of life, and some others define it as a structure that includes the concepts of faith and meaning and breathing the spirit into a person's life, searching for the "sacred matter" or the ability and tendency that for each person, It is natural and unique. This spiritual orientation leads people toward spirituality, love, meaning, peace, hope, transcendence, connection, compassion, goodness, and integrity. The importance of spirituality and spiritual growth in humans has attracted the attention of psychologists and mental health professionals more and more in the last few decades. Spirituality is often associated with a concept of a higher being, but a person can achieve this holiness in many other aspects of life as well. Without spirituality, the highest level of quality of life cannot be achieved. It was also shown in studies that psychological factors of positive health affect physical functioning and those who have higher mental well-being have better physical health. The characteristics of Spiritual Needs include stability in life, a close relationship with oneself, God, society, and the environment, harmony, and having meaning and purpose in life and peace. Need and spiritual health include two dimensions, existential health, and religious health. Existential health represents the relationship with others, the environment, and the self, but religious health represents the relationship with God or an infinite power. Now, if the individual's Spiritual Needs are shaken, there is a possibility of disorders such as loneliness, depression, and loss of meaning in life for the individual. Spiritual Needs reduce mental disorders and improve a person's mental health, such as increasing self-control and self-confidence, and reducing anxiety and depression. On the other hand, in our country, the women of today's society are active in various fields with views derived from the constitution and in sync with the goals of the country's developing programs. In other words, their position and social role in line with the plans of the system have become so clear that the prestige and interests of the family are closely tied to national interests. Since in industrial societies the position of every phenomenon is determined from the point of view of economic and commercial interests, women are given more value as economic producers than as a producer of spiritual and valuable human beings. In fact, unlike our society, which is based on social and political relations on the spiritual development of human beings and forces all elements of the system to create suitable opportunities for self-improvement and moral excellence of the members of the society, in industrial societies, in terms of Giving too much value to economic benefits, women are seen both as a tool for her supply to provide advertising goods and as a means for more production. It should be noted that pregnancy conditions and related diseases have always deprived women of the ability and competitiveness to obtain long-term and stable jobs and to take charge of the supervision and management of lucrative jobs. This has deprived them of the ability to acquire job skills and participate in professional training courses (mainly in terms of long maternity leave). Therefore, it is important to make changes in the legal and occupational status and living conditions of people, especially women, since some women may not have suitable living conditions. Therefore, the conditions of Spiritual Needs and strategies to deal with stress can be a solution to reduce stress and heal their conditions and legal and occupational status, and on the other hand, no study has been observed about the relationship between Spiritual Needs and strategies to deal with stress on women's social and occupational rights, so in this study, We are looking for an answer to the question of whether there is a significant relationship between Spiritual Needs and Stress Coping Strategies with women's social and occupational rights. Methods: In terms of purpose, the present research is applied, and in terms of method, it is a descriptive research of correlation type. The statistical population of the research includes all women working in the Bandar Khamir in 2021. The statistical population was 1800 people according to the inquiry from Bandar Khamir Guilds Unit. The sample size was selected using the simple random sampling method, with the number 317 people using the Morgan Krejci table. The criteria for entering the research are: The basic educational level of the diploma was considered so that the subjects did not have any problems in terms of understanding the concepts. Not having physical diseases, psychological disorders, physical and mental disabilities, and not simultaneously receiving a psychotherapy approach or taking drugs such as antidepressants, and having informed consent to participate in the study were other criteria for entering the research. The exclusion criteria are: having mental disorders such as severe personality disorders, etc., as well as the use of psychotherapeutic drugs such as anti-anxiety and anti-depressants, and the existence of a mental disability, severe physical disability, as well as non-cooperation and lack of consent to participate in the study. In this research, a standard questionnaire tool has been used, which includes the Spiritual Needs questionnaire of Bü, ssing et al. (2010), the Stress Coping Strategies questionnaire of Parker and Landler (1990) and the researcher-made questionnaire on the legal status and It was a job. Descriptive statistics (prevalence, frequency percentage, graph) and inferential statistics (Kolmogrov-Smirnov test, Pearson correlation test) were used for data analysis. SPSS version 22 software was also used for data analysis. Results: The results showed that the standard path coefficient between the two variables of Spiritual Needs and legal and occupational status is positive and equal to 0. 620, so it can be said that with an increase of one standard deviation in Spiritual Needs, the legal and occupational status increases. The standard deviation will be 0. 620. Also, because the coefficient of the standard path between the variable of Stress Coping Strategies and the legal and occupational status is positive and equal to 0. 645, it can be said that with an increase of one standard deviation in Stress Coping Strategies, the legal and occupational status increases. The standard deviation will be 0. 645. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that by increasing Spiritual Needs and stress-coping strategies, women can increase their level of social and occupational rights, and there is a need to find ways to cope with stress and increase Spiritual Needs. However, it should be noted that one of the most important known roles of Spiritual Needs is dealing with stress. Stress, which is a pervasive disease of the 21st century, is more common in women. Knowing the determinants of people's ways of coping with stressful situations in order to strengthen their abilities to manage and control stress is one of the basic issues in behavioral studies.


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    APA: Copy

    Amiri, Abtin, & Mehrabi, Mahboobeh. (2022). Examining the Relationship between Spiritual Needs and Stress Coping Strategies with Women's Social and Occupational Rights. RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES), 29(7), 153-161. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/1123254/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Amiri Abtin, Mehrabi Mahboobeh. Examining the Relationship between Spiritual Needs and Stress Coping Strategies with Women's Social and Occupational Rights. RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES)[Internet]. 2022;29(7):153-161. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/1123254/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Abtin Amiri, and Mahboobeh Mehrabi, “Examining the Relationship between Spiritual Needs and Stress Coping Strategies with Women's Social and Occupational Rights,” RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES), vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 153–161, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/1123254/en

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