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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Analysis and Dating of Newly Discovered Objects from Barzul Cemetery-Nahavand




 In the excavation of Barzul Nahavand Cemetery, with the aim of burying the dead, various objects of healthy Pottery and Bronze were accidentally encountered, which is remarkable in its kind. These newly discovered objects include 35 pieces of different Pottery of the Islamic Middel Ages, such as simple and glazed Pottery, and Bronze metal objects and utensils. Imamzade Fazl Cemetery is located in the southwest of Barzul and is one of the ancient cemeteries of the Islamic era in Nahavand city, the tomb of Imamzadeh Fazl is also located in it, old tombstones with a history of more than a century in this cemetery confirm the historical antiquity of this cemetery. The purpose of this study is to analyze and date by examining the shape and decorative features as well as how to bury the discovered objects in Barzul Cemetery. In this regard, the research questions can be posed as follows: What historical period dose the objects of Barzul Cemetery belong to? And what is the purpose of burying and placing these objects in this cemetery? The research method is comparative study and descriptive-analytical. Data collection is also done in two ways: library and field. The results of the research show that the objects discovered from this cemetery are purposefully buried and belong to the 6th and 7th centuries AH based on relative and comparative dating. Also, due to the use of this area as a cemetery throughout history, based on the history of tombstones in the cemetery and Imamzadeh Fazl and the absence of cultural materials that can be considered as a settlement area, the presence of discovered objects could be purposeful in order to protect it from theft and looting in times of danger and crisis, or less likely superstitious aspect of the burial. Keywords: Barzul Cemetery, Pottery, Bronze, Islamic periods.   Introduction Barzul city in Zarrin-Dasht section of Nahavand city has an old cemetery which is the burial place of Imamzadeh Fazl. Barzul Cemetery is located in the southwest of the city, where burial has been done for many years and is still going on. Following the digging of the grave for the burial of the dead, 35 pieces of ancient objects were accidentally encountered. This accident was reported to the cultural heritage officials of Nahavand city by the administrative management of the cemetery and the holy shrine of Imamzadeh Fazl, and will be handed over to the trustee of the General Directorate of cultural Heritage of Hamadan province. It should be noted that due to the compactness of various previous events in the past, it was not possible for archaeologists to further explore and expand the burial site in this area, and after burying the deceased, the discovery site will be filled. Among the 35 objects obtained, they are exquisite dishes that are unique in their kind and the necessity of introducing and analyzing them is required.   Research Method This research is based on comparative studies and has been done with a descriptive-analytical approach of newly discovered cemetery objects to Barzul. In the present study, by examining the studies performed on different types of Islamic Pottery and putting together the results obtained, we have examined 35 pieces of different Pottery of the medieval Islamic period, the type of golden-colored and enamel Pottery, and metal and Bronze dishes and other findings will be discussed and how the cultural relations and actions of this area with other cultures of the Islamic era are discussed. This research first deals with the typology of objects in two parts, typology in the type of shape and decorations used in construction, then typology in the appearance form and use of Pottery. The following is a review of theoretical literature and archaeological studies related to Nahavand. In the third part of the research is dedicated to the geography and position of Nahavand city in the Islamic era, and in the fourth section, the objects discovered from the Barzul Cemetery are examined and studied, and finally, the discussion and conclusion are presented in the final sections respectively.   Objects Discovered from Barzul Nahavand Cemetery As previously mentioned, 35 pieces of ancient objects were accidentally found in a grave excavation measuring 2×1/5 meters in a Barzul Cemetery, which can be divided into two main parts, Pottery and metal. The main part is made of Pottery, which includes five types of plain unglazed Pottery, 6 types of monochrome glazed Pottery, four types of golden-colored Pottery, and two types of multicolored enamel Pottery, and the second part consists of metal objects, which are three Bronze piece, four type, of Bronze pitchers, three Bronze bowls, two Bronze cylindrical objects, a Bronze lion statue, and the upper part, a Bronze vessel and broken parts, which may have been broken during excavation. Various Bronze vessels have been removed that need further repair and study.   Conclusion Different types of Pottery of the Islamic era, the collection obtained from Barzul Nahavand Cemetery is one of the most valuable Pottery finds in Hamadan province in terms of its health. There are generally divided into two categories: glazed and unglazed and based on the nature. They are also one of the most important elements of chronometry and chronology of this collection, in which accurate dating and historical nature have helped a lot in this research. In answer to the first question in this regard, Pottery has a more acceptable relative and comparative dating capability. In general, the Pottery discovered from Barzul Cemetery can be studied and dated in the middle Ages and the 6th and 7th centuries AH, which shows the cultural interactions and trade of Islamic centers such as Sultanabad, Rey, Neishabour has provided Kashab with Nahavand. The clay finds of Barzul Cemetery with regional and trans-regional finds from middle Ages. The Pottery of Barzul collection is much closer to each other in terms of construction method and designs, and sometimes it can even be said that they are quite similar to each other. But in comparison with trans-regional examples, in some cases, they are similar in terms of construction method and form of dishes, but they have slight differences in terms of patterns and decorative designs. The most prominent Pottery of Barzul collection should be considered as golden and enamel Pottery. Based on comparisons with similar examples in other centers of the Islamic era in the period of the sixth century AH are located. The simple Pottery species of Barzul Cemetery do not have significant quality and are not reliable in the discussion of dating. In terms of Bronze objects, jars and pitchers are among the most significant objects compared to other objects in the Barzul Cemetery complex, a similar example of which has been obtained from Neishabour and belongs to the sixth century AH. In response to the second question, there are two hypotheses that due to the lack of cultural materials and the lack of sufficient information and the impossibility of excavation in Barzul Cemetery, the purposeful burial of objects in the area of objects in the area of Imamzadeh Fazl in order to protect it from looting. In times of danger it has been the most logical option. Because proving the superstition of burial of objects due to the lack of sufficient and reliable information and the urgent need for cultural studies and ethnography will not be a little far from the mind.


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